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YOUR BREAD CANT BE SOUR IFYOUUSE GILLETT'S MAG IC YEAST ZYiïS I KEVER GLTS ECONOMICAL ) dUUH. Ask for "Magie" at your Grocer's. Let him geil his olher Kinds to oiher people. 1 M fel H B Kl;; aCIeanse The Vitiated f I Blood Jwhen you see I its impurities Burstingthrough I The Skin I In Pimples, ; Blotches t i And Sores. r Rely on Sulphur f ' ters and Health wiSI E ' follow. X Sead 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & C: , Boston, Mass., ior best medical work publislic CARTERS CURE Blek Headaehe and relieve all the tronblsg fnof ent to a bilious state of the system, such ad Dizzinc-ss, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distresa after eating, Pain in the Bide, &c While theirmosé reniaikable Euccess has been shown in cadfig SICK Heaaache, yet Carter's Little Llver Pfflfl ara Oqually valuable in Constipation, cuiing and pre venting this annoyingconiplaint, -white thoy also correct all disorders of the 8 tomach,stimulate tha Jiver and regúlate the bowela. Evenif theyonlj HEAD ' Aclie they wonld be almost priceless to tnose wlia Buffer f rom this distressing complaint; butiortuEately tbeirgoodneas does notend here.andthoea whooncetrythemwill flnd these little pülaTaluable In bo raany ways that they will not be wil ling todo without them. But after all sickhead ACHE flsflie bane of bo many livea that here ia whera I Vie make onr great boast. Oor pilla cure it white otherB do not. : Carter's Little Liver Pilis are very email and very easy to take. One or two pilla make a dose. They are Btrictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. Invialsat 25 cents ; ilvefor$l. Soid bj druggists evezywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLP1LL. SMALL OOSE. SMALLPRIGE hpfomtinFBUB A Smootb Fence that Will Turn Any Kind of Stock! ' The Bestand Cheapest Fence for the Farm. Made in eizes trom 24 to 58 incbes high, either galvanized or painted. Cali and Examine It And you will buy no other. M. STAEBLER, Ana Arbor. LANDS FOR SALE. By the Illinois Central R. H. Co., at lino prtces and on noay terrns, in Southern Illinois. The best farm country ín tbe world for either Jurpc or email farms, grardens, fruits, orchards. iiairyin(f, raising stock or sheep. A ífreater variety of crops, with a grreater iirofit, can be grown on a less amount of land in this ountry than can be raised in any other portion of this State. Special nducements and facilities olfered by the Illinois Central Kailroad Company to go and examine these lands. For lull description and mflp and any information, address or cali upoD E. P. SKENE, Land Commissioner I. C. B. E. Co., 78 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. l


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News