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lOFFICIALl CoukcÍl chamber. Ank Arbok, öept. 18, 1893. Regular session. Called to order by President Watts Boll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Wagner, Prettyman and Kitson.- 3. The journal of the last session was approved. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the Common Cmincil: The Board of Public Works woulc recommend a change in the route or the proposed main sewer, since the flrst route was determined. The Board engaged Alderman Manjy to procure a necessary right of way over private property. He reported that this righi of way could not be obtained without condemnation proceedings. The City Engineer acting under the instruction of the Board, has drafted a plan of a shorter route for the main sewer, which is more ieasible for making connections without crossing the railroads, and lies entirely along the streets, excepting that along the Michigan Central grounds, and the road very generously offers to permit the city to use their ground for this purpose. The Board would therefore recommend that the route of the main sewer east -of Main street, be changed to the following route: From Main street east along Summit street to Fifth avenue; thence north along Fifth avenue to Depot street; thence east along Depot and Cary streets to the east line of State street; thence north, crossing railway; thence easterly along Michigan Central company's land to Fuller street; thence easterly along Fuller street to the river and to the outlet thereof , south of Bridge Ko. 3. All of which is respectfully submitted. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Millek, Clerk. Aid. Manly moved that the report be accepted, adopted and placed on file. Adopted. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works beg leave to submit the following report of its doings in the matter of bids for hard burnt brick, and for two cars of Portland cement, for the main sewer. The Board caused notice of the City's wants to be published in local newspapers and also distributed among well-known producers and dealers in brick and cements; and as a result, on the day set for closing such offers, had four bids for the brick and nine bids for the cement, of responsible paities, and of which bids are submitted herewith. All of the bids were for brick and cement f. o. b. cara at Ann Arbor, subject to inspection. Eacli bid was accompanied by sample of brick proposed to be delivered. Allthingsconsidered, we recommend that the bid of the Ann Arbor Brick Jompany be accepted and that a contract be made with such company for 30,000 or more hard-burnt brick for the main sewer, at their bid, being $6.25 per thousand, f. Q. b. cars at Ann Arbor. We recommend that the bid of Louis Kohde for two cars of Buckeye American Portland Cement in burlap sacks, $2.23 per bbl., 380 lbs. net; (4 baga to bbl.), f. o. b. cars Ann Arbor. At a meeting of this Board and Aid. Martin, Aid. Ferguson, and Aid. Snow, members oi' the Sewer Committee of the Council, the matter of purchasing 000 feet of 24-in. cast iron pipe was discussed at length, and it was the sense of the meeting that iron pipe should be used where the sewer runs along the river, and where it is liable to be exposed to the frost. The iron pipe were then and there ordered. Respectf ully submitted by order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Millek, Clerk. Aid. Martin moved that the report be and the same is hereby approved and confirmed. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Martin, Snow, Wood, ü'Mara, Ferguson, Pres. Watts. -7. Nays- Aid. Ilerz, Manly- 2. Aid. Taylor was excused from voting. To the Commou Councü : Your petitioner. a resident of the city of Ann Arbor, respeetfully represents that he ís the owner of the lands and d welling house, sitúate at the uorthwest corner of Felch aild North Main streets: that he purchased such properU from the McCourt heirs iu themonth of May last. Your netition furtlier represeuts; that he took as he supposed. great paius to determine the condltion of the titlu to such property prior to the payineut of the purchase nioney ior the same.aud applied to the citv treasurer for iuformatiouas to the leiufor taxes thereou and was iuformed that all taxes had been made and discharged. Your petititiouer further represents: that he is now advised that said city treasurer was in error as to the payineut of such taxes ; that there is unpaid thereon a tax for Ihe construction of a sldewalk along Felch street fronting on said property. Your petitioner further shows ; that he has been advised that there is a questiou involviug the legality of such sidewalk tax, arising from the lact that the city never aequired title to the lands now occupied by said Felch street. Your petitioner further