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KEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE STATE SAVINGS BANK AT ANN ARBOK, MICHIGAN, At the close of business, May 4, 1893. HCSOURCES. Loans and discounts 863,693 02 Stocks, bouds, mortgases, etc 10,WJL 69 Due from bttnks in reserve cities lii.Oil (H Pue trom oiher banks and bankors.. Tñl M) Furnitureand tixtures 3,009 21 C'urrent expenses and taxespaid êS9 01 Interest paid 68 71 Checks and oah items BSO 98 Nickelsaud penales 49 86 Gold eoin :sö 00 Blivereoin 1,052 30 U. B. and National Bank Notes 2,420 00 Total ifln,5:J5 32 I.IABILITIES. Capital stoi-k ]ioid in $50,000 00 IlndivideJ profits 1,243 g Individual deposits 20,614 00 Serttncatea of deposit 15,854 &ï Savinirs deposits 11,821 32 Total -TO,5 32 State of Michigan, 1 County of Washtenaw, j 8Sl I, Robert Phillips, Casuier of the above named Bank, do soleunly swear tbat the abov statement is true, to the best of my knowledgeand belief. KOUEhT PHILLIPS, Cashier. Corrbct.- Attest: WM, ARNOLD, E. ). MILLS. W. J. BOUTH, Direct ore. Subsi'ribei and swom to before me this llth day of May 18SÖ. WM. G. DOTV, Notury Public. JAY C. TAYLOR Tenor Suloist anti Teacher of the Voice. ! Vocal Studio, 51 S. Main Street JtTIIsr A.EBOE. FOR FINE SOAPS And i-ich and lasting1 Perfumes we are able to offer for your inspection an exceptionilly larse and elegant stock. Soaps made from commoD fats or roRin aro not fit for toilet purposes- be aura and by a pure soap at onr drug store. Our perfumes we guarantee the best. MANN BROS., lrugrgists, 39 S. Main St , - ANN ARBOR. ■vInFM inr ■ W+Ê ISv TB THE GEEAT BLOOD AND LIVER PURIFIERJ Bulldsyou up to a remarkable power of endurance without medicine. The iollowing Is from oneof our best Chicago lnstitutions, St. Mary's Seminary for Glrls: "Wa have iound your ' Moxie' an excellent restoratlve to the weak and debllitated, and for the benefit ol those who read thls, we wlsh to expresathlsfact." Kesgecufl MOXIE CURES SICK HEADACHE.) 1 6old at 25c a bott lo generally. fc Hie Chicago Moxie Mn Food Co., CHICAGO, UId CLEVELAND and HARRISON OF SAME OPINIÓN ThuttheE.L O'CONNOB CO. can make the lame, with short les, from 2 to lu inches, look like otherpeople; wear shoesalike. No.clumsy cork or irtni. Send for price. ■167-169 Wabash Avenue Chjca III. M. P. VOGEL. DEALER IN Fresh, Salt anul Sni!ser loats And iaino insi;asir'. 22 E HIBOInT S "" ■=L EE3 KT? TRUCK 1 STQBAGE C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 46 Fourth Ave., North Telepboue 82. TC. HBRZ, NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. JoüSE, SlGN, ONAMENAL AND FRESCO PaINTER, I rllding, calcimiumt'. irlazinv and paper hang ng. All work is done in the beet style and arranted to give eatiefactlon.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News