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Rea! Estáte For Sale. OTATE OF MICHTGAN. COÜNTT OP WASH tennw, ss. ín thc mnttpr ot the e-state of Maurice Dwyer. deceasud. Notice is herthy srivon that Ín pnrsuanee of en order jrranted to the UDclereigrned adminístratorof the estáte of said deeeased bv tbe Hon. Judg-e of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the 21st day of February A D. 1893, there will be sold at public vendue to the hisrhest bidder, at tbe East frontdoor of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor ia the countr of Washtenaw, in satd State on Tuesday. the eleventh day of April, A. D 1S98 at ten o'clock in the lorenoon of that day (subject to all eneumbrances by mortirage or otherwise at tbe time of the death of isid tfeeea6ed) the following described real estáte, towit: The north-east quarter of the north-west rjuarter and ihe northwest quarter of the nortb-east quarter of section twenty-one (21) in thetownshipof Dexter, Washtenaw counry, Michigan. r, . ., OWYER, Administrator. Dated February 21st 1893 gTATE OF MICHIGAN, BANKing Department, Office of theCommissioner. Whereas, By satisfactoryevidence presented to tbe underaigned, ;t has been made to appear that the State Sav injrs Bank of Ann Arbor. in tbe City of Ann Arhor in the County of Washteoaw. State of Hichiran. has complied with all the proviaiODS of the General nanking Law of the State of Michigan, requlrod to be complied with before n Corporation shall be authorized to commence the business of Banking. Now therefore, I, Theodore C. Sherwood, Commi88ioner of the State Banking üeoartraent, do hereby certify that the State Savings Bank of Ann Arbor. in the City of Ann Arbor. in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, is authorized to commenee the Business of Banking, as provided in Section Seven IT) of the General Banking Law of the State of Michigan. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office at Lansing-, this eighteenth day of November, 1892. No. H4. ' THEODORE C. SHEHWOOD. Commissioner of the Banking Department. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF n Washtenaw, s. Notice is hereby giyen, that by an order of the Probate Court for the Countv of WaBhtenaw, made on üie 20 day of Manta A. D. lSv)3. six months from tliu't date werc allowed for creditors to present their claims againat the estáte of Frank H. Bassett, late of said county, deceased. aud that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claima to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the citvof Ann Arbor, lor examination and allowence, on or before the 'iOtri day of September, next, and that such claims wiil be heard before said Court on the 2"th day of June und on the 2. ih day of September next, at ten o'clock m the forcuoonof eaeh of said days. D:ited, Aun Artor, Maren SOtb. A. T 1f93 J. WILLAKD BABIÜTT, Judge of Prouate Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oí Washteuaw, Ba. JSotiee itj hereby giveü, thatbyan onler of the Probate Jourt'for the County ül' Washtenaw, made on the 20th dar of March, A. D. 18'Jö, six mnnths from that date were allowed ior ereditora to present iheir timing aguinst the estáte of Kzia A. Rokers, late of said county. deceased, and that al! creditors rf said deceased are iequired to present theirchums to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office iu the city of Ann Arbor, forexaminaiion and allowance. on or before the 2Üth day of September next, aud that such claims wiil be heard before said Court on the 20th day of June, and on the 20tt day of Septemher next, at ten o'clock iu theforenoon of eacu of said days. Dated, Ann Arhor, Maren 20tli, A. 1). 1893. J.WILLARD UAItBITT, Judee ol Probate. Estáte of Arthur Coe. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY " ot Washteuaw, sa. At a session of the ProbftttCourt for the Countyof Wnshtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in fhe city of Ann Arbcr, d Tuesday, the 21at dny ol llnrch, in ihe year out thousand eighthundred and ninety-hree. Present, J. Willard Bahbitt, .Tudge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Arthur Coe, decessed. HenryCoi', the executorof the list wlll and tfstament of sid deceaaed, comes into court nnd rfpresents thut heisnow prerared 10 render bi annual account as such execut jt. Thereupon it ia ordered that Tuesday, the 18th dny of Apti), next, at teu o'clock in tl