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Council Proceedings

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(OFFICIAL.) COCNCUL CHAMBEB. I Ann Arbok, June 19, 1893. f Regular session. Callee! to order by Pres. Watts. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent.- None. The journal of the last session was approved. COMMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOR. To the Honorable Common Council: Gentlemen: - I have the honor to inform your honorable body that I have not approved of so much of the proceedings of your honorable body of June 5, as accepted the propositioñ of Clay Green to rent the city certain offices and authorizing the committee on public buildings to make changes in the plans and specifications for such offices, for the reason that the Couneil cannot delégate to a committee authority to bind the City or Council. B. M. Thompson, Mayor. Aid. Mauly moved that the communication be received and filed. Adopted. TETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. The following resolutions were received and read: By Aid. Tenis: Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Ypsilanti extend to the Honorable the Mayor, Common Council and Officers of the City of Ann Arbor its heartfelt sympathy in the loss by death of one of its aldermen, A. EL. Fillmore, feeling that by his death our sister city loses an able alderman as well as an honored and respected citizen; and Resolved. That this resolution be spread on the records of the Council Proceedings and copy be sent to the Ann Arbor Council. I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of resolution passed unanimously at a special meeting of the Common Council of the City of Ypsilanti, held at the Council Hall, Momlay evening, June 12th, 1893. C. P. McKlNSTRY, City Clerk. Aid. Pretteman moved that the resolutions be received, and spread on the journal, and the Clerk acknowledge the receipt thereof. Adopted. To the Common Councü: The Board of Keview of the City of Ann Arbor; respectfully represent to the honorable Coiincil'of said city, that for the performance of its duties and that of the City Assessor plats of the city should be f urnished, that said plats should be on a scale of not less than i inch to the rod, so that the name of property owners may be rated thereon by the Assessor, that proper comparison of the value of adjacent property eau be made. By order of the Board of Review. W. J. Miller, Clerk. Referred to Finance Committee. A communication from Saginaw was read, setting forth that the action taken at a forrner meeting of the Common Council of that City declining outside aid for the sufferers by the recent conflagration in that City, although prompted by a proper pride was the resul t of too hasty action; that the showing of the past two weeks has demonstrated that outside aid would be very acceptable and useful. Received and filed. A petition was received and read, from J. F. Hoelzle, asking permission to build a cesspool on the west side of his store on Fourth Avenue. Referred to Street Committee with power to act. REPORT OF FINANCE CO31JIITTJSE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the subject of the sum of money uecessary to be raised for the ordiuary expenses of the city during the fiscal year of 1893 and 1894, would respectfully report that the subject has had your committee's best consideration and would submit the following recommendatiou, that there be raised by taxation for the several funds of the City, sums of money as follows: - For the Contingent Fund, the sum of $ 6,500.00 For the Street Fund, the sum of 7,500.00 For the Firemen's Fund, the sum of 5,000.00 For the Pólice Fund, the sum of 2,000.00 Por Fuond, the sum of 1,250.00 Cemetery Fund, the sum of. 50.00 Water Fund, the sum of 5,000.00 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund, the sum of 5,000.00 Sewer Fund, the sum of 2,000.00 Delinquent Tax Fund, the sum of 1,300.00 University Hospital Aid Bond Fund, the sum of . . . 3,600.00 Total $39,200.00 Your committee further report that they have caused to be prepared the necessary resolution providing for the levy of such sums of money herein recommended. All of which is respectfully submitted. W alter L. Taylük, William Herz, Finance Committee. On motion of Aid. Manly the report was accepted and filed. ORDINANCE. On motion of Aid. Manly the vote on passing "An Ordinance Relative to Trespasses," was reconsidered. Aid. Manly moved to amend by striking out the words, June 17th," and inserting in place thereof the words, "July öth." Adopted as follows: Yeas, Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 12. Nays- None. The third reading by sections, of 'Au Ordinance R lative to i ses," after which the chair having ! stated the question to be, "Shall this Ordinance pass?" The yeas and nays being called, the ordinance passed as follows. Yeas - Ald's. Schairer, Wagner llerz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Tres. Watts.- 12. Nays- None. Third reading by sections of "An Ürdinance to Amend Sections one, of An Ordinance Entitled, An Ordinance RelatiVe to Tire Lirnits and Fires." After which, the chair having stated the question to be, "Shall this Ordinance pass?" the yeas and nays being called, the ordinance passed as follows: Yeas- Ald's Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 12. Nays- None. Third reading by sections of "An Ordinance Kelative to the Closing oí Saloons, Bars in Restaurants and Elsewhere." By Alderman Prettyman. Resolved, That sections 1 and 2be so amended as to strike out all authority to remain open after ]0 o'clock standard time. The amendment was lost as follows. Yeas - Ald's Sehairer, Wagner, Ferguson, Taylor, Prettyman, Kitson. -6. Nays- Ald's Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Manly, Pres. Watts.- 6. After which the chair having stated the question, "Shall this Ordinance pass?" Nays- Aid. Sehairer. Aid. Kitson, moved that the ordinance be laid on the table. The chair declared the motion out of order. Aid. Prettyman moved an appeal from the decisión of the chair. The chair was sustained as follows: Yeas- Ald's Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly.- 6. Nays - Ald's Schairer, Wagner, Taylor, Prettyman, Kitson.- 5. After which the roll cali on the passage of the ordinance proceeded, and the ordinance passed as follows: Yeas- Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Pres. Watts.- 7. Nays- Schairer, Wagner, Taylor, Prettyman, Kitson.- 5. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMJIITTEES. