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C. Eberbach & Sons, Agents

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THE ELIXIR OF YOUTB! Ic f íín lífAPth I hrïnnl jpjtv - is Liio worbii bivino .' SrLi?S''M Sff ' ' TÏTL It lsnot ifj'ouare not in posseselon of the fcj WÉÉtAixlSí E L ' ;; ' R F Y "H . R?p3rKKíífcrÍí!?3 rtWaöÉrjK A Positlve, speedy, safe and reliable scientifi? ? flM I'SSMriílljSHKTÍK' compound, manuiactuied ouly 'jy skilled chemHaH 'kSPT iaffilmWVfU ' lsw' fro?1 theprescripuon oiaQermanpUysiciaa OU BB28Ú lA&ifcvS HJlMiHi We guaranteethis Elixir torestorethe-rltallty MB'gpiMfcJjW EfftJtyBI of yuttl 'o those wíio are sutte'ing irum the ' 3ÏI!" stira(Xí3 Ry cure for Bpermatorrhca, Loss (i Power i"igbt flFjfF-i ._iti_' Emlsslons and 11 Seminal Weakness. w. pub"" " ' lish nonamen, but ave on rile sworn testimonial of the wonaerful results produoed by Ihls elixir, wtilcü wo are authorized lo show or applicatlon oí auyune requiring such a medicine. BE A MAN ACAIN. We eharge no exhorbltant prlce, nor do we offer you a quack nostrum, but a legitimatí and sclentlflo prtparation, whlcb. will urely do all we claim for it. The Elixir is put ud in ioz.bottles, and retalla for Í1.00, or 6 for $5.00. Thts valuablo remedy wlü be found onale by all lendlng drucgists. Each druggist has on file sworm testimoniáis of the wonderful curas produoed by thls Elixir, and tb.e proprletor confldently refer all lii need ofit to them. The Germán Hospital .Remedy Co., Grand Rapids, Mích. For Sale bv all Druíreists.


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