e foreuoon, be assigned for examiningand allowitifrsuch account, auu that the deviseei, legatees andheirsat-law of said deceased, 'ind allother persons mtereted in said estatö are required to appear at a sedfion of said eourt, then to be holden at the -Toba'tï Ofhce iu the city of Ann Arbor, in s rid County and show cause, if anv be why the said account should noc bo allowed: And" it is furtber ordered tliat said executor glve uotice to the persons interested in said estáte, oíthependency of said account and the hearing tfiereof. by causing a copy of this order to be pubiisbed in tii e AKH Arbok Aklïus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county three tuccesive week? previous to .said day of hearinji J. WILLARD BABRITT, lAtruecopy.) Jude ol'Probate. WilliamIt. 1oTY, Probate Résister. Estáte of James W. Waugh. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY k_? ol Washtenaw, ss At a cession of the Probate Couri for the County oí Washtenaw, holden at the Probate OihVe in the city oí Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the Clst day of March, in the year one thousand ight hundred and uiaecy thiee. l'reseut, .1. Willard BabMU,.T"d(;e of Probate. In the malterof the estateot James W. Waugh, deceased. Alfred Davenport, the administrator of sad estáte, comes iuio court und reprraenis thil l is now prepared to render lus linal account as such administra'or. Thereupon it is ordered thut Tuesday, the 18th day of April, next, at ten o'clock in the forcnoon, be assUned for examiniug and allowiug such account, and that the heira at law ol said deceased, and all other persons interested in eaid fstate. are required to tppear at a seaiou ot said court. then to be boldenat ihe Probate office, m thecity of Aun Arlior, in said county. and show cause, ïfany theie be, why the said account should not ho allowed: Aiid it. is further ordvrvd, that said administiator give notice to the pervius inii-r-'ed iu said estáte of the pendency of saiu i c wut, an'l the hearing thereoi,by causmg a cops of Miiaonter to ue pubhslien in the Ann Arbok Aiíiíus. h nfewspitper pnntetl Mud csirculatiug in aaid couuty, Utree sucoeasive weeka previous to aairt day ot heariutt. .1 WILLAKD BAÜBITT, ( A. truc copy. ) Juilge of Probate . William 6 DüTY, Prob.ite P.oiiister. Notice of the Pendency of Attachment Proceeding. rjiHK CIRCUIT COÜBÏ FOE THE COUNTV A of Washtenaw. Notice is hereby givcn that a writ of attachment was on the fourtb day of February, A. I). 18SM, duly iisued out of and under the aeal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, for the siini of one hundred and tifty-oiu' dollars, in which John Kapp is plaintilï autl Adolpb Hoffstetter is defendant, itnd (rhloh said writ was returnable on the seventh day of March. A. D. 1893, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of said day. DatecLMarcb tóth, 1883. E. B KORBIS. Attorney for PlaintitT. Estáte of Viola S. Wright. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for tbe County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wedneeday, the 16th day of March, ia the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three. Present J. Willard Bnbbitt, Judge of Probate. In tbe matter of the estáte oí Viola S. Wright, minor. On reudmg and nlinvr the petltlou duly verifled, of Josephme Freemau, prayiuir thar iruardiansbip of the pi rson an:i estáte of said minor may bc granted to Abraham Cottman, or souie oiher suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Friday, the seventb day of April, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assifrned lor the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of eaid minor, and all other persons iuterested in said estáte, ure required to appear at a 8ession of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, iu theCity of Ann Arbor, and show cause, it any there be, why theprayer of thepetitioner should not be granted. Anditis further ordered that said petitioner trive notice to the persons interested in suid estáte, of thependeney of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causiufr a eopy of this order to bo publiehed in the Asn Ahbob Arous, a newsi paper printed andcireulated in said county, ■ two 8uccessive weeks preyious to eaid day ' ofbearinsr. J. WILLABD BABBITT, [A true eopy.] Judge of ProbateWiluam ü. ÖOTT, Probate Beslater.


Ann Arbor Argus
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