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Building for City offices hereby tender to your Honorable Body for your decisión, a plan of the north half of the Greene Building foi City offices and also the plan using the the second floor. A. P. Ferguson, A. J. Kitson, D. F. Schairer. Aid. Manly moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Adopted. Aid. O'Mara moved that the second floor plan be accepted and adopted. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Ald's Wagner, Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly. - 7 Nays- Ald's Schairer, Martin, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts. - 5. MOTIONS AND KE8OLUTIONS. By Aid. Taylor : Resolved. That the sum of Uventy-seveu thousaud, three huudred dolíais be, and the same is hereby appropriated aud levied upon and assessed against the taxable property ot the City of Aun Arbor for the severa! regular funds of the city for the fiscal year of lSüo and 1884, that the same be and i's hereby apportioned to the several funds as iollovvs: To the street fund, the sum of seven thousaud, five hundred dollars. To the fire departinent fuud, the sum of five thousaud dollars. To the pólice fuud, the sum of two thousaud dollars. To the poor fund. the sum of one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. To the water fund, the sum of five thousand dollars. To the cemetery fund, thë sum of fifty dollars. The balance aud remaiuder thereof to the contingent fund. Secoud, Resolver!, That the sum of three thousand. six hundred dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated, levied and assessed under and by virtue of the act of the legislature authorizing the same for the purpose of paying the interest on and the installment of principal of the' University Hospital Aid Bouds.. Third, That the sum of one thousaud, three hundred dollars be aud is hereby appropriated, levied and assessed for the dehuquent tax fund. Kourth, Whereas, It appears and is hereby determined that to enable the City of Ann Arbor duriug the year 189:3 aud 1894 to keep and maintain in good order and repair the several bridges, culverts aud crosswalks in the city, a sum of money in excess of the per ceutum authorized to be raised under the authority granted by the Charter is and will be necessary; therefore. Betolved, Tnat by virtue of the authority grauted to this council by general law of the State, the sum of five thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated and levied aud assessed on the taxable property aioresaid for tne bridge, culvert and crosswalk fuud, for the purpose 'ii keeping aud maintaining in good order and repair the several bridges, culverts aud crosswalks in the city. Fifth. Resolved, That the suui of two thousand dollars be. and the same is hereby appropriated to and levied and assessed for the sewer fund, for the purpose of, aud on account of the construction aud maintaiuaDce of a system of sewers withiu the city. Sixth, Resolved, That, and it Is hereby ordered that the said several sums of money aforesaid be assessed on and upon the taxable property of the City of Ann Arbor, and spread on the tax roll of said city for the year of 189;i, for the fiscal year of 1893-1894, for the several purposes aforesaid ; that all of the several sums of money aforesaid be assessed, levied aud collected pursuaut to law, aud when collected paid into the city treasury for the several purposes and on account of the several funds aforesaid. Resolved, Further, That the City Clerk do certify the foregoing resol utious of appropriati'ons and assessmeuts to the City Assessor, aud that when so certified the City Assessor do spread the several sums of money aforesaid on the tax roll of the City of Ann Arbor for the year of 189a and asseea the same against the taxable property of the said city as the saméis set down in and assessed on the said city tax roll. and against the owners of said taxable property pursuant to law. Adopted as iollows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Tayor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Snow : Whebeas, A yacaucy in the office of Alderman of the Third Ward, iu the City of Aun Arbor. exists, ofcasioned by the death of Aid. Ariel H.Fillmore; Therefore Betolved, And it is bereby ordered that an electiou be held on Mondar, the 3d day of July. A. D. 1893, in the said Third Ward". for the purpose of filliug such vnciiucy In the office of alderman, as aforeeaid. 'That s-ueh election be held iu the basement of the eourt house ín said Tliird Ward, and to beconducled pursuaut to law. Resolved, further, That the City Clerk do certify this resolution to the inspectora oí eleetion in and for said Third Ward, and al 80 give due uotice of the said eleetion hereb.v ordered aceording to law. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 12. Naya - None. By Aid. Snow: Resolved, Tuut au eioctric light be placed on the corner oí' Mala and Catherine sts. Referred to fighting committee. By Aid. Wagner : Resolved, That the board o' health be instriicted to have an aualysis made of the city water at leas t four times a year by some competent chemist in order that the citlzens may know whether or not the water they drink is pure. aud report the result of each analysls to the C'ommon Conncil. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Snow, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitsou, Pres. AVatts.- 9. Nays- Aid. Herz, Martin, O'Mara.-:;. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, And it Is hereby ordered that the Aim Arbor Savlngg Bank do execute and deliver to the City of Aun Arbor a bond iu the penal sum of eighty thousaud dollars (ifSÜ,OOO). Conditiouto account for and pay overall suins of money which shall or may be deposited with such bank nu accouut of the city treasurer, or by any otherperson. Adopted. A petition signed by J. II. Cntting and flve other residents and property owners on Monroe st. protesting against the changing of the grade on said street, between State and Packard sts. On motion of Aid. Waguer, Prof.'H. S. Carhart was allowed the privileges of the floor. By Aid. Manly : Resolved, That the communie ation be referred to the street committee and that the work on Monroe and Packard sts. be stopped until the street committee have time to investígate the matter referred to thern. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that the Clerk notify the janitor to have a good supply of ice water on hand in the Council Chamber at the council meetings hereafter. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Heiz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitsou, Pres. AVatts.- 12. Xays - jSTone. Aid. Manly moved that the buildinil committee submit at our next councd meeting a complete set of plans ang specifications with contract of the proposed Greene building. Adopted. On motion the council adjourned.


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