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WANTEP, FOR SALE, ETC. IMOTHY HAY FOR SALE.-Inquire of AJbert Blaess, Box 1276. 30-23 NN ARBOR NURSERY-Frmt ana orna■mental trees. Peaeh and pear a speoialty. Grape viues, berry plapts, etc. Price low. Jacob Ganzborn, head of Spring street. OOR BALE.- A liouse and lot, also a irood ■ borse; bargaln. Enquire at 52 Miller avenue. FOK SAÍ.E.- Urick house at corner of South TIniversity aud Forest Aves. Inquire at the house. 3t L'OR SALE- Two full blood Jersey heifer calves six months and four and a half months old. Apply to Fred Krause, auctioneer, Ann Arbor. JfOR SALE- An Empire .self binder nearly - new, steel trame. For sale cbeap, only been usert tornt lifly acres of wheat. Fred Krause, auctloneer, Ann Arbor. F OH SALE- Five acres on West Huron street. Goood house, barn, orchard. Beautiiul location. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davia, West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7tf OK SALE.-No. 3 Willard street, second door from corner, flrst block from campus, face6 south. Price present rent capitalized at 10 per cent. . Address, Miss Flora Oakley, oreall after4::tu p. m. FOR SALE AND TO RENT.-Several good farms, farniins lands and city property, improved and unimproved, on very easy terms. Franklin L. Parker, 24 Ann st., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE.- The property known as the Manu homestead located on S.Main St., Ann Arbor, in city lots or one or more acre pieces. The large two story brick house and frame barn thereon can be had with as mnch land as desired. Henry J. Manu, 54 S. Main street. 15-28. FOR SALE.- The home of Mrs. Day, on Washtenaw Ave. The house has thirteen rooms and eleven closets. It is heated by f urnace, has a good cellar and plenty of water. Thereare tweiity pcre of land with a good variety of fruit. luqulre at Mr. Ferdon's on Washtenaw Ave. FOK SALE.- At a very low price, the property formerly owned by E. G. Wildt, being 12 lots, house and barn sitúate N. W. cor. of N. Main and Chubb streets, Ann Arbor. Henry J.Mann. 1528 PIANO TUN1NG.- A. D. Brown, the well known pinno tuaer with C. J.Wnitney, will be in ihe city soon. Orders left at the Arous office will receive bis attention. ROOMS AND BOARD.- Hoorns f or rent, also board by the week or day or single meals. No. tï9North Main street. Mrs. Laura WebSter. 22-25 70 RENT.- AtNo. 20 S. State 8t. A flat of six monis. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 28tf TO RENT- FurniFbed house heated witb furnace, in jrood order. Apply to Noab G . Butts, Homn 18 Masonic Block. rpo RENT.- Wholeor part of house corner A of Jetferson and División Sts., suitable for roomers and boatders. A. M. Clark, 47 . División St. TWO BAY MAKKS, one seven, other about fifteen yeara ild, for sale cheap, or trade for one large horee. 20 Packard St. WANTED.- Ajrentsto sell the fastest selling Novel ly on the inarket. Send25 ceats for sample, .lip -Jat; Puzzle Vo., Ann Arbor. 5o-tï FOUND AT LAST ! Eureka Rufs and Nfats from old Carpets. Save yonr old lmrrain, Tapestry and Bruppeis Carpets Any size ot' Riigr made from i to i) yards wide and of any lenpth. Price 75 cents mil up'iirl per Rug, complete with frinjce. 1, M. PETERS, Carpet & Klip Hnni]facturin$r Co. 547 Clinton Ave., Detroit. Sci'il for Circuláis. ■ ) ACRES offirst.:s MÍCH1GAN farm l ■ iíls r.-?.ï raiíroads, in Alcona, fj Ajjeoa and Montiuorency counfij ;í",. e. il, rich clayand gravel loams; y hc"-ïwood tiiiiber; well watered by spring? end ïiv-.r sireams; near churches, schools and ■ns. Price, 3 to Í5 per acre. Easy terms. f. I SPRA6UE. 818 Hammond Bld'g, Detroit, Mich. F. C Poott, don lor n Kelley Island aml White ! r.ïinr, Hair, (Vlrined l'laster, Louisville and }i .:■. ',■! ( pmonta OfBoe auil Warfl Boom iü the Fiimegan I lilok. netroit strret. Aun rbor. I y,,tr _Wi' ri-p rh' niilv nn thathandles the pemiine KoM.- Klnnd f. une in this city. FOR PIBTE SOAPS And rich and lastlng Perfumes we are able to offer foryour inspi'ctionan exceptionally i large and elejtant stix;k. Soape made trom rotninon fats or rosin are , not fit for toilet purposes- be sure and by a. I pitre sonii :it OUT drug store. Óir perfumes we guarantee the best. ( MAiIí 1JKOS., Druggists, 30 s Main St , - ANN ARBOE.


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