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tSilIett's i fW51C fEAST fQuicKest fór The ONLY P Bread - wbicb fTfí Preveots Dyspepsia 3 ARE Y.OU Is your Urine thiek, j low spirited ropy, cloudy, or highL M and suffering colored? Don'twait! K, J from the Your KIDNEYS are K Mcesses of being ruined. Use i 3 youth? If so Sulphur Bitters. í M Sulphur One bottle of SulI 5 ters will cure phur Bitters will do ' J you. you more good than j&BBMaBBMBiH all the Lat in pres5 1 criptions of drugs and mineral poi! ■ sons which will remain in your sys 5 tem, destroy your bones, and make t, ■ you a poor, weak, and broken down 1 invalid. íío person can remain long ' 3 sick who uses Sulphur Bitters. If YOUR DAUCHTER'S FACE ' ' J is covered with ugly sores, and f est ering Pimples, give her Sulphur f A Bitters. Ladies in delicate health, 9 who are all run down, should use J Sulphur Bitters. None better. v Try Sulphur Bit-"""""""" Sjters NICHT, ARE YOU t A and you will sleep nervous and 1 well and feel better fretty, or in Sforit. DELICATE Sulphur Bitters health? Sula J will make your blood phur Bitters ► S pure, rich and strong will make a ? 3 and your flesh hard. n e w person Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass. , f or best medical woik pablishccl ' 'CARTERSj CURE Eek Head&che and relieve all the titraties Incf ctent to a bilious Btate of the system, suoh 80 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distresg after esting, Pain in the Side, &o. Whila theirmosi remarkable euccesa hafi been ahown is ciiring . SÏCK Heaöache, yet Carteas Little Lívot Pilïi ara equally valnable in Constipation, curing and pro Venting thiB annoy ing complaint, white they als correct all disorders of theBtomach,8timulatetna liver and regúlate the bo welfl. L ven iL the; only HEAD f Acb they wonld be slmost priceless to those wfta Bui.'er from thisdtetreesing complaint; butiortuuately theirgoodness does notend here.and thosa Who once try them will flnd these little pills valu. tibie In eo many ways that they will not be willing todo without them. But after allsickñead ACHË fis the bane of bo many Hvea that here Ia whera Itremakeourgreatboaat. Our pilla cure it whila ethers do not. 1 Carter'a Little Liver Pille are very gmall anii Tery easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable nd do not gripe or pnrge, bnt by tlieir g entle action please all who. ose them. Invialsat 25 cents; flvefor$l. Sold by druggists evetvwhere, or eent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSt. SMALLPRICE hpVoralnfau A Smootb Fence that Will Turn Any Kind of Stock! ' The Bestand Cheapest Fence for the Farm. Made in eizee frotn 24 to 58 inehes high, either galvanized or painted. Cali and Examine It And you will buy no other. M. STAEBLER, Ana Arboi-. LANDS FOR SALE. By the lüitioix Ce,ntral II. R. Co., at luw priees nul on easy terms, in Southern Illinois. The beet farm country in the world lor either large or small farms, jrardens, fruits, orchards, dairyinc-, raising stock or sfceep. A greater variety of crops, with a reater proflt, can be grown on a lees amount of land in this country than can be raised in any other portion of this State. Special inducements and facilities otfered by the Illinois Central Kailroad Company to go and examine these landa. For f uil description and map and any information, address or cali upon E. P. SKENE, Land Commissionor I. O. Jt. B. Co., 78 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111.


Ann Arbor Argus
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