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A NEWSPAPER MAK', Connected With the Great Paper, the Aibany Express, HAKESHTAIEnGSIfN WHICJH IHK PKOPLB SHOCIi) K.VO' NI UNDEKSrANt. Tliej wilt Inicrest, Not Only t, e Nws]aer rraturnfly kut Kverj-Soly. The popular and well-known Thomas A. Liudsay, who is eonnected with Albany'sfls. Y.)leadingmorning paper the Aibany Express, makes in interestLag revehttion. Everybody conuected with the newspaper has known oí the facts for sotne time, and can vouch lor their truth in every particular. 'For many years," said Mr. Lindsav, "I have been subject to severe spells óf headaehe and nervousness, at times almost enough to drive a man to insanity f rom pain, loss of sleep, etc. "Medicines, narcotics, patent and prescribed, did not give relief, and the ailment increased continually. Havinoread in the Aibany Morning Express, at different times, the advertisementof Dr. Greene's Nervina blood ind nerve remedy, I concluded to try this remedy, and after the use of six or seven bottles, found not only relief, but also a radical cure. "Theheadaches are a thing of the past while the terrible nervous spells have gradually become less and less until now 1 have little or none of them left and my sleep is natural and refreshing. "I do not hesitate in saying that tbis remarkable change is ent.inly due to Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, and I heartiiy recommend it for ailiiients like my own, no matter thp cituse of tliem." It is a fact that our great business and professional men aré fast iinding out the wonderful invigorating and strength-giving powers of this most valuable discoverv.Dr.Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. It is the medicine for the weak and "nervous. It restores health to the sick. lts remarkable cure of Mr. Lindsay, after everything else had failed, makes anotherconspicuonsperson, restored to health by its use, tor.dd tothe long and constantly increasing list of prominent and well-known people who are almost daily puWishing in the papers statements of their cures by this grand medicine. It is beyond all qnestion thegreatest curer of tlisease known at the present day, and is the very best spring medicine for blood and nerves. Everybody needs a spring medicine, and this is just the remedy to t.ake. It is purely vegetable and harmless, andis sold by druggistsfor 31. l'lus grent remedy is the discovery and prescription of the famous physician, Dr. Greene. of 35 W, 14th Street, Xew York, who is the most successful specialist in curing nervons and chronic diseases in this country. We wou ld add that the doctor can lie consulted lree, personally or by letter. Suffe re rs f rom Piles should know that the Pyramid Pile Cure will promptly and elïectually remove every trace of them. Any druggist will get it for you. The quick meal gasoline Btoves have no equal. Be sure you see it and tr.y it before you buy, Schuh &Muehlig.3w The Youtiï's Cyclopcedia, issued by C. B. Beach & Co., of Chicago, is, educationally considered, the most important publication of recent years' It has been prepared by a corps of teachers and educational writers expressly to meet the needs of the young, and supplies a want which teachers and párente have long and deeply feit. It is sold by subscription and is having an enormous sale. Any one want ing an agency which oflere rare advantages, should consult the advertisement of this work which appears in another column. Now is the time to get your gasoline stoves repaired. See Schuh &Muehlig. When Baby was siek, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried f or Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had ChUdren, she gavethem Castoria.


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