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A Humorous Reply

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Xot all legal documenta are dry One was filled in the Register case ratber out of the ordinary run of such documents. It was the answer of as sigaee Bennett to the petition of Moran and Koch & Henne tor his removal. It comes to us like a refreshing breeze after the ugly charges made against each other by the various parties to the Kegister embroglio. Assignee Ben nett says: " In answer to the allegations of a conspiracy between A. B. Stevens and N. D. Corbin, in the second paragraph of the said petition set forth. this de feudant says that he has no knowledge or information whatever, but this de fendant ventures to express his flrm belief that the financial stringency of the times is a thiug of the past and exists only in the memory of said petitioners, that the recent legislation accomplished by the Republican party in congress assembled, aided and abetted by a few recalcitrant members of the Democratie wing, has inf used new Ufe and vigor iuto the vitáis of the business world, and that the noble ship of state may now be trusted to sail serenely into the harbor of plentitude and prosperity. And this defendant deplores the ill-advised comments upon the evil times, interjected into the ordinary papers of a law suit, as tending to intensify the gloomy feeling of the petitioner. This deiendant fears that the references in said petition contained to the "mistrust prevalent in the business world"" unless promptly deuied maycarry dismay into the homes of the huruble toilers all over otir smiling land. The defendant deuies that he has been retained by the said Corbin and Stevens as the professional adviser or attorney or solicitor for either of thero, and he denies that lie was ever paid a fee by said Corbin and Stevens for ány professional services rendered for them or either of them in any mat ter wherein the said Register Publishing Co., was in any way involved, or was the confldential professional adviser of the said Stevens and Corbin or either of them or lias advised with them except as to the best interests of the said Register Publishing Co. by whoru he was retained. He denies "that the appraisement of tho property was made at too low a igure and denies that heinstructed the said appraisers to place a low estímate upon the said property and effects and ie disputes the charge that the appraisers of said property were so ignoraut and silly as to snppose that the pretended instructions, if any, were of more importance than their sacred oaths. The defendant. so he was informed, says that the inventory was made carefully aud conscientiously, "and after its completion no change was made in the same except to add thereto one article of property for their appraisal which had nearly escaped the grasp of the said company, namely, The Ann Arbor Register, a newspaperpublished and claimed by Selby A. Aloran, but whieh belongs soul, body and breeches to the said Register Publishing Co., as this defendant is informed aud be" lieves, and charges the fact to be." In the flfth paragrapu he does not deny that he may have suggested to divers persons that there might be a shadow of a doubt of the validity of the said chattel mortgage given to the petitioners, John Koen and William G. Henne. But he denies that the relation that he sustainedtowardsthe said company before the making of the said assignment disqualifies him from acting as the assignee of said company. "And the defendaut ïespectfully re. fers the said petitioners to the legislature of the state of Michigan if they desire amendments and alterations made in the laws of this state to defer the sales of property vinder the provisions of the assignment laws."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News