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tstate of Christiana C. Walker. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UNT1 lJofWashtenaw,ss. At asession of the Probat iourtfortheCouotyof VTashtenaw, holden at th Probate Office in the city of Aun Arljor, o Tbursday, the 20th day of July, in the yea ODe thousandeight hundred and mnety-threé Present, J. Willard Babhitt, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte oí Christiana C Walker, insane. Donald P. McLachlan, the guardián ofsai ward, comes into court and represente tliat he i now nrepared to render nis final account as sac guardián. Thereupon it is orderea that Tuesday, the 15t day of August next, at ten o'olock in the fore noon, be assigned for examioing and allowin such account, ind that the next of ki of s;iid wardf and all other persons inteiestec in said estáte are required to appear at a sewio of said oourt, then to be holden at the Probat Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in smd County and ahow cause, if any there be why th aaid account should not be allowed: And it i further ordered that said guardián glve notice t the persons intercsted in said estáte, of the pendenc of said account aml the hearing thereof, b' causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ank Akbor Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in aaid county three succes.-üv week? previous to said day of hearing. J. W1LLARD BABDITT, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate WilliamG. Doty, Probate Keaister. Estáte ot Walburga Eisele. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of At a sessionof the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the oitv of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the eightetnth day of July, in the yea one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three. Preeent, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Walburga Eisele deceased . On reading and filintj the petition, dulv verified of John W. Eisele, praving that a certain in strument now on file in Ais court, purporting to be the last will and testament of sid deceasec may be admitted to probate and that administra tion of saja estáte may be granted to himself, th executor in said will named, or to some other suit abie person. Thereupon it is ordered that Monda)-, the 21s day of August, next at ten o'clock in the fore noon, be assigrned for the hearing of said petition and that the devisees, leñatees, and heirs at law o said deceased, and all other persona ínter ested in said estáte, are required to appea at a session of aaid Court, then to be holden at the probate ottlce in the city of Anu Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitione should not be grunted : And it is further or dered that said petitioner give notice to the persone interested in said eatate, of the pendenoy of said petition, and the hearing thereof, b; causing a copy of this order tobe published in the Aon Arbor Arüs, a newspaper printed and circu latedin said county three successive weeks previ ou to said day of heariDj;. J. WILLARD BABBtTT, ludije of Probate. [A true copv.] Wii.uam G. Doty, Probite Ree-ister. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY J of Washlenaw. The undersigned haTing been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, couiniiesioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons agamst the estáte of Ariel H.Fillmore, late of said county, deceased, hereby give notiee that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court tor creditoráto present their claims againstthe catate of said deceased, and that they wiUmeetattheofficeofE.B.Pond, Esq,. in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, oti the 18th day of October and on the J8th day of January next, at ten o'clock a. m. ot each of snid days to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated July 18,1893. CHARLES H. WORDEN, DANIEL HISCOCK, Commissioners. Commissioners' Notice. QTATB. OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF l3 Washtenaw. The undersigned having beenappointed by the Probate Court for said Count-, Commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claim: and demands of all persons ajjainst the estáte 01 Isaac Farnfll, 'late of said County, deceased, herebv eive notice that six months from date are allovved, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims asrainst the estáte of said deceased, and that they wil] meet at the late residence of said deceaged, in the townsbip of Pittstield, in said County, on the 26th day of September and on the 26th day of December next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, June 26, 18V3 ANDREW CAMPBELL, THOMAS J. SM.UKTHWAITE, Commissioners Notice to Creditors. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, 8s. Notice is hereby giren, that by an order of the Probate Court for the Countv of W'ashtenaw, made on the 19th day of May, A. D. 1S93. six months from that date were illowed forcreditora to present their claims againBt the estáte of Edmund Clancy, late of said eounty, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims io said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for axainination and ailozanee, on or before the 2utn day of November, next, and tbat such claims will be heard before said Court on the 19th day of August b3 on the '2uth day of November neit, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 19th, A. D. 1893. J. WILLARD BABB1TT, Judee of Probate. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE condition of a niortsage bearins date October lat, 1882, made by Christopher Comiskie and Celina Coniiskie. his wife, to Manly J. Furnuni. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County. in the State of Michigan, on the lst day of October, 1882, in Liber SO of Mortsaires, on pase 312, it beinji provided in said mortgajre that' in case of the non-pay ment of interest the mortL'a iree oould elect to conslder the whole amount Que, and default havins been made in the parment of interest, the mortga!-ee herebv elects loconsider the whole amount due and payaale: andon which mortgajrp there is ctalmed :o be due at the date of thls iioliee the sum of Four Hundred Thirty-One and Fil'ty-EihtOne-Hundredths Dollars (W31.58), and no suit or proceedings at law having been instituted ;o recover the amount now remainingseeured y said mortsage or any part thereof. notice is therefore hereby given thut on Saturday the 2!th day of July, 1893, at ten o'eloek in t he forenoon, tliere will besold ut the East front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and ?tate of Michigan, at public veudue, to the lig-hest bidder, the premisos described in said or so inuch thereof as may be neces8ary to satisfy the amount due on said nortgage as above set forth. with the interest thereon and the eosts. charges and expenses illowed by law and provitied for in said mortraze; said premises beins situated in the Township of Northfleld, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Micliisan, and described as followes, towit: The South half of the North-East quarter of the West quarter of Sectiou sixteen n Township One, South of Ranae Six, East containins twenty acres; also' the North uüf of the South-East quar'er of the SouthVest quarter of said Sectiou Sixteen, contarang twenty acres of land Dated May 5th, 1893. MANLY J. FURNUM, Mortgasee. Thompson, Harriman & Thompson, Attoraeys for Mortiragee. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, The undersi)?ned haring eeu appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commissionera to receive, examine and djust all claims and demanda of all persons gainst the estáte ol Michael Cowan. late f a;iid couuty, deceased, hereby give notice thai ix montbs from date are order of said Probate Court, for creditorsto present their claims gainstthe estáte of said deeeased, and that tdey will meet ;it the office of P. McKernsn, in the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, on the 19tli day of' September, and on the lOth day of December next, at teu o'clock A. M. of e;ich of sniddas, to recoive, examine and adiu-t said cliiims. ' Dated, JunelDlh, 1893. PATKICK MoKERNAN, JOHX FINHBGAN, Commissioners. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke your Life Away Is tlie truthful, startiinjr t itle of a Htlle book thattell!ill about No-to-bao, the wonderïul, harmless Ouaranteed tobáceo habit euro. '] te rost is trilling flnd the man wuo wants to (uit and can't ruua no physical or h'mincial risk iu usfng "No-to-bau. Sold by all drugglsta. Book at Drug Stores or by mail five. Address The Sterlina Remedy Co., Indiana Mineral SpriagTs, Iad.


Ann Arbor Argus
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