represents; that for the purpose of dispoging of such questiou of the validity of said tax he will deed and couvey the right of way and the lands uow occupied by said Felch street adjacent to his said prouerty ou condition that your Honorable Body do cause such tax to be cancelled. All of which is respectfully submitted, aud your petitioner humbly prays that suitable action may be taken hereon ; and your petitioner accorded a hearing in the premises. S. P. BANFIELD. Dated September 18, 1893. Aid. O'Mara moved that the comimmication. be referred to the finance committee. Adopted. A petition signed by S. Wood and thirty-six other residents and propertv holders on Main aud Depot streets of the city of Ann Arbor, asking that a franchise be granted to the Ann Arbor Street Rail way company to build its linés on Depot and Main streets. Referred to the Ordinance Committee. A petition sigued by G. M. Henion ■and thirty other residents and property holders of the lirst ward, city of Ann Arbor, askirjg that an electric lamp be located on Thompson street, between Jefferson and Maynard streets. Referred to Lighting Committee. KEPORTS OF STANDING (JOSIMITTEES OKDINANCE. First readiug by titie of "Au ürdi nance Relative to Street Kailways." First readiug by title of "Au Ordi nance Relative to Street Railways and Authorizing the Ann Arbor Stree Railway Company to Exteud It Lines." Second reading by sections, of "An Ordinance Relative to Baggage Wag ons, Drays, Omnibuses, Hackney-car riages, and other Public Vehicles." On Motion of Aid. Martin a recess o íive minutes was taken. REPOKT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Common Cmmcil: Your Committee on Finance, to whom was retened the report of the Board of Public Works relative to salary of City Engineer vvould respectfully report as follows: ïbe matter in question is highly important, affecting'as it does, every tax payer in the city, directly as regards salaries paid, and by a far greater extent indirectly to the success oi' failure of the work. Consequently it deserves careful consideration trom both committee and Council. While your Committee is of the opinión that $150 per month is not too much to pay to an engineer capable of ;arrying out the proposed sewer sysem to a successful termination, never;heless there are various points to be considered in connection with the subect. It is proposed and expected by the Board of Public Works that the maiu sewer shall be completed in from three ;o f our months. During this time they iropose to hire an assistant to the City Engineer at a salary of $2.75 per day, or a little more than seventy dollars per month. This will probably be money well spent. At the request of the Board, the iommoii Council has also appointed r'rof. Chas. E. Greene Consulting engiïeer, to act with the City Engineer during the building of the main sewer. ?or his services d uring the proposed hree to l'our months. the surn ot $500 vill be required, being at a rate of rom $125 to $166 per month, according o the Urne. It will be seen that the salaries of ,he three engineers foot up to about 1370 per month, exclusive of minor ïelp. Adding tb e salary of the Street üommissioner, $6ö.66, who is expected ;o devote his entire time to sewer contruction, we have a total of about ;435 per month to be paid out for sim)ly directing the work. We believe this borders on extrava;ance. So far as your Committee has een able to ascertain, Mr. Geo. Key s able and competent to direct the layng of the main sewer without the aid f a consultiug engineer, and we do ïot consider it wise or economieal to tnploy two high priced men to attend o the same work. We therefore recommend that Mr. Geo. F. Key be eniployed at a salary of $150 per month, eommenciug Sept, 1, 1893, until further notice fróm this Council, to take f uil charge of the laying and construction of the main sewer, under the supervisión of the Board of Public Works, thereby making Mr. Key responsible for the success or failure of bis work. We recommend that Mr. Rosencrans be emDloyed at L2.75 per day, if bis services shall be considered positively needed by the Board of Public Works, to assist Mr. Key with his work, until further notice from the Common Council. We further recommend that the Council reconsider its action of May 15, 1893, whereby Prof. Chas. Greene was appointed consulting engineer in the coiistruction of sewers. We believe that one responsible head to the work is better than two, neither of whom is quite sure who is in charge of the work. All of which is respectf ully submitted. W ALTER L. TAYLOR, WlLLIAM HERZ, Frank Wood, Finance Committee. A'ld. Manly moved the report be accepted and adopted. Aid. Ferguson moved to lay said report on the table. Lost, as follows: Yeas- Aid. Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson. - t. Nays- Aid. Schairer, Herz. Wood, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 7. The original motion of Aid. Manly prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Herz, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Pres. Watts. - 7. Nays - Aid. Schairer, Martin, Ferguson, Kitson.- 4. REPORT OF STREET COMMITTEE. To tlie Common Council: Your Committee on Streets would report as follows concerning the various requests for appropriations referred to your Committee: The atreet fund now has only about $2,000 in it, to run the street fund for some months. For this reason and for the further reason that the whole time of the City Engineer and Street Commissioner is now taken up with construction of the sewers, we would recommeud that the consideración of the appropriations be deferred until a more opportune time, excepting that we recommend the appropriations of $100 to flll in and to do the necessary grading on Mary street, from Packard to Edwin streets; also $90 to do the necessary grading on Prospect street, from East University avenue to Wells street. The petition referred to your committee at the last meeting of Council, asking for crosawalks at the intersections of Williatn St. and Fifth avenue and William street and División street, we would recommend said petition be referred to the Sidewalk Committee. Eespectfully submitted: Christ. Martin, A. P. Ferguson, W. G. Snow. D. F. SCHAllïER, Street Committee. Aid. Manly moved that the report be laid on the table, which motion was lost. Aid. O'Mará moved the report be accepted and adopted. Aid. Manly moved that the report be amended to ins'ert the appropriation of $200 for grading Broadway. Chair declared motion out of order. Aid Manly moved the report be reierred back to Street Comtuittee. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Ileiz, Wood, Taylor, Manly. - i. Nays- Aid. Schairer, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Kitson, President Watts.- 7. The original motion of Aid. O'Mara prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Kitson, Pres. Watts -7. Nays- Aid. Herz, Wood, Taylor, Manly- 4. KEPORT OF SIDEWALK COMOTTTEE. To the Comnton Coiincil: Your Committee on Sidewalks, would report that they have had the following sidewaïks under consideration and find that the grading and construction of the sidewaïks herein named are all a necessary public improvement and would respectfully recjmmend that the followiug sidewaïks je ordered graded and constructed, viz: On Chubb street f rom Mr. Hughes' east line to Wildt street along the the north side. On Ashley street along the west side n front of Philip ViesePs property. Respectfully submitted. Arthur J. Kitson, C. H. Manly, J. O'Mara, Feank Wood, William Herz, Sidewalk Committee. Aid. Ferguson moved the report be accepted and adopted. Adopted. REPORTS OF CITY OFF1CERS. Ann Arbor, September 18, 1S93. T the Comrnon Coimcil of the City of Ann Arhor: I hereby certify that the pressure juage at the engine house read as folows at times stated below: 6 A.M. 12 A.M. UP.M. 12P.M. Sept. ó .... 60 651b 25 65tt 6 .... 6011) 4Ütb 401b liött ' ' 1 .... 60 35 20B 20 " 8 .... 65 65B 20 50 .... 251b C51b 1 ft 15 10 ---. 16 15 30 5 11 .... 00 65 60 15 12.... tiü 65 65ft 651b VS .... 6ólb Ü5D 65 651) 14.... 65 65 66 65 15.... Soft 65ft 65 65 18.... tiött 70 65 65ft " 17.... 65 65ft 65 55 18 .... Co 65 651b Fred Sipley, Chief Fire Department. Aid. Ferguson moved that report be eceived and filed. Adopted. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Aid. Martin moved that report of street committee made at the last session of this council be now taken froni the table. Adopfced as follows : Yeas - Aids. Sohairer, Herz, Martin, Smow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Tayloc, Mamly, Kitsen, Pres. Watts- 11. Nays - None. The following Is the report : To the Comraon Council : Your Gommittee ou Streets, to whom was referred the followiug resolution by Alderniau O'Mara: 'Resolved, And it is the sense of this council that the Board of Public Works, do cause the gradiag and cutting down East Huron street to conform to the established grade." Respectfullv report that they have had the subject matter of said resolution under consideration and would recoinmend that the resolution pass. Respectfully submitted, Christian Martin, W. L. Taylob, W. G. Ssow, A. P. Ferguson, D. F. SCHAIRER, Street Comraittee. ALd. Martin moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Aid. Manly moved to amend by referriing said report to the city attorney for a report. Adopted. MOTIOXS AND RESOLUTION'S. