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ASTOUNDING BARGAINS. The Kom;irkable Oflerliig of the Chicago ISankrupt Clotliing Compauy. The Chicago Bankrupt Clothlng Company has the conncence of t:ie puolic. ThU contidenoe has been secured by the untirlng efforts of the concern iocaied ai No. 4 ,onroe avenue, Jietroit. Mich. H lias sold Bonafie t hankrtipt ttocks at such iow pricea ihui seems so moneyless to uyers- the splendid Koi-t uf tschJoss, .'.dier ei Co., Detroit- is one instance of the liiu'h grade goods sold by the Chicago I ankrupt ( lothlug to. at bargains oí 23 cents 011 the dollar. 'J hese masnificent froods are now on sale at Nu. i Jlonroe avenue, i etroit, so tha1 people who are now ready to secure a verltaole bargatnln clotniim or f urnlshings shoald not delay another da ',n visitlng tliis sreat sale. Do not be lei ; away by any mlsleacüii advertisina of woulit-be li:inkruptor Creditors' Sales of clotbius;. Tliese concerns that travel from city to cay no not stay louter than a week in a place and invarlably lieeee the people who comv to trade lth them. Don t be mistaken Oy thelr aldres. The Chicago Hantrupt Clothlng ('o. is at the sanie old stand, o. 4 Monroe avenue, next to the Ucrman-Amerlcan Bank and oppo site the city hall. 'J be company guarantees every article as rej-resented. and all goods not satisfactory can Lie returned. The company oft'ers a special inducement to parties livin? at a distance from the city: namely. if every person after purchasiru; clothes or furnishings to the amount of -J:2 will present this paper to the manaei' and his or l,er railroad fare will be payed one wav, aud 1o the purchaser of ils, fare will ne paid boihways. üelow are a few of the many larrains that are bein-; offered. Be sure and bring this price list with you so yöu can compare the goods and prices aud ■-aiiiy yourgelf that the company does usl asit aavertlses: itien s gooü vvorim,r punts suc, v. ort! 51 50; men s nice busine-s pants 9c, wortn S250; men's fine dress paiüs in all the latetstyles and pattern, $3 9b. dead cheap at ï7; mens good working snit KÍ05, -.vorrii yi; mens nice business suits, :j 85, cheiip at 110; men s elegant dress suits, in cïieviots. Seotcli tweeds and casslmers. trom 1437 to 17 15, good value at ?;:; to J; men s imported Clay worsted suits. in prince AJ berta and cutaways, 9 78. actual i alue -.-. Cliildrcn's knee pants 19c, woith .ïOc: children's school niiits :%■, worthta 50; childi-en e dress suits in all tlie spring and summer styles, JE 15, orthiö. 5M) dozen men s neck'ties f rom íic to 2"c wortli fro:n 25c to 1. 200 dozen v.orknrr shirta 23c, worth 50c 300 dozen fine neglU'ee shirts :Wc onh IL B0O dozen men .-- Mu-i ..rn' per pair, ', pairs forïóc; men s dress socks. Ui', sortb 35c. Men's balbriggan and ürawera B7c, worth SI; men's line lauudeied shirts, 49c, worth fl 25. sn dozen linen handkercliiefs, hem stitclied, lic. worth "c. Men's soft hats in all styles, f rom ïic to ilOc, worth from 75c to -t .-0. Men's stift' hats 5üc to SI 2", woitli from $1 50 to 3 HU. 100 üozen boys' caps and hats, from 10c to 35c. worth froin "H'C lu il. Four ply linen col ara Se, six for 25c. Men's overall and ,ackets24c, worth 50c. Mens medium ana heavy welght overcoats Í4 25, worth }J o 00. Uon't forget the piace, No. 4 Monroe Ave, Detroit, Ach. Looi for the l)ig red awning. li. I'. McCafit y, Manazer,


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