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10FF1CIAL.I COUNC1I CHMÍBER. t Aks AKBOK, Auir. -1. líí3. I Regular session. Called to order by President Watts. Koll called. Quorum present. Absent, Aid. Ferguson- 1. The journal of the last session was approved. PETIÏIONS AND COMMUNK'ATION . To the Comnwn Council: The Board of Public Works beg leave to submit the following report of lts doings in the matter of bids for sewer tile, for the main sewer. The Board caused notice of tho City's wants to be published in the local newspapers and also distributed among well-known producers and dealers in sewer tile; and as a result on the day set i'or closing such offer, had eight bids of responsible parties, all of which bids are submitted herewith. All of the cars were for the tile tree oii board of bids at Ann Arbor, subject to inspection by.City Inspector. Each bid was uccotnpaniëd by sample of tile proposed to be deli'vered. The Board, before deciding on any recommendation caused all of said samples to be thoroughly tested at the mechanical laboratory at the University of Michigan, all of which tests are herewith submitted and made a part of this report. All thincs considered, we mend tbat the tile of the Ohio Valley Fire Clay Company be purchased and that a contract be made witli such company for tile for the main sewer at their bid, being at 80 5-2 discount trom list price (eastern list). ' We also recommend that the main sewer be constructed by the city under the direction of this Board. This recommendation is made for the following among other good and sufficient reasons, viz: First, the money wil] be distributed among our own working men who are now in great need of an opportunity to labor. Second, there is reason to believe that in that marnier the work is likely to be ruore efficiently done. All of which is respectfully submitted. By order of of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Miller, Clerk. Aid. Martin moved that the communication be accepted, adopted and placed on file. Adopted. To ite Common Council: The Board of Public Works would recommend and ask for the following appropriation of $100 to grade North State street, westside, between Kingsley street and Fuller street, for the purpose of constructing sidewalks on said street. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Millek Clerk. Keferred to Street Committee. A petition signed by Sam Henne and thirteen other residents and property holders of the City of Ann Arbor, asking that a sidewalk be ordered built on the west side of Vine street, irom Liberty street to Sam Henne's property. Referred to Sidewalk Committee. A petition signed by John Haarer and seventeen other residents and property holders of the City of Ann ArDor asking that an electric light be located at the intersection of West Liberty street and Ashley street. Referred to Lighting Committee. Aun Arbor, August 21, 1893. T the Common Council of the City of Aan Arbor: I hereby certify that the pressure guage at the engine house read as folio ws at times stated below: 6A.M. 12 A.M. 6 P.M. IJ P.M August 8.-.. 40tb 501b 20tt 501b 9.... 451b 201b 2011) 601b io 2ü5 titlfl) 20B 101b " 11 .... 15 60T 153) 401b . " i2 451b twïb 51b 151b 18 idtti iwfl) 6fH óOlb 14--.. 01b 201b 151b 501b 15...2St) 13tb 2011) 501b 16 40ft BOB) 51b 651b 17.... 851b 85tt 651b 65 " 18 601b 851b 651b 6511 19 65B 70B) tióft 651b 20 tiSlb tióib 63 B 65ff ■ 21 851b 655) I also cali the attention of your Hon orable Body to the tact that on anc since August lOth there has been storec in the reservoir a sufflcient supply of water tor fire purposes. Fl'.BD SlPLEY, Cliief Fire Department Received and tiled. BBPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES 8TREET. To the Oommem Coundl: Your Committee on Streets to whom was referred the communication of the Board of Public Works, asking for an appropriation of five hundred dollors to construct a stone culvert, according to plan and speciücation submitted by said board, on Fifth street(the second ward) would recommend that tive hundred dollars be appropriated f rom the bridge, culvert and crosswalk f und to build said culvert as said improvement is a public necessity. Respectfully submitted: Christ. Maktin, H. G. Prettyman, W. t. Snow, D. F. SCHAIRER, W. L. Taylok, Street Committee. Received and filed. IlEl'OKT OF SIDKWALK COMMITTEE. 