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(OFFICIAL. 1 Councü Chamber, Ann Arbor, May 28, 1893. Adjourned Bssion. Called to order by Pres. Watts. lïoll ealled. Quorum present. Absent- Aids. Wagner, Killmoiv, Ferguson. Taylor- . Tres. Watts announced tliat the Ilrst order of buainees be misceïlane. ons busini'-s. Pres. "Watts appointed the followIng special eommittee to meet wlth the Soldier's Itdicf Commissiou : Aids. Schafeer, Herz, Snow O'Mara, Taylor and Prettyman. Aid. Martin moved lliat we proceed with regular order of buidnese. Adopted. The journal oí the last session was approved as corrected. On motion of Aid. l'rettyman, exPresident M. 12. Cooley was allowed the privileges of the üoor. On motion of Aid. Manly, liis Honor the Mayor, was invited to a scat iusiile the railing when attending the meetings. COMMUNICATIONS yR0[ THE MAYOR. To the Honorable Cominon Council. Gentlemen : I would respectiully report to your honorable body tkat I have not approved of so much of yöur proeeedings of May 15, 1893, as grants permission to Richard Kearns to erect a frame dweiling house on Lot 3, Block 3, north Bange 4 eest in this city. Said lot is within the lire lhnits. You have no power to legalize a violation oí the ordinance establishing fire liniits. Your action, thea-efore, is no protection whatever to Mr. Kearns, and its only effect will be to mistead that gentleman and embarra ss those whose duty it is to enforce this ordinance. Yours respectfully. ;;. M. THOMPSON", Mayor. May 10. 1S93. The question being upon the action of granting permission to Richard "Kearns to erect a frame house in the fire limita, the mayor's veto not wit list anding, the question was lost, two-thirds of the alderinen elect not voting thcrefor, by yeas and nays ;l fOllOWS : Xays - Aids. Schairer. Herz, Manly, Prettyman, Ivitson - 5. Yeas- Aids, Martin, tfnoff, O'Mara, Pres. AVatts- 4. A pctition signed by R. Kemp!, asking tlie council to order the rt-moval of certain electric light poles in front oi his reside nee on Ingalls si roet, to the outside of the curb. Iiei'(! and read. Ali'.. O'Mara moved that the petition be relerred to the lightjngcommittee with power to act. Adopted. BJIPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEER. ORDIXAKCKS. Cliairman Manly introduced an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Relative to Trespassers," which was read the first time by its title and referred to the committee on ordinance. Aid. Manly moved the fules be suspended and the ordinance be given a second reading. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Ilerz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Manly, Prettyman. KitBcm, Pres. Watte- 9. Nnys- None. The second reading by sections of "An Ordinance Kelative to Trespassers." REPOttTS OF SPECIAL COMJUTTE BEWEES. tht Ct mmon CouTieil: Gentlemen - Your committee on Sewera beg leave to report that they have ïurther cousideredthe matter of lateral sewérs and plans for defrayiug the expense of their construction. A joint meeting oí the Sewer Committee and Board of Public Works, at which his honor, tlie Mayor, and Professors Groene and Cooley were invited to be present, was held Friday evenlng bist. A report of the final work 'done by the Special Committee of the tast ( ouncil was Bubmitted by Prof. Cooley. This report is bereby subïnitted as part of our report. Of the four plans presented as having .■(1 the most favorable consideración ot the former committee, number three is rerardeii as mosi nearly meeting the views of your committee. and is believed to poseess objeetions than anj yet presented. Special effort has leeu made to fiud a plan that wil! apportion thi a an equitable and, we hope. satisfactory manner. 8uch a ]ï:i must work little or no hardsliip on those lea-t able to bear the expense; at the same must enable and encourage tbe largest o amber of property owners to make sewers at an early day. Manyof our citizens are able and would ]refer topay the entire expense at once: manv might fini it inconvenient, others. alinost iinpossible, to meet the expense in onepayment. The plan recommended we belleve will aecorriDiodate all. At Che same permits the city to pay cash as tile work proceeds. In this way a large number of our oivu citizens may be provlded with einployment, and the necessity to let tbe work by 'contract to outside people does not exist to the same extent as would be the ca?e were we obliged to put off for several mouths the times oí payment, While this plan increases the liabilities of the city somewimt. it does not increase the direct taxes, as the interest on the bonds is paid by the persons wbo make use of tbem. A doublé benefit results: first, the city Kets its work done cheaper for cash; second. the pfeople wbo t:mnot pay the cutiré amouut at once can make their payments in installments, and have the benefit of a low rate of Interest. By reduciug the expense of house connections to the lowest posalble point manv more will find it eunvenient to connect at on ■■, and tbus will the truc benefit of asewer aystein become a reality at a inuch earlier day than would be possible with i ilan involvinsr a uniform charge per foot of all laterale and house connectiug sewers. The plan wliich your committee recommeud is as