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People Fino -lliat it is not wise to experimenc with cheap compounds purporting to be blood-purifiers, but whieh liave no real medicinal valué. To make use of any other than the oíd standard AYEtt'S Sarsaparilla-the Superior Blood-purifler- ís simply to invite loss of time, money, and health. If yon are afflicted with Scrofula, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Running Sores, Tumors, or any other blood disease, be assured that ít Pays to Use AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and AYER'S only. AYER'S Sarsaparilla can always be depended upon. It does not vary. It is always the same in quality, quantity, and effect. It is superior in combination, proportion, appearance, and m all that goes to build up the system weakened lv disease and pain. It searches out all impurities in the blood and expels them by the natural channels. AyCR'S Sarsaparilla Preparcd by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowel!, Maar. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; bíx bottles, $á. Cures others, will cureyou ej.bilïeTïImïi Pupil of Sauret. After three years' study at the "Stern Conservatory." Berlín. Germany, under eminent teachers in Solo, Ensemble, and Theory ; also under professors of the "Berlin High School" is now prepared to take pupils at his rooms in the Ann Arbor Organ Companfs Building, Cor. Main and Liberty Sts., -AIST AB3OR. SS'-'Terms made known on applicaüon. _gLJ WÁNTED. Qitick, actire man at once. Must epedk Ge; man and furnish references. $18 PER WEEK. The Chicago Pnblieatïon and Lithograph Co. 194 Madison St, CHICAGO, ILL. lii-Kl iinlns. First Week. Secón Week. WEAK MEN ÏNSTANT BELIEF. Cure In 14 doys. Never returns. Í will eend (sealed) CDCC to niy fellow sutrerere a prescription rnCE to enlarge small weak organs. A eure cure forEiuíssions, Lost Manhood, Nervous Debility.Yaricocele, etc. Address T..S.Frinklln, Muslo Dealer, Maranall, Mlch, rg% M pip ï 20.000 ACRKS oí kM X 8i class MiCHJGAM ia-m Jj $ L & lands near railroads, ín Alcona, M m Alpena and Montmorency counties; soil, rich clay and gravel' ioams; hardwood tiraber; well watered by springs and living streanis; near churches, schools and lively towns. Price, $3 to Í5 per acre. Easy terms. Perfect titles. T. S. SPRAGUE, 818 Hammond Bld'g, Detroit. Micil Mortgage Sale. DEl'AULT HAVING BEEN MADE IX THE condition of a mortfrage beartng date October Ist, 1W)2. made by l'nristopher'Com'skie and Celina Comiskie, lus wife, to Manly J. Furnum. and recorded in the office of the Re(risterof Deeds for Waehtenaw County, in the State of Michitran. on the Ist day of October, 1S92, in Liber 80 of Mortsatres, on pase :J12, it being pro vlded in said mortgajre that In case of the non-payment of interest the mort'-;apee could elect to consider the wbole amount due, and default h&vlzig beeu made in the payment of Interest, the mortstajree hereby elects toconsider the whole amount due and payable; and on whieh mortgajfe there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of Four Hundred Thirty-One and Fifty-EiulitOne-Hundredths Dollars (8431.58), and no suit or prOL'ecdin.ïs at law havinir beeu instituted to recover the amount now remainingsecured by said mortirage or any part thereof, notice is therefore liereby given that on Saturday, the 29th day oL July. 1893, at ten oYlbek In the forenoon. there will be sold at t hë 'Kast front door of the Court House, in the city of AnD Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, at public vendue, to the hifhest bidder, the premises desoribed In said mortiraiie. or sq much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount due'on said mortsage as above set fortli. with the interest thereon and the costs, charges and expenses allowed by law and provided for ia said ninriua'_rc: Bald premises beinm situated in the Township ot Northficld, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and'described as followes, towit: The South half of the North-East quarter of the South-West quarter of Section Sixtecn in Tównship One. Souih of Bange 81x, East, oontaining twenty acres: also the North half of the SOuth-Eaat quarferof the Southwest quarter of said Bection Sikteen, coutainias twenty acres of land Dated May 6tli. 1S93. MANLY J. FUHNTM, Mortgasee. Thompson. Hariuman & Thompson, Attornej s for Mortgagee. Estáte of Edmund Clancy. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY cm Washtcnnw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for tli Cuntv of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in t Ti t_ City ot Ann Arlor, on Widaesclay, the lüih day of April, in tlic yenr oue tbouaand piïht huudred and Dir.ety-thrcc, Present! J.Willard üubhitt, Judse of Probate. Id tnomntter of the esiate ot Edmund Clancy. deceased. On readingr and filinLr the petition, duly veriñed, of William IT. Clancy, praying that a cettaio instrument now on file u thia Court, pUrporting to he thi last will r.ud testament ot Baid deceaped may be adniitted to probate and that administration with tbe will anuexed of suid estáte luiy hu ginnted to James Kearns, there beingno executor in said will named, ov to souip other suitable pprsou Tuorewpon it ia ordered, that Monday, the 15th day of May next, at te" o'clock in the forenoon. issiinad or the hearing of suid petition, and tlv.itTthe deviseee, lcgatecsund ht-irs at law of Bttid deceased and all other persous ïnteresio'i in suid ABtatfi, are requirod to appear at a session ot' aald Oourt, th-ju to be hoWen at tbe Probate Office, in the city of Aou Arbor, and fthow cautie, if my thero be, why the pravfT of Lhepttitioner shonld nol be grsnted. And it is lurther ordered, that said petitioner ííive notice to the persons interested in said estáte ot t.he pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof bTcausing acopy of tlue order to he published ii the Anx Arbok .ARGbS, a nevspaper pnnt'( and circulated in said County, three BUCcessiTe weöka previous to stiid óny of hearinii. J. WÏLLAKD BABBITl", I A true cöpy] Judge of Probate William G. Doty, Probate Register. ASTHUa lso"a CÜRED, but Jhe PEERLESR ASTHMA REMEDYwil give iuKtnutreliei. 2&cand 50cslres. Sampl j mui led f ree. Atdwiïiüt or mailedou receipt of pric byThö Poorïöss KQmodjf Co. üoblevüle, Slicii


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News