'Jh Hm CotuniOH Uouncil: Your Committee on Sidewalks, to whom was referred the resolution offered in Common Council May 15th, asking for an appropriation to construct a stone crosswalk on Fourth avenue at the intersection of Detroit street, would respectfully report that the appropriation be made of $45, to build said crossing. as said crossing is a necessary public improvement. Respectfully submitted. Artjitjk J. Kitson, C. H. Manly, J. O'Maka, Frank Wood, Sidewalk Committee. Received and filed. SIDEWALK GRADES. To the Cornmon Council: Your Committee on Sidewalks would respectfully report that they have had the followi'ng sidewalk grades under consideration. and would reeomuiend that such grades be adopted and approved: Washtenaw avenue, north-east sidfi, f rom S. University avenue to Ilill street. Volland street north and south sides from Washtenaw avenue to Observatory street. S. Th a ver street. east side, from Washington to Huron streets. S. State street, west side, trom Packard to Edwin streets, Packard street, west side, from Ilill to State streets. Mary street, east and west side, from Packard to Edwin streets. W. Huron street, south side, from Ashley to ïhird streets. Miller Avenue, north side, from Fountain to Seventh streets. E. Washington street, north side, from Thayer to Ingalls streets. N. División street, west and east sides, from Huron to Arm streets. Fit'th avenue, west side, from Catherine to Detroit streets. Willard street, south side, from E. University avenue to Church street. E. University avenue, east side, from Ilill to Prospect streets. E. University avenue, east side, from College to Willard streets. E. Liberty street. uorth side, from Main to Fifth avenue. E. Ann street, south side, from Fourth avenue to Fifth avenue. Ñ. Fourth avenue, west side, from Ann to Catherine streets. E. Liberty, south side, from Main to Fifth avenue. . E. Huron street, south side, from División to Thayer. We herewith submit resolutions establishing the foregoing grades. Respectfully submitted, A. J. Kiïson, O. II. Makly, J. O'Mara. Frank Wood, Sidewalk Committee. Aid. Manly moved that the floor be granted to Mr. Greene, of. New York, Hydraulic Engineer, and Dr. Hale, of New York. Adopted. Dr. Hale stated tlie company was ready to Kink a well 30 ieet in diameter at the pumpiug station, and wou ld now discontinue the use oí the upper catcli basin. Mr. Greeme stated tliat aai unlimited eupply of pure water could be liad at tlie pumpiug statioaby sinking a ■well. He also stated that the Huroai river eontained the finest kind of water l'or domestic purposes. T.y Aid. Martin : Beeolved, Tliat taie plan and speciiioatioin of tlie new stoue eulvert, to be coinsti-ucted on Fifth. street (2d ward) submitted by tlie Board of Public "Works and Street Committee, be awd the same are in all things appa-oved and tlie wim oí íive hundred dollars be appropriated ïrom the culvert, bridge aaid cross walk fund, and the Board of Public Works is luereby directed to for bids, for tlie coustruetion thereof, according- to tQie .plein submitted. Auopteu as itjíiiu!3 . Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Wagiier, Herz, Miai-tin, Show, Wood, Taylor, Manly Prettyman. Kitson, O'Mara and Pres. Watts- 12. Naye - Kooie. P.y Aid.. Martúi : WJiereas, The bids far the furnish ing oí tile far the mala sewer baviaig beeu received and publicly opened by the Board of Public Works, a.nd repoii-ted to the Cwiucil with a recoanmenidation tliat the bid of Th Ohio Valley Pire Clay Oampamy be aoepted, and having been duly con sidered ; therefoi-o, Resolved, Tlwxt the bid and ofie of The Ohio Valley Fia-e Clay Campa ny of ToTonto, Ohio, to furnish eewer pipe for tihe proposed niain sewur, imvluding all sizes of pipes, bends, elbows aod brancüiee aecoi-dhig to the bid tibereof, free om board cars at Aun Arbor, subject to iuspection, in all things acearding to sampl furnished aaid bid made, 'be and the same is hei-eby accepted, and the Board of Public" Works is hereby instructed to canse a contract to be executed and exoliaiiged wlfái said Oliio Valley Fire ('lay COimpaiiy tliereïor, such contract to be executed on the part of the city by t)he president and clork of. the Board of Public Works. Adopted as íollows : Tea- Aids. Setoajrer, Wagner, Herz, Miaa-tón, .Snow, O'Mara, Manly, l'rettyman, Kiteon, Pres. Watts - 10. Nays- Aid Wood and Taylor- 2. By Aid. Mar tin : Resolved, Ttat the Board of Public Works do proeeed witk the constaiiction of the nuaiii sewer accord'mg to tJie plarus lieretoíore approved 1y tlLfe couiicU, and such work be done uiMler tlne dijectioii of the Board of Public Works, wlth the eeww tommittee oí tJiis oouacil as a consulting cammitfcee. Adopted as íoiIIowk : Yeas- AWs. Scliairer, Waj?nír, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, Taylor, Manly