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Free Ride To Detroit

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une of the sreaiest opporiunities ever offered to ihe people of Michigan is tliat now glven bv the Chicago Bankrupt Clothins; Go., o( Na 4 Monroe ave., letroit. Tlie immense stock of the wi;ll knowu clotliing and furnlsliing poods manufacturera, Me-srs ehlo-s. Adler & (Jo., of 23 and 25 Lamed street, Detroit, was last week put luto the hands of a receiver. Thia stock has been placed in the mammutli store No. 4 Monroo avenue and wiil he sacnhred regardless of rost or value In order to close out the stock as (juirkly as possible. Thecompany makes tlns special offer to partios living out of the city, namely: To every purchaser to the amount of $12 in clothinj; or goods liis or her rallroad fare will be paid one way and to the purchaser of 18 or over fare w'iU ho palü both ways. Out out the notice, brinsr It with you and after you have made your purcliase present il, to the manager and your car fare wUl le deducted. Kemeraber this stock ín to be sold without reserve; everytlnng nmst go at sonie price no matter hovgreat the sacrifica and those that are early in takin.s advantaire of this slaughter sale will havo the best chance for selection. l'on't forget the place, N'o. 4 Monroe ave, opposite city hall and next to the Uerman American Bank. llere are a few of the tnousands of bargalns that are bcin otlered. Cut it out and bring it with you. FffRNISBING GOOOS DEPAHTMEXT 5,000 men's neckties in all styles, 5c to 25c, worth froni 25c to il 00 S00 doz. men's working socks, 5c; 7 pairs for 2") J, 000 doz men's dress socks. 9c; worth . :a 200 doz. men s splendid working shirts, 2'jc ; wort h 50 200 doz. men's fine Négligé shirts, 36c; worth 100 150 doz. men's laundered shirts 45c: worth 125 1,000 doz. men's suspenriers, 10c; worth ',A 1,000 rnen's hoft and stiff hats, ali the latest styles, 5!)c to SI '; worth f rom $1 toa 50 Cr.OÏHINfi DEPARTMENT Men's gqod working suitsi' i7 worth.. . 7 0') Men's nice business suits Sa 15 worth.. 10 1)0 JN.'en'H line dress suits In spring and summer welglits, In Cheviot, Scotch Tweeds and (ussiruere.s. f rom S4 yó to W 15. great barirains at 512 to SIS Men's Imported (Jlay Wórsted suits in Hrlnce Alberts and cutaways, 4'J 7, deadeheap at . 24 00 Mens fine medium and lisht welght overcoats frOni & 1 to 8 75, good value at f rom í to S'20 00. 000 men's wrirking pants 70c, worth . .. 2 00 Mens tine dress pants in (Jasslmeres and WoratedutJ uiand Si l.; tbeclotü in these pants cost more mouey. Jlen's overalls and jackets 2-lc, worth 50c. 5,000 Children s Knee l-'ants frota KIe lo 50c, worth 50ctoïl50 Boys' School Suits, h:c worth 2 50 Boys' Fine Dress .Suils in Cheviots and Cassimeres, Spring Styles, tZ 37, worth 58 00 Uuuager.


Ann Arbor Argus
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