The New Recitation Building
The growth of the University has been sa phenomenal in the past few years that the buildings at the disposal of the Regents were found last year to be entirely inadequate to accommodate the number of students enrolled. Steps were at once taken, and the . Recitation Building I at present under construction in the south-west portion of the campus is the result. The building when completed will face the tennis courts, with a frontage of uo feet. It will be two stories high, with a basement and attic, and will be coraposed of brick, with pressed brick and stone trimmings. There will be twelve large recitation rooms, six of which will be on each floor. One of those on the second story will be a large doublé room, suitable for lectures. Three of the rooms down stairs have small hall rooms attached, which will probably be used by the instructors as private offices. All the rooms open upon a broad hall running through the center of the building almost its entire depth, a distance of 75 feet. The latest methods will be used in heatiug and ventilating, and an abundance of light will