l'rettyman. Kitson, O'Mara and Pres. Watts- 12. Xays- Xoine. "By Aid. O'Miara : Resolved, And it is tlie sene of tliis couiicil tliat the B,oard of Public Works, do cauwe the gi-adhig and "cntting down K. Hurón street, to confOTm to the entiibliisJied gTade. On inotion of Aid. Manly, the rcsolution was j-efen-ed to the street cominittee to report at the next TÚeetíag. By Aid. Kitson : Resolved, Ttuat Mu kuiii oí f'l.j be appropriated 6Pom tlie bridge, culvery ind oroeBwalk fund, fOT the purpose of coustructing . stone crosswalk ooi FöurtJi ave., at the intersectiom of Detroit Street. Adopfced as follows : Yeas- Aids. Scliairea-, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, AVood, Taylor, Manly Prettyman, Kitson, O'Mara and Pres. Watts- 12. Xays - N'ome. Contiimed on 7tl) Page. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Continued f rom 6th I'ago. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas. In the opinión of the Council the "i-iideof tlie sidewalk ou the east side of E. ünlverelty avenue ouglit to be ohanged and flxed and established, to the end that sueh street may be made sultable and safe for public travel, thereforo . Resolved, and it is hereby prdered that tbe trrade of the sidewalk on and along the east Sde of E. University avenue froni south line of Hill street to north line of Prospect street be, and the same is hereby euausred, flxed and extahUslieil, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and alongtlie street aforesaid shall be au follows, that is to say : At s e cor of HUI st and E. University ave. - Nb,U;) ft " 350 ft 's'froni's o cor of Hillst and K. TJniversity ave 86B.ÍÍ5 ft " the north line of Tappau at 85o.8 ft " n e cor of Prospect st and E. University ave 840.28 ft the elevatlon glven being aboye the official city datum and alons the center line of such walk, and the grade Unes to consist of straisht Unes between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows: Y,.as_AHfe. Soliairer, Wagmer, Herz, Martin, Smow, "Wood, O'Mara, Tayloir, Mmnly, í'rettyman, Kitson and Tres. Watt- 12. Naye- None. By Aid. Kltéon: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the erade of the sidewalk ou the south side of W. Hurón street ougnt r,o oe uniíngeu anu niea and established, to tiie end that such street may be made suitalilo and saíe tor public t nivel, therefore Resolved, and it is liereby ordered that the rade of the sidewalk on and along the south side of W. Huron street from west line of S. Ashley street to eastlineof S. Third strest be, and the same is hereby cbanged, fl.xed and established, so that the srade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At s w cor S. Ashley st and w. Huron g 826.0i ft " s ecörS.'iïrst stand W. Huron st.. 813 61 ft ■' swcor S. " " " -.RU.20 ft " T. A. A. E. crossing Ï93.B5 f t ' l0 ft w from T. A. A. K. R crossing, 792.61 ft 320 ft w from " " '' - - 793.96 ft "se cor of S. Third st and W. Huron st _ ._ töti.c.i ft the elevütion giveu being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk and the grade flnesto conslst of straight Unes between' the several pointa or stations above stated. Adopted as followis : -Aids. Sclvaircr, AVagner, Herz, Martin, Show, AVood, O'Mara, Tay■!, Mninly, l'rettyman, Kitson and Pres. AVatts- 12. Nays - Nont'. By Aid. Kitson: W'HEHEiS, In tlie opinión of theCouncil tne grade of the sidewalk on the east side of B. University avenue ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Remlred, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and alou?; the east side of E. Uoiversity avenue f rom south line of College strest to north line of w illard street be, and the same is hereby Ohanged, fixed and establisbed, so that sirade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that i to say: At se cor of College st. and E. University ave b7(i.29ft "2B4ft south of secor of College st. and E. University ave 872.88 ft "n e cor of S. University ave, and E. University ave 870.85 ft " se cor of S. University ave. and E. University ave .,...889135 ft " 13S ft south from s e cor of S. University ave. and E. University a%'e 867.16 ft " necor'of Willard stand E. University ave 8(4 30ft theelevation civen being above the omriul city datum and along the center line of such wa'lk, and tlie grade iiues to consistof strftiiiht lines between the several pointe or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Soliairer, Wagmeor, Herz, Martin, Show, Wood, O'Mara, Tay.,-.. ,in, Kitsotí and Pres. Watt- 1 Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whekhas, in