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That tbe gradiug aud construction of the sidewalks hereioafter mentioued is deemed and declared a necessary public impro vemen t. Therefore, it is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be graded, built aud construeted ou and alona; the following streets, and in front of the following property in the city of Aun Arbor. viz: On Chubb street from Mr. Hughes' east line to Wildt streef, aloug the uorth side. On Ashley Street along the west side in front of the property of Philip Visel. That all of such sidewalks be gradeil, built and construeted in a manner. witliin the time and of the material prescribed by the the provisión of an ordinance eutitled " Au ordiuauce relative to sidewalks," and ou the grade to be established. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Sehairer, Herz, Martin, Snovv, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Maaly, Kitson, Pres. "Watts - 11. Nays - None. By Alderman Martin: Whereas, The Board of public works haviug reported to the council a change of the route of the maiu sewer, therefore Resolved, That such route wheA changed shall be as follows, viz: . From Maiu street east along Summit street to Fifth avenue; thence north on Fifth aveuue to Depot street ; thence east along Depot and Carey streets, to east line of State street; theuce uorth crossing rallway ; thence eaaterly along Michigan Central Comparuy's land to Fuller street; theuce easterly along Fuller street to the river and to the outlet thereof south of bridge No. 3. Adopted aa IoIIowb : Yeas - Aids. Scliadrer, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, TaytoEj Mamly, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 11. Nays - None. By. Aid. Martin : Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade on Mary street ought to be clianged and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable aud safe for public travel, therofore Resolved, and itis hereby ordered that the grade on Mary Street from south-west line of cackard St. to North line of Edwin Street, be and the same la hereby oliansed from the present grade and öxed and established, so t hal the grade on and along such stroet shall be as follows, that is to say: At 6 wlineof Packard street 8;ö Tuft ( 'anglein Mary street 822.öt " rjorth line of Edwin street K0.:b' the elevation given being above the offlcial city datum aud the center line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto, and the grade thereof to consist of straight Unes betweeu the several pointe or stations above tatcd. I Adopted as íollows Seas- Aids. Sctoadrer, ílcrz, Martin Show, Wood, O'Mara, Ferirusou, Tay lor, Mniily, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 11 Náys- Nome. By Aid. Schairer : Resolved, Ttoat the sum of $85.00 be uppropriated from the bridge, cul vcrt .-nid cro.sswallc íund, to build a cemeint crosswalk on the nortli sidt of E. Washington, st., Crossing State street. On mot ion of Aid. Ferguson, the resoluttan was referred to the sidí walk committee. By Aid. Wood : Resolved, Tliat the ordinanee com mittee and the city attorney submit to tihis council for its coosideration íi.n ordiñance relative to building lat eral sewers, and an ordinance regiilating tilie use and construction of sewers and tho disposal of sewage. Adopted. By Aid. O'Maipa : Resolved, Thnt a special coraniittee consisting ot' Pres. Watts, City Clerk Miller aud twO' otlier members of tliis council are hereby appointed aud directed tO' submit to tliis council at its next session, plans and specifications and an estímate coet ol íurnishing the new city offices with furniture, etc. Adopted. Alds. Ferguson and Wood were appointed by the chair as members of such committee. By Aid. Ferguson : Resolved, That a special committee ofTres. Watts, Aid. Prettytnan and City Clerk Miller, be appointed, to open the bond bids on October 2d, 1893, and report the same to the council with thelr recomimendation. Adopted. By Aid. Kitsoa : Resolved, That the grado on E. University ave., as given by the city Engtoeei", le accepted and appro'ved by t li is coiincil trom Mr. Judson's j)roperty to Packard st. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Seliairer, Herz, Martin, 8now, Wood, O'Mara, Fergiison, TayIot, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts - 11. Nays- None. SIDEWALK GRADE EESOLUTION. By Aid. Kiteon: Whereas, iu tlie opinión of the Council he grade of the sidewalk on ttie east side of E. Uuiversity ave. from squtb line of College t. to the north line of Willard st. and the ame is hereby cuanged, flxed and estauished, to the end that such street may be made suitableaud safe for public travel, thereore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the yrade of the sidewalk on and along the east ide of E. Uuiveraity ave. from south line of Jollege street to north line of Willard street, ae, and the same is hereby changed, flxed nd established, so that the gradeof sald idewalk on and