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VOUR BREAD CAN'T BE SOUR IFYOUUSE GILLETTS MAG IC YEAST S5?5!L ! KEYLR GETS QUICK c)o ECONÓMICA!. I S0UftAtó for "Magie" at your Grooer'e. Let him ttli hm other kinds to other people. CURE BcV Headache and relieve all tho tronbl9 ÜlOf ient to a büioua state of the sjstem, suob. aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowslness. Distresa aftes eating, Pain in the 81de, &o. While their: most lem&ikable success bas been shown in cnrirg _, SICK Beaaache, yet Carter8 Llttlo Llvar Pffla ara eqnally valnable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoyine complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the Btomachtimulate tha Jlver and regúlate the bowela. Even ii tuey onlj HEAD iAebe they wonld be almot priceless to thosa wha lauffer f rom this distressing complaint; but f ortuEately their goodness does notend here.and thosa who once try them will flnd these little pilla valu(bleinsomany iraysthatthey will not be wilillng todo without them. Butafterallsickheaa ACHE flBthe bane of bo many llvea that hero Is wlieTO Itremakeonrgreatboast. Oor pilla cure itwhila lothere donot. __ _ 1 Carter-a Little Iáver Pilis are very email ani Tery easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, butby their gentle acüon pleaseaU who ose them. In vialsat25cents; flvefor$l. Soa by druggiits everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SyALLPILL. SMALLDOSE. SMALLPRICE MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPRIETOBS OF THE WESTEKJi BREWERÏ AMN A.RBOB, MICHBrewers of Pure Lager Beer. iHiBHHI The quiltini: party and the ï siane coach are played ■ ■ nilll T UJinCBout. The telephone and ■ A yUILI InAUCBuaTis Family Quilting I o ■■■ ■ Machine are modern neIN 3 HOURS. ■ MyQuütingMa n nwtflWi g chine ís a new and valua BHHH ble attiichmont tor al SêwinRniacfeines. Ote lady (not 6 or 9) can make a Soilt in 3 hours; also quilt children's cloaks; dressnincs, etc. Send S.OO and I will send you a machine by flrst expresa. Agents wanted every where. K-ircircularsand full informatiun addres HKNEÏ T. DAV1S, 30 W. Randolph 6t., Chicago GET A TICKET OF W. F. L0DH0L2 4 and 6 Broadway and you are entitled to a choice of the Home Instructor or the Life of General Sherman or the Life of P. T. Barnum (FKEE) when cash purehaee to the amount of $15 has been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. LARGE OCTAVO, 47S PAGES, ILLUSTBATED. A compendium of uget'ul knowledge necessary for the practical uses of everyday lif e. A complete and perfect guide to life in public and private. THE LIFE AND DEEDS0F W. T. SHERMAN. CROWN OCTAVO, 568 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. A graphic narrative of nis boyhood and early life, education, career in Florida and California, military acbievements. lile as a cltizen, last sickness and death; with fine ntcel portraü. THE UFE OF P. T. BfiRNUM, THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CROWN OCTAVO, 520 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. His early life and struirieles, bold ventures and brilliant Buccess: his wonderful career, hls wit, genius and eloquence, his life ae a Citizen, etc- to which i6 added his famous book, The Art of Mrmeu GettinoCHEAP HOMES. 4h f f 0 g Acres of the best ■J I FarmingLandsin #1 I Central Michigan ■i J " " for sale on easy terms and long time by ll LANS, LOAN AND TZ7LE CCJIPAÏÏ OF MT. PLEASANT. MICHIGAN. FageWovenWire Fencc A Smooth Fence that Will Turn Any Kind of Stook ! The Best and Cheapest Fence for the Farm. Made in sizes from 3Í to 58 inches high, either galvanized or painted. Cali and Examine It And you will buy no other. M. STAEBLER, Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Argus
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