the opiuion of the CoHneil the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of N. Fifth avenue ought to be changed and üxed and established, to the end that such stroet may be made suitable and 8afe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of N. Fifth avenue from north line of E. Catbarine street to east line of Detroit Street be. and the same is hereby changed. fixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shali be as iollows, that is to say : At nw cor of E. Catherine st. and N. Fifth ave Sil.TOft "se cor of Detroit st. and N. Fifth ave 826 83 ft the elevation si ven being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as folio ws : Yeas- Aids. Sehairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin. Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Tay,i-, Miunly, Prettyman, Kitson and Pires. Watts- 12. Niáys - Kon. By Aid. Kitson: Wherkas, in the opiuion of tlie Council Ihc trradu of the sidewalk on the east side ot' N División street ought to be cbanged and fixed aud established, to the end that such street may be made suituble and safe for public travel, thercfore Remhwl, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of t lu' iidi'waik on and along the easi Bide of N. División street from uorth lineof E. Huron street to south line of E. Ann street be. and the same ia hereby changed, üxed and established, sothat the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as iollows, that is to say: At n e cor of E. Huron st. and N. División st - 857.35 ft "se cor of E. Ann st. and N. División st 85:iO9ft the elevation giren being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight Unes betweeu the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : ï'eas - Aids. Sana-irer, Wagner, Herz, ''i.v'.n, Saiow, Wood, O'Mara, Tay:r, Mainly, Prettyman, Klteon anJ Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. By AM. Kitson: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the north side of K. Washington street ought to be changed and Hxod and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and eafe for public travel, theretore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aud along the north side of E. Washington street from east line of S. Thayer street to west line of S. lugalls street be, and the sanie is hereby changed. üxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At n e cor of S. Thayer stand E. Wasb' ington st 873.45 ft " D w cor of S. Ingalls stand E. Washington st S74.77 fl the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the g-rade lines to consist of straight Unes betweeu the several poiuts oi stations above stated. Adopted as folio we : Yeae - Aids. .Si-lmii'er, Wagner, Herí, Martin. Smow, Wood, O'Mara, Taykr, JJanly, rrettyjiian, Kitsou and Pi-es. Watts- 12. Xays- Xone. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, in the opinión of Uw Counol) the triarle of the sidewalk on the north siiie of Mitlcr avenue ouglit to be chauged and H.ved and established, to the end that suoh streel nmy be made suitnblu and safe for public i ravel. iherefore Resnlved. and ie ï hereby ordeml ilmt the grade of toe sldewaik on and ulong the north stdewf Miller avenue dom west line of rountuin street to e:i8t line of N. Seventh street be and the saine is bereby changed, flxed aad estabhshed, so tluit the grade of said sidewalk on and the street aforesaid sliall be as foliows, that is to say: At n w cor of Kountain et and Millur ave 817.09 ft " 120 ft west from n w cor of Fountain st and Miller uve 825 20 ft ' 220 ft west from n w cor of Fountain standMüler ave 828.22 ft " 470 ft west from n w cor of Fountain standMüler ave 831.78 ft " 700 ft west from u w cor of Fountain stand Miller ave S34.6 f " ne cor of Gott st. and Miller ave. ...838.!! ft " n w cor of Gott st and Miller ave S39.9B ft " 150 ft west from n w cor of Gott st. and Miller ave 844:68 ft " n e cor of Brooks st and Miller ave. 847.31 ft " n wcor of Brooks st. and Miller ave 848.31 ft " east line of N. Seventli st 851.00 ft the elevatioii sriven bein above tlie official city datum and along the center line of surh walk, and the grade linea toconsistot'straiíílit linesbetween the several points or stations above stated. Adopted n.s follmvs : Yens- Aids. Scfoairer, Wagmer, Herz, Martin, Smow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Maaüy, Prettyman, Kitsmi and Pres. Watts- 12. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, in the opinión of .the Councll the grade of tlie sidewalk on the east side of Mary street ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that. such street maf be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered, that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the east side of Mary street from the southwest line of Packard street to the north line of Edwin street be, and the same is hereby changed, fixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as foliows. that is to say: At s e corof Packard and Mary st... .832.40 ft " aiiscleinMaryst 823.16 ft " 200 ft north of nortti line of Edwin st 820.61 ft "ne cor of Edwin st and Mary st 820.61 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and alone the center line of such walk, and the grade line to eonsist of straight lines brtweeu the several poiuts or stations above stated.' Adopted as foliows : Yeas- Aids. Sohairer, Wagmer, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, TayI:, M; nly. ' yn:-u"., Ivitsoai and hw. Watt-'- 12. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opinión of the Council the sradeof the sidewalk on the south side of Willard street ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that su.-li street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered, that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the south side of Wlllard street, from tlie east line of East University avenue to the west line of Church street, be, and tlie same is hereby changed, Bxeq and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and alons the street aforesaid shall be as foliows, that is to say: At s e cor E. University ave and Willardst 864.30 ft " s w cor Church st and Willard st... 885.57 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of suoh walk, and the grade lines to eonsist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as foliows : Yeas- Aids. SeJiairev, Waguer, Herz, ■ :ia, Pnw, Wood, O'Mara, Tay. . i'.y. Prettymèn, Kit-son and Pres. Watts- 12. Nars - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of N. División street ousht to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered, that the crade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of North División street, trom the north ïin o nf F.ast. Hnron street to the south line of East Arm street, be. and the same is hereby changed. flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be us follows, that is to sïvy : At n w cor E. Huron st and N. División st 855.15 ft " s w cor E. Ann st and N. División the elevation given being above the official city datum and alons the center line of such walk, and the grade Unes to consist of stnaight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Aüopted as follows : Yens- Aids. SelwUreir, Wagner, Herz, unv, Wood, O'Mara, Tayor, Xfainfy, Prettyman, Kitsan and Pres. Watts- 12. Nays- 'one. By Aid. Ivitson: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the rade of the sidewalk on the south side of 5ist Liberty street ought to be changed and ixed and established, to the oud that such . trect, may be made suituble and safe for )ublic travel, therefore Rofulved, and it is hereby ordered, that the rrade of the sidewalk on and alona the south hv of East Liberty street, f rom the east Une of South Main street to the west line of South ?ifth avenue, be, and the sume is hereby ■hanged, flxed and established, so that the 'rade of s;iid sidewalk on and alons the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to At s e cor of S. Main st and E. Liberty . st ,837..70ft " 100 ft e of s e cor of S. Main and E. Liberty st - 838.28 ft " s w cor of S. Fourth ave and E. Libèrforst 841.35 ft " s e cor of 8. Fourth av and E. Liberty st 841.93 ft "s wcorof S. Fifth avo and E. Liberty st S47.?lft ihe elevation glven belng above the official city datum and alons the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straisht liues between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adoptied as followB : Yeas- Alda. Scliairer, Wagner, Herz, Mina-tin, Smow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Mnmly, Prettymán, Kitson and Pres. Watte- 12. tteys - Nooe. By AWermaa Kiitson: Wheeeas, in the opinión of the (Jouncil the grade of the sidewalk on the south side of E. Hurou street ought to be changed and ti xed and established. to the end that sucli street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it ia hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewulk on and along the south side of east Hurou atreet from west line of S. División street to east line of S. Thayer street be, and the same is hereby cUauged. flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on aud aloug