Miss Emma Bówer, the talented editor of...
Miss Emma Bówer, the talented editor of the Ann Arbor Democrat, is, we understand, a candidate for great record keeper of the Lady Maccabees of the state, and we sincerely hope that her candidacy will be crowned with success. Her business and editorial training peculiarly fit her for the duties of the office to which she aspires, while her many personal gracesand social qualities will endear her to the members of the order with whom she is brought in contact. It is understood that the present incumbent of the office, Mrs. Ada L. Johnson, of Saginaw, declines a reelection. This should open a clear field for Miss Bower, for we are sure that no better qualified record keeper could be found in the state. The city and the water works company are both to be congratulated on the outcome of the meeting last night. With a thorough cleaning out of the reservoir and pipes, water will be obtained, fresh, pure, clean and wholesome. Such is the kind of water we used to have and such can be had again. Again, the determination to sink a large well is a step in the direction of largely increasing the water supply. We believe it will. There is no scarcity of water about Ann Arbor, as witness the flowing wells. Let us have plenty of it. In the meantime users of water should not waste it. They have no right to let water run to waste. It does no good to let your hose run for hours. It may cool the air, but it gives rise to unhealthful dampness, and aids to deprive your neighbors of the ampie fire protection they are entitled to. The Ann Arbor Courier is blindly partisan. We feel it our duty to point out this grave fault in oui otherwise able and highly esteemed contemporary, that it may mend the error of its ways. As a small example we may take its statement concerning the price of wheat made this week. It says the price of wheat is weak and charges the free trade party with debasing the commodity. As a matter of fact the price of wheat had its big drop during a republican administration, during a time when there was a heavy tariff on wheat, a tariff which has not been removed. As a matter of fact, we import only seed wheat and the tariff does not and never did have any effect on the price of wheat. If the tariff does effect the price of wheat, then the present low price of wheat should be laid to the high tariff which has existed on it for the past few years. The Courier item referred to is only one of a number of similar nonsensical political squibs not the outcome of logical thought but written solely for the sound of the words.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News