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Good Health

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IS YOUR BLOOD IMPUÍÍE? Ara you from any Kldney Or Female Complaint? Have you a Cough, Cold or any disease of Throat, Chest or Lungs ? Is your Livor performing its functions properly? If you have any of these cornplaints it will certainly pay you to try the medicines mentioned below, which are warranted. A REMARKABLE CURE. - . messrs. foley& co., Chicago. Whmc iarsapanlla Gentlemen:- I had a scrofulous taint of the blood from childhood. An ulcer began oq the side of the nose, having all the appearances of a 1 he ITlOSt pOWeriUl BlOOU most malicrnant cáncer, became about the size of a silver dollar and ezuded a thin, offensive matLyleanser. ter. The agony of mind I suffered cannot be describod as I contemplated the progress of the disease. I was induced to try the Clinic Sarsaparilla ; it appeared to neutraliza the poison in the " l"j " . blood, the ulcer ceased. The diseased tissues JSQ L,liniC IVlUneV WUFe in the bottom and edgee of the sore seemed to loosen and the natural ílesh to take its place. Thus the cure continued until an even surface WaiTanted fOf all KidtieV remained. No part of the disease remams. Mrs. h. b. adams, Comnlaints 1609 Wabash Ave., Chicago. uiuyianua. SUFFERED 27 YEARS. Mr. G. A. Stillson, a merchant of Tampico, 111., liJÊtóraf1"1 Foley's Honey and Tar Gentlemen : -Your Kidney Curo is meeting " ■with wonderful success. It has cured s.ome C f%a Cvflin cases here that physicians pronounced incurUUS" ÖJIU1' able. I, myself, am able to testify to its merits. My face to-'day is a living picture of health, and WarrüntpH thp Rpst your Kidney Cure has made it such. I had sufWarranteu tne Debí, fered twenty-seven years with the disease, and to-day I feel ten years younger than I did one year ago. I can obtain some wonderful certificates of its medical qualities. _ _ . what a phïsïcïan says. poley's Family Pilis Agnew, Ottawa Co., Mich., Feb. 14, 1S33. Foley & Co., Chicago. por pru-istination HeadGentleiien:- Pleasesend racsix dozen Honey ror VOllblipdllUU, ncdu and Tar at once. I wiïl say that within the r,rhp and RilionsnpSS past two months I have had threo or forir oases aci'L dnu D1110Uilieï5. af Pneumonía, in all of whio.ii I have used .. ■ Dnes not orinp HoneyandTarwiththei.i'.itKrr,;if.vingeiicc.--s. LJUCi HUI gi ipc. ours truly, J. C. Bishop. M. D. ACCEPT NO 8UESTITUT8 POR TKS3B SPLENDID MEDICINES. These medicales are fer sle by the fo!!owig firsi-class firms who are authorised io rpcosm.-efií fr.d guarantee -..: Bassett & Mason, Ann Arlor, Lyncli & Co., Manchester, Kobert H. KUlian, Ypsilanti, Will Curlett, Uexter, S. D. Chapin, Salem, C. F. Unterkircher, Saline, F. W. Schoen, Manchester, M. S. Davenport, York, J. W. Abbott, Whittaker, D. W. Cook, Fulton, H. W. Ballard, Willis, Dodge & Son, Whitmore Lake. G. C. Frye & Co., Emery, J. T. Berry, Worden.


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