the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that 18 to say : At s. e. cor. of S. División st. and E. Hurou st -857.08 ft " 28.) ft. east from s. e. cor. of S. División st. and E. Hurou st 863.91 ft ' s. w. cor. of S. State st. aud E. Hurou st - 869.77 ft " 8.' e. cor. of S. State st. and E. Hurou st 870.28 ft " s. w. cor. of S. Thayer st. aud E. Iluron st.". (-72.33 ft the elevation given being above the official citv datum and along the center line OÍ such walk, aud the grilde liues to cousist of straight liues betweeu the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Veas- Aids. Scliiaircr, Wagmèr, Herz, Martin, Soow, Wood, O'Mara, Tay':ov, Mamly, Prettyman, Kitson and Pres. Watts- 1'2. "'" Nays- None. By Alderman Klitsan: Wiíekeas. iu the opinión of tbe Council the grade of the sidewalk ou the west side o! Man -t..ought to be changed and tixed and ■.-lied. to the end Unit such street may í be made suitable aud safe für public travel I thereiorc, Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sldewalk on and aloug the west side of Mary street from soiithwest line of Packard street to uorth line of Edwin street be, and the same is hereby ehanged, fixed and establlshedt so that the grade of said side alk on and along the street aforesaid shall be asfollows.that Is tosay: At. s. w.cor. of Paokard st. aud Mary st 833.05 ft " n. w. cor. of Benjamin st. aud Mary st . 1820.38 ft " s. w. oor.of Benjamin st. and Mary st 821 .38 ft '■ 265 ft. north of north line of Edwin stS20.11 ft " n. w. cor. of Edwin st and Mary Bt- 880.11 ft I the elevatlon given belng above" the official city datum and along the center line of suel walk, aBd the grade lines to conslst of straight Unes between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as followa : ■Yens- Aids. Schair?r, Wagrner, Herz, M :rtin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Tay' .M"n!y. Prettyman, Kitson and !':-,. Watts- 12. Naya - None. By AMierman Kitsen: ■ Whebeas, In tlie opinión of the Couucil the grade of the sidewalk ou the north side of V'ollantV at. ought to be ehanged and rixed and esr.ablished. to the end that sucb. street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefme Resolved, and it Is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and alom; the north side of Volland street frora northeast line of Washtenaw avenue to west line of Observatory street be. and the same Is hereby ehanged, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sldewalk on aud along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At n. w. cor. of Washtenaw ave. and Volland st 883.75 ft " the angle in Volland st -886.34 ft " 100 ft. east of the angle in Volland st 886 .44 ft " 215 ■' " " ' ■ " " " 880.28 ft " 570 " " ' " " " 871Í.50 ft " n. w. cor. of Fourteenth st. and Volland st 874.90 ft " n. e. cor. of Fourteenth st. and Volland st 873.90 ft " 170 ft. e. of n. e. cor. of Fourteenth st. and Volland st 875.90 ft " 26-5 ft. w. of n. w. cor. of Observatory st. and Volland st 889.69 ft " 130 ft. w.ofn. w.cor. of Observatory st. and Volland st 9UO.41 ft " n. w. cor, of Observatory st. and Volland st 907.90 ft the elevatiun given being above tlie official city datum and along the reuter line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several poiutsor stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schaircr, Wagrier, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Tay'.''.. .Mninly. Pré-ttytruan, Kitson and 1 res. Watts- 11'. Nays - Xone. By Aiderman Kiison: Whkreas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk ou the northeast side of Washtenaw ave. ought to be ehanged and flxed and established, to the end that vuch street may be made suitable and safe lor public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the ?rade of the sidewalk on and along the northeast side Washtenaw ave., from uorth line of 3. Uuiversity ave. lo north line of Hill street e. and the same is hereby ehanged, fixed and established, so that the grade óf said sidewalk on and aloug the street aloresaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At u. e. cor. 8. Uuiversity ave. and Washteuaw ave 873.75 ft " 30 ft. Irom u. e. cor. S. University ave. and Washtenaw ave 873.75 ft " 100 ft. f í om n. e. cor. S. University ave. and Washtenaw ave 874.70 ft " 150 ft. from n. e. cor. is. University _ ave. aud Washienaw ave S6.10 ft " 200 ft. from n. e. cor. S. Uuiversity av.e. aud Wa-htenaw ave 878.10 ft ■' 300 ft. from n. e. cor. S. Univeisily ave. and Washtenaw ave 82.60 ft " 35t' ft. from n. e. cor. S. University ave. and Wushteuaw