along the street aforesaid H :4 I I Kij Qu IVtllnurc tliul Iu At s. e. cor. of College st aud e. UuiverBity ave - 876.29 ft " 284 ft. south from s. e. cor. of College st. aud E. University ave 872.86 ft " n. e. cor. of S. University ave. and E. Uuiversity ave 870.85 ft " s. e. cor. s. University ave. aud E. Universitv ave 869.35 ft " 132 ft south from s. e. cor of S. University ave. aud E. University ave.867.16 ft " u. üy cor. of Willard st. aud E. Uuiversity ave 864.30 ft the elevation giveu being above the official city datum and aloug toe center line of such walk, and the grade lines to cousist of straight Unes between the several poiuts or stations above stated'. Adopted as folio-wis : Y'eas - Aids. Schiairer, Herz, Martin, Sinow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Maaily, Kitson, Pres. Watts - 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Wherbas, in the opiuion of the Council the grade of ihe sidewalk on the east side of Fourteenth st. ought to be changed and üxed and esiabiished to the end ttiat such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the east slde of Fourteeuth st. from uorth line of Volland st. to south liiie of E. Anu st. be, aud the same is hereby chauged, flxed and estab lished, m thnt tne grade oi said sidewaik on aud along the street aioresaid shall beasfollows, that is to say: At n. e. cor. of Vollaud and Fourteeuth st 873.90ft " 100 ft. uorth of n. e. cor. of Vollaud and Fourteeuth st 873.90 ft " s. e. cor. of Belser and Fourteenth St 867. 10 ft " n. e. cor. of Belser and Fourteeulh st 864.90 ft " south line of E. Washington st 859.47 ft " north line of E. Washington st 860.37 ft " s. e. cor. of E. Hurou st. aud Fourteenth st 872.90 ft " n. e. cor. of E. Huron st. and Fourteeuth st 875.50 ft "250 ft. south of the south liue of E. Aira st. - - S77.25 ft " 160 ft. south of the south liue of E. Anu st 879.30 ft " 120 ft. south of the south liue of E. Anu st 879.90 ft " 70 ft. south of the south line of E. Auu st 879.50 ft the s. e. cor. of E. Aun st 878.65 ft the elevatlou given beiug above the oölciaV city datum and along the center line of sueh walk, and the grade lines to constst of straight Unes between the several poiutsor stations above stated. Adopbed as follows : Yeas - Aids. Sohai'rer, Herz, Martin, SmOw, Wood, O'Mara, Perg-uson, Taylor, Mamly, Kitsen, Pres. Watts - 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whebeas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of Fourteenth st. ousjht to be chauged and flxed and eslabllshed, to the end that such street may be made suitable aud safe for public travel, therelore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of tne sidewalk on and along the west side of Fourteeuth st. from norlh line of Vollaud st. to south liue of K Anu st. be, aud the same Is hereby chauged, flxed and eatablished, so that the grade of sald sidewalk on aud along the street iforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At n. w. cor. of Vollaud and Fourteenth st 874.90 ft " south line of Belser st 866.40 ft " uorth liue of Belser st 864.70 ft " s v. cor. of E. Washington aud Fourteeuth st 857.47 f ' n. w. cor. of E. Washiugtou aud Fourteeuth st 858.47 ft " s. w. cor. of E. Hurou aud Fourteeuth st 870.90 ft " u. w. cor. of E. Hurou and Fourteeuth st 873.50 ft " 220 south of the south liue of E. Ann st. and Fourteenth st 676.25 ft ' 170 south of the south line of E. Aun st. nud Fourteeuth st 878.30 ft ■ 120 south of the south line of E. Ann st. aud Fourteenth st 878.90 ft ' 70 south of the south liue of E. Ann st and Fourteeuth st __87S.5O ft "s. w. cor. oí E. Auu and Fourteeuth st 8T6.65 ft the elevntlon given being ibove the official city datum and along the center lineof such walk, and the graue lines to consist of straight lines betweeu the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Herz, Martin, Stnow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferjjusou, lor, Mámly, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 11. Naya - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whekkas. in the opinión of the Council the ,grade of the sldewalk ou the north side of Willard st., ought to be changed aud flxed aud estaolished, to the end tuut such Btroet tnay be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore, olved, and It is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the uorth side of Willnrd street frotu east line of E. Uuiversity ave. to west Ohurch st. be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on aud along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At u. e. cor. of University ave. and willard st - _' ie-i.Sd ft ft east irom n. e. cor. of E. University ave and Willard st 864.55 ft " n. w. cor. of Church st. and Willard St 866.52 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to conslst of straight lines betweeu the several poiuts or stations above sta led. Adopted as follows : Yeae- AKte. Sehatoer, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferg-uson, Taytor, Manly, Kitsun, Pres. Watts - 11. Naya - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whkreas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk ou theeast side of East Unlverslty ave. ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and It is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the east side of E. University ave. from south line of Hill street to north line of Prospect street be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of sald sidewalk on and along the street aioresaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At s.e. cor of Hill st. and E. University ave. - . 867.05 ft " 350 ft. south of the 3. e. cor. of Hill and E. University ave 866.55 ft ' north line of Tappan st 855.87 ft " n. e. cor. of Prospect st. and E. University ave 840.28 ft the elevation givea belugabove the official city datum and along the ceoter line of such walk, and the grade Unes to consist oi straight Unes between the several pointsor stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Herz, Martin, Snuw, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taytor, Mamly, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Whéreas, in the opinión of the Council the srade of the sidewalk on the south side of E. Washington street ought to be changed and ixed and established, to the end that such street may be made .suitable and safe for pubic travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the eidewalk on and aion? the south ideof E. Washington „treet frotn nörth line of 'ourteenth street tothe south liueof Twelfth treet be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of aid sidewalk on and alone? the street aforeaid shall be as foflows, that is to say: At the s w cor. of Fourteenth and E. Washington S.7.47 ft At 170 ft frorntlieswcorof Fourteenth and E. Washington 848.50 ft At 220 ft f rom the s w cor of Fourteenth and E. Washington 847.50ft At 330 ft from the s w eorof Fourteenth and E. Washington. ...L 848.00 ft At 570 ft fromtlies wcoroé Fourteenth and E. Washington 855.00ft At the s e cor ofl'welfth and E. Washnsrton 878.20 ft he elevation siven being above the official ity datum and aions; the center line of such walk. and the grade linea to consist of traight Unes between the several points or tations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, FergTison, Taylar, Mamly, Kitsan, Pres. Watts- 11. Nays - None. By AM. Kitson: Whebeas, In the opinión of the Council the rade of the sidewalk on the north side of E. Vashington street ought to be changed and xed and established, to the end that such treet may be made suitable and safe tor pubc travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the rade of the sidewalk on and along the north ide of E. Washington street from the west ne of Fourteenth street to the east line of welfth street be, and the same is hereby iianged, fixed and established, so that the rade of said sidewalk on and along the street foresaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At the n w cor of Fourteenth and E. Washington street 858,47 ft At 1T0 ft west of n w cor of Fourteenth and E. Washington street 849.50 ft At 320 ft west of n w cor of Fourteenth and E. Washington street $43 00 ft Vt 57 ft west of n w cor of Fourteenth and E. Washington street 356.00 ft At the n e cor of Twelfth and E. Washington street STS.TOft hee'evation siveu beiosr above the official ity datum and aiong tlie center line of such walk, and thegmde ii:ies to consist of straight nes bsttveeu the several poincs or stations 'jove stated. Adopted a follows : Yeas- Aids. Sohairer, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, FOrguson, Tayloir, Mainly, Kitsan, Pres. Watts- 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Manly : Besolved, Tiïat the sewer fund be iii'l is hereby transi'erred tothe Board oí 111 bl ie Works to be expended by tihem in the eonstruction of a main sewer, and that said board be fully authorized and erapowered to pur&hase all material of every kind necessary tor the construction of said sewer, and hire all necessary labor. Aid. Snow moved to adjourn. Lost as follows : Yeas- Aids. Martin, O'Mara, Pres. 3. Nays - Aids. Sohaiirer, Herz, Wood, Fergnson, ïaylor, Manly, Kitson- 7. The yeas and nays now called on the resolution of Aid. Manly, the r-6Clutdoii was lost as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wood, Manly- 2. Nayt - Aids. ScliaiiTer, Herz, Martin, O'Mara, Fergnson, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Wiatts- 8. Oin motion tdie council adjourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News