follows; Determine the average eostper foot of all lateral, ineluding man-holes, flushing tanks and other accessorles and expenses, but not ineluding the cost of bouse connecting i 9. This eost may be determined íor the entire city considered -, one district, of fot ■ -, as fóuu I expedient. One-half the eost thus found -!:;ii' eo a rate per foot for all property adjolning or abuttingupon that portion of a street or alley through or along which the latei1:'! shall extend. Determine a second average -oi ]kt foot of all house connecting sewera auilicient to cover the actual expense írom the middle of the street to the point of connection with the house. ïhis latter point may be at the house or at the point of connection to a cesa-pool now in use, provided Jt is snit able. This second cost shall constltute a rate foi cach foot of connecting - may be uecessary or that may b'j desired by the , to connéct the lateral sewerwith s;iiil yroperty. The city shall assuine arj ■ expenses Incident to the layiug of such lateral and OOn When a sewer Ia built on two sides of a Corner lot, I rods by8, or ii ■ ■ nt, the two side8 shall be added together and divided by two to determine frontage ou which -t rato tor laterale shall be eharged. Wlion more than une house 18 Imilt on a lot of Standard size n rodaby8) (the property of a single individual) a eertain flxed charge, not lesa in amount than the average cost of n single counecting sewer shall be mude íor eacTi addltional house,even tnoúgh one conuecting sewer may serve íor all such hou.-.--. The ratea íor stores and similar property shall be the same as for dwell The rates for ware houses. íuauufacturiug and other establlshinenta using large eounections, sháll be at the avtual cost oí euch connectiou. Property owners mak ing use of the main sewer shall ie chaflged at the same rutes as tliose maktng use oí the laterals. Theeiuire cost oí laterais and oonuecting sewers may be paid in one or more lustallmeuts; or" the eost oí the eounectiiig sewer ma be paid hen the connecMon made and the eost of the laterals ín one tr more iastallments shall not exceed five years. Interest at ite whtch the bonds bear shall be added u iustallment for the time K'hich it may have run. Thé laterals and eonnecting i hall be built by the city. The money -.luill be raised lulngshort term bonds running uot to , rive years. The total amount óf these bonds ontstanding at any one time shall uot exceed in lunount forty thousand dollars (JiOvOOO). The plan outllned. your committee believe, wil] beiound acoept&ble to a large majority oí oiir citaens. We wpuld thercfore recommend that the nei essary enabling acts be procured from the Legislature now In session, in order that work may begin without unnecssary deiay. Aun Arbor. May 23rd, 1893. Kespectfullv submitted. CHRISTIAN MARTIN. C. H. MANLY. H. G. PRETTYMAN. W. G. SN'OW, Committee. Alcl. Martii moved tluit the report be accepted aud adopted. Adopted as iollo'u: Yeas- Aids. .Schairer, fïerz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Manly, Frettyman, Kitson. Pres. "Watts- 9. Xays- Noni-. KEPORTS OF CITY QFFICEB8 . City cïerk roportcd one bid for priutin: eouncll proéeedings, on nis table. On motion of Aid. Martin the bid was left over to the ncxt regular meeting. Aid. Ferguson at this iioint arrived and took lus eliair. MOTIOXS AND RESOI-UTIONS. By Alderinan Martin: Ileiiülved, Thai a committee consistiiin' of Mayor Thompson, President Watte, Aids. Manly, Prcttyman, and city attorney be appointed and iiLstructed to draft a suitable bill and present to 'the legislature, providing íor tve method of conatrueting lateral eewers, as indicated in report of the sewer committee this day aplroved by this council. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Scbairer, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara. Ferguson, Kitson, Prss. Watts- 8. Nays- Aids. Manly, Prettyman- 2. By Alderman Hcrz . Resolved. That the city boards and thé eouneil cominittees do submit to t!i" finance committee at once, their respective est mates oí the amounts oí money oeceesary to be raised on the tax roll for the need oí the city during the next fiscal year, and the said finanee committee do report the same to this council at its next meeting, to the end that the matter may be dUscussed. determinad, and duly certiiied. Adopted. Aid. Kitson moved to reconsider the vote on approving the last minutes. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that the minutes be corrected and changed so that it wiU appear that Aid. Kitson voted against the majority report of fire committee. Adopted. The minutes vere then approved ;inil corrected. REPORT OF BOND COMMITTEE. Chairman Prettyman, of the Bond committee reported they had eKamlned tlie bond ol City Treasurer Pond, with John F. Iawrence, Fred A. Ilowletl, Muses Beabolt, Arthur Brown. John E. Travis, II. ,T. liroivn, John E. Miner. James j. Babcock, C. (;. Darling and A. 'I. Noble as sureties and recommended its acceptanee with the sureties named. On Motion oï Aid. Prettyman the bond was approved, as follows : Yeas - Aids. Herz, Martin. Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 9. Nays - None. On motion the council adjourned.


Ann Arbor Argus
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