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f OFFICIAL. 1 OoiUK-il Chain Ann Arbor, Marrii 27, 1983 Speajal Session. PresMent Gooiey Ikmiiíí absent, the coundil was calted to order ly the clerk. Itoll callcd. Quorum present. Absent - Aids. Sehiairer, Ta y lor, Renberg, Cooley - 4. On miotiion ol Aid. Fillmore, Aid. "Wïnes was elected president pro. tem. The oall for special meeting having been miade by tihie clerk, tlie following btus-iniess was transacted. Mr. P. L. Bodmar stated to the tfaat T., A. A. & N. M. E. K. Co., hiave agreed tio biïild and extend sile track on fhie soutli and weet side of tlneir miain track across Main street to his lumber yards. He also ag-reed to plank the wliole cru By Alderman Prettyman : Resolved Xb&t leave and permis.sion is hereby granted to the Toledo. Ann Arbor and Xorthern Michigan HallwayC'o. to exlend, lay and construct a sid#-trnclc to lts main tracfe on, over and across South iMain Btreet, In the City of Ann Arbor and to maintiiin tlie same on the rudo of said street, so long as P. Ij. Bodraan or hls assigus shall niai nt,;iiii ii lumber yard on the weft side of Main street on the lamls now ovnjd by snï'l liodin:iM, on conilition ttiat snid rallway companyorsald Bodman and his aSBigns Bba.IT keep and mal n talo said rallway tracks and said slde-track planked to the full satififaction of the Board of l'ublic Works and Str-ct Commissioners. AK1. O'Mara tnoyed tbat the lutiiiou le reíerred to the street commlttee witlii power to act. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved tilia t tlie Ann Avbor Fuel Gas OrdSbance wliicli was laad upon tihe tablO at the last meeting, be now taken from tlie table. Adopted. After wluth the chair ha ving sta (cd the questSön to be, "Shail thi.s Orduwuice pass ?" On mötton of Aid Prettymaii the follo-svi'iig amiendment was read and added to Sectton 6, of said ordinance. The fuel gas furnished by tbis company at 75 cents per 1,010 cubit leet sball eontain an average of at least 400 available beat units per cnbitfoot, tests to be comparativo. Provlded that 1f the company shall farnista fnel k:i ta M'ice less than 75 cents per thousand cublt feet, snch gas may have fewer than 400 h. n. to may be reduced, in proportion, as the price is reduced. Aid. Snow miOTed tlwvt the ord ii. mi -i and amondment. be laid tipon Uve table untia May let. Aid. Martin moved tliat Aid Prettymnn be allowed tJie floor. Adopted. The questiion bebig called for the ni'otion of Aid. Snow was adopted. On motion tlie conncil adiourned. Oity Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
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