ave 884.30 ft " 400 ft. from n. e. cor. S. University . ave. and Washtenaw ave 8S4.90 ft " 450 ft. from n. e. cor. S. University ave aud Washtenaw ave 884.75 ft " 500 ft. from n. e. cor. S. University ave. aud Washtenaw ave 883.90 ft " 600 ft. from n. e. cor. S. University ave. and Washtenaw ave 881.70 ft " 650 ft. from n. e. cor. S. University ave. and Washteuaw ave 880.90 ft "700 ft. from n. e. cor. S. University ave. and Washtenaw ave 880.50 ft ave. and Washtenaw ave 881.60 ft " 85Ü ft. from n. e. cor. S. University ave. and Wasliteuaw ave 8S5.75 ft " 1000 ft. from n e. cor. S. University ave. and Waslitenaw ave 890.23 ft " 1050 ft. from n. e. cor. S. University ave aud Washtenaw ave 890.90 ft " 1150 ft. from n. e. cor. S. University ave. and Washtenaw ave 888 75 ft " north line of HtU st 882.30 ft the elevatton given belug above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade Unes to consist of straight Hoes betweeu the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as folio ws : e ■ -Aids. Süliairer, Wa-gner, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara. Taytor, Mamly, Prettyman, Kiteon and Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. By Alderruan Iptsom: Whereas. in the opinión of theCouneil the grade of the sidewalk on the south side of E. Ann st. ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street raay be made suitable aud safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of sidewalk on ano alone; the south side of E. Ann street from east line of X. Fourth avenue to west line of N. Fourth avenne be. and the same is hereby changed, fixed and establisbed. so that the grade of said sidewalk on and alone; the street aforesaid sball beas follows, that is to say: At s. e. cór. N. Fourth ave. and F.. Ann st - 832.63 ft " 144 ft. e. of s. e. cor. N. Fourth ave. aad E. Ann st 834.47 ft " s. w.cor. N. Fifth ave. and E. Ann st 837.28 ft the elevatiou given beiug above the official city datum and along the center line of sucli walk. and the grade lines' to consist of straight Unes between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : . e;K-- Aids. Schairer, Wagnêr, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Mamly, PTettyman, Kitson and Pres. Watts- 12. Xays- None. By Aldernian Kitsom: Whereas, in the opinión of the Counci the grade of the sidewalk on the west side o N. Fourth ave. ought to be changed apd öxed aud established. to the end that sucl street may be made suitable and safe for pub lic travel, theretore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the wes side of N. Fourth ave. from north line of E Ann street to south lineof E. Catherinestree be. and the same is hereby chauged, fixed and established, so that the grade of sak sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At u. W. cor. of È. Anu st. and N. Furth ave S30.99 a " s. .w. cor. of jL. Catharine and N. Fourth ave S2 55 f the elevation given being above the officia city d'ttum ana along the center liue of sucl walk, aud the grade liues to consist of straigh lines betweeu the several points or station above stated. Adopted as follows : . - AMs. SihairiT. Wanner, Herz Martin. Sinow, Wood, O'Mara, Tay lor, Mrnnly, Prettyraan, Kitson anc Pres. Watts- 12. Nays- None. By Aid. ICitson: WiiEKEAs, In the opinión pf the Councll the grade of the sidewalk on the east side oi s. Thayrr street ought to be obanged aud rtxed and established, to the end taal such street may be made suitable and safe lor public travel, therefore Resolved, aud it is hereby ordered that the grade of tlie sidewalk on and aloqg the easi side of 8. Thayer street from north line of E Washington street to south line of E. Hurón street be, and the sanie is hereby chaugeu fixed aud established, so that the grade of saic sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows. tliat is to say: At il. e. cor. of E. Washington st. and S. Thayer st 873.45 ft " s. e. cor. oí E. Hurón st. and s. Thayei si 872.88 ft the elevalion given being above the oiBclal city datum anti along the center line 01 sucb walk, and the grade Unes t o consisto!' straight ines between the several poinls or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : 'zaau '.iouSu.w 'JSJTBiqog "sptV - sraX MBtarttai, 8now, Wood, O'Mura, Tay'.or, Manl.v, Prett"yman, Kitson and Pres. Watt- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whebeas, iu the opinión of the Council he grade of the sidewalk on the southwesi ide of Packard street ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that ucli street may be made suitabie