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üw5 ■s' GRANDMA says it is 20 years since she made suchgood bread as this. She says GlLLETT'S MAGIC YEAST is likethe yeastshe used to make herself, and she hopes she wilj never have to do without it again ; and we all hope so, too. Cali for t at youp Grocer's. It is al ways cjood and always reatiy. mm THE BEST 3BLOOD PURIFIERf IN THE WORLD. 3 WHY SUFFER with that chronic ' Tj disease? Do you want to die ? 9 phur Bitters will cure you as it has b ■% tnousands. j Why do yog snfFer with that FOUL, OFFEN3IVE BREATH? ï- You need. not if you use Sulphur S Bitters. They never fail to cure. i _ Operatives whoarècloselyconfined 1 in the milis and workshops; clerks . ) who do not have sufficient exercise, s and all who are confined indoors, i should use SuJphur Bitters. They ' e will not then be WEAK AND SICKLY. ; Is your Breath impure. Tour l Sí.omach is out of order. Sulphur , Bitters is the best medicine to take. ( Sulphur Bitters will build you up 1 and make you 6TR0NQ AND HEALTHY. At the dawn of womanhood, " phur Bitters should be used. Senrl 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ord-way & Co., Boston, Masa. , f or best medical work puÉlished [CARTERS CURE Bidt Headache and relieve all the tronbles incf dent to a bilioua state of the system, such a3 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsinesa, Distresa after eating, Pain in the Side, ka. While tlieir most reiaarkable Buccess has been shown ia cuüBg SSCK Heaaacbe, yet Carter'a Litüe tlvor Pffla SM equally valuable in Conatipation, oiiring and pre■venting thiaannoyingcomplaint, while they alao correct all disorders of tho s tomachtimulate thQ üver and regúlate the bowela. Eyeniithejonls heao 'Acbs they wonld be slmoat pr iceless to these wha I Buííer f rom this distressing complaint; butf ortu I Eately theirgoodnees does notendhere.and thosa who once try them -will flnd these little pilla Taluable in so many ways that they will not ba vnU ling todo without ihem. Bat after aliaiciihead ACHÍ fis the bañe of bo inany llvea that here !s whera Vemakeour great boast. Ourpillscureitwhüe: Otiiers do not. Carter's Little Li ver Piüs are very small and very easy to take. One or two pilla make a dose. They are Btrictly vegetable nd do not gripe or parge. but by their gentle actloa please all who Dsethem. Zu vialsat 25cents; fivefortl. Sold by druggiats eyerywiere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. ALLP!LL.SMALLDO_SE.JMALLPR!CL FapfflMÏhta - ' - -y -. . . . . s zfcfcxz5 - z " ■ - --4 A Smootb Fence that Will Turn Any Kind of Stock I ' The Best and Cheapest Fenee for the Farm. Made ia sizea lrom H to 58 incbes hig-h, either galvanized or paiuted. Cali and Examine It Avú you will buy no other. M. Strebler, Ann Arbor. Lg%' f The Rocker Washer WBtfefBn - ' n I has proved the most s,itisfactory ( - _ "U BgA of au y Washer ever placed upon ■BBHSHI the marktt. It is warrauted to WÊ wash an ordinary fatnily washinii : jl 'f 1OO PIECES1I OKJB BU JIOUB. as clean as can to " - 1 ,B" washed on the washhoard. Writo YX ROCKER WASHER CO. ■ mly JT. W1YNK, 1SD. O Liberal mducemeiits to live agenta ASTHMA isonn CURED. but The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwin give inHtant relief. 2&c and 50c Slzes Sample mailed f ree. At druggists or maitedon recipt ofprioe brThe Peeriess Remedy Co., GobleviUe, MícIl


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