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Is Life Worth Living?.

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THE ELIXIR OF YOUTH! sfS$ rJÊVBfilÊEr ■ 'HT ïtisnotif j'onarenot in posseseion of the fcJS gmrJS&HB&BË--. -. SP faculties tor enjoyinf? il. We otfer to the ''itSfa&fZÊÊmËh % ' public a true and trustyiemedy, the ÍWpfyLfflí ' " OF ': 43SÏJBBCII, KlrY%&m40FJ&, A Positive, specdy, safe and reliahle sclcntin? fwnBÜkffilSWfBrZiiifi wêftBIP compound, manuiactured ouly by skilled chetr' ■■' frv 'S Pk$ríSJÍE!8f?' lats. ftom the prescripüon ola Germán physlciau laLF_P!í 1 NaiíSLBlSi?' m l v world-wide lajne. v-Vji AkflKltSISHSl A R IK We guaranteethislïlixlrto restore thr.-.-:;tliiy 'ÍkBPEHSM&Í'b' of yalii to tho-e vho rira surte-tng in.r.i th ,BHBHra& uijuses to commou in this age. l. is a .oditlvu '"" "■M-?-Jy'SlpBfg"TBEKy' cure for tSpermatorrhea, Loss of Power, -Miiht ■■"'C.. mST-lZ-t "'i ÍOmissicnsandallSemlnal Weakuess. WC pub "" ""'a ■■ " ' ■ ■ rm-r iisti uo rijimos, but have on file sworn teHiJnio nia!sof the wonderful results produced by this eüxir, whlch weare authonztd tosüo-v or '.j . uuiiüou oí anyone requíring such a medicine. BE A MAN ACAiN. We charge no exhorbitantprice, nor do we offer you a quack nostrum, but a legitímate and seleuttac preparation, whtch will surely do all we claim for it. The Elixir is put up in 4oz boules, and retailsfor$1.00, or6íor Ï5.0Ü. Tliis valuable remedy will be fouad on sale oy all lertdlngdruggista. Each druggist hason file sworn testimoniáis of the wouderful cure íroduced by this Elixir, and tlie propríetors conüdently refer all in need of it to them. The Germán Hospital .Remedy Co., Grand Rapids, füch." Foi' Sale by all Drnggists. C. EBERBACH &l SONS, Agents.


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