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Ex-WSayor Long Curedof Indigestión and Dyspepsia General Health Built up - Wife Also Greatly Beneflled. Hon. Geo. S. Long Is a very popular and successful lawyer of Troy, Ohio. He stands high in the estimation of his fellow citizeüs, having been mayor of the city. He writes as follows : " In this case my brief contains a good many important points iu favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla which I feel it my duty to file with you. We have found tlie medicine of very great value at our house, as my better half and myself have both been greatly benefited by it I got into quite a serious condition with Indigestión and Dyspepsia. I had very little appetite, and when I did eat suffered very severely with nausea and distress in my stomach. At times I had ver severe headaches, and in the mornings would have thattired feeling and feel so dJïïl and npirit leu that I feit no inclination to attend my busiHood's Cures ness. But I found in Hood's Sarsaparilla a true friend. It secmed to give streuth to my weak stomach, restored my appetite, and assisted digestión, so that I can now eat hirirtüy and enjoy it. With the disapi.oarance of my indigestión I have also feit Renewed Strength and Vigor, and every day feel as though I could do three times as much work as formerly. And best of all, the benefit is not temporary, but permanent. My wife was in a weak, nervous, delnlitated condition, growing worse all tho time. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so much good I persuaded her to takeit, and in lier case, also, It seemed to work like magie. It built her up finely, and did everything you elaim in saying Hood's SarsapaHHa 'Makes the Weak Strong.' We are warm frlends oMIood's." Geo. S. Long, Troy, Ohio. Hood's Pulsare purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists. Health, is Wealth! Db. E. C. West's Nervb anc Brain Threat mest, a guaranteed speciflc tor Hysteria, Dizzines8. Convulsiona, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Soltening of the Brain resultingin insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature Oíd Age, Barrenness, Lose of Power in either sex, lrivoluntary Losscs and Spermatorrhoea caused by oVer-exertion of the brain, elf -abuse or over-indultreuee. Each box contaius one nionths troatmenu 81.00 a box, or six boxes lor Sï.tX', sent by maü prepaiü on roccipt of price. WEGÜAKliVTEESIX IIOXKS To cure any case. With each order received by us tor six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the pnrcnaser our written gruarautee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees icsued only by Eberbach & Son, Druggists, Solé Ajrents, Aun Arbor, Mich. $500 Reward! WE willay the abnve reward lor any ease of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Siek Headache, Indigestión, Const.ipution or Costiveness we caunot cure with Wegt'B VejretableLiyer Pilis, when the directions are etrictly eomplied with. They are purely Vegetable, and uever fail to give 8ati8faction. Sugar C'oaced. Largeoxes, eontainiDjfBO Pilis, 25 cents. Bewareof counterfeits and imitatious. The senuine manufaetured onlyljy THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, 1LL. For sale by all drugg-ists. C W, VOGEL, Ann Strekt. GHCIGEST CÜTS CF STEAK5. All kinds Of MEATS AND SAUS AGES. Fresh lard always in stock. Poultry in season BWiiMÜÖffS, Mffil 1ÍR0CERY A N i I FLOÜB km SI I , ■I Ij '1(1 B3EAD, CBACKtRS, ÜAKES, 4o. For Whoiesiila or l'.tit,aii. ïracü. We shall also keep :. .ji GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M Swlft & Co.'a Best WTiits Whf-; Flour, Bye Flour. líuckwiieat Floxia, Cora Meal, y tea., &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A general stock ol 3E00ESIES AKÍ PEOVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. BT"Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. y Goods Delivered to any part of the city wllh out extra charee. Rinwor St Seabolt.


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