and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along thesouthwest side of Packaru street from south line of idill street to west line of S. State street be. and the saine is hereby ebanged, flxed and established, so that the grade of said Hewalk on and along the street aforesaid hall be as follows, that Is to say: Ats. e. oor. of HUI st. and Packard st.SW.02 ft " s. w. cor of Mary st. and Packard stSÏB.M ft " s. e. cor. of Mary st. and Packard st 8K.4U ft " s. w. cor. of S. State st. and Packard st 830.38 ft he elevation given being ahove the official ity datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade Unes to eonsist of traightliues between the several points or tatious above stated. Adopted as follows : Yens- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, (Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Tay,i)i-. Maoily, Prettyrnan, Kiteooa and Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas. in tüe opinión of the Council the rade of the sidewalk on the north side of E. .iberty street, ought to be changed aud fixed nd established, to the end that such street ïay be made suitabie and safe for public ravel. therefore Resolved, and U is hereby ordered that the rade of the sidewalk on and along the north ide of E. Liberty street, from east line of S. lain street to west line of S. Fifth aveuue be. ud the same is hereby changed, fixed and esablished so that the 'grade of said sidewalk n and along the street aforesaid shall be aá ollows, that is to say: At n. e. corner of S. Main st. and E. Liberty st 873.83 ft ■ n. w. corner of S. Fourth ave. aud E. Liberty st 841.40 ft n. e. corner of S. Fourth ave. and E. Liberty st- - '.-.842.20 ft ' n. w. corner of S. Fifth ave. and E. Liberty st.-_ S17.S4 f !ie elevation given being above the official city aruni and along the ceuter line of such walk nd the grade lines to eonsist of straight liues etfveeu the several points or stations aboved tafed. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taynr. Mainly, Prettyman, Kitson and Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the rade of the sidewalk on the west side of S. tate street ought to be chauged and fixed and stablished. to the end that such street may je made suitabie and safe for public travel, ïerefore Reiolved, and it is hereby ordered that the rade of the sidewalk on and aloug the west .de of S. State street from southwest line of "ackard street to north line of Edwiu street be, nd the same is hereby changed. fixed and esïblished. so that the grade of said sidewalk on ud aloug the street aforesaid shall be as fulows. that is to say : t s. w. corner of Packard st. and S. state st 83O.S8ft í n. w. corntr of Edwin st. and tí. State st. 628.38 ft he elevation giveu being above the official city Htum and aloug the center line of said street. ie roadway to conform thereto. aud the grade hereof to cousist of straight lines between the everal points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aids. Seliairer, Wagner, Herz, Man-tin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Tayor, Miiinly. Prettyman, Kitson and Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. By AM. Kitson: hereas. in the opiuion of the Council the rade of the sidewalk ou the south side of 'olland st. ought to be changed and fixed and stablished. to the eud that such street may e made suitabie aud safe for public travel, herefore'f.d, and it is hereby ordered that the rade of the sidewalk ou and along the south ide of Vollaud street from northeast line of Vashtenaw avenue to west Hiie of Observatory treet be, aud the same is hereby changed. ixed and established, so that the grade of aid sidewalk ou and aloug the street aforehall be as follows, that is to say: At n. e. coruer of Washtenaw ave. and Vollaud st 883.51 ft " the augle in Volland st 8S5 51 ft ' 110 ft. east of the augle iu Vollaud st. .i 885.01 ft " 835 ft. east of the angle in Vollaud st. 873.96 ft " 170 ft east of the eaat line of S. Fourteenth st aud Vollaud st 870.9G ft ' 273ft.west of the west line of S. Observatory st 890.20 ft " s. w. corner of S. Observatory st. and Volland st - 908.12 ft he elevation given being above the official city datum and aloug the center line of such valk, and the grade lines to eonsist of straight ines between the several poiuts or stations ibove stated. Adopted as follows : Yesós - Aids. Sehairer. Wagner, Herz, Martin. Snow, Wood, O'Mara, TaySbr, Ma.nly, Prettyman. Kiteoo and Pres. Watts- 12. Nays- None. On motion tlie eouncil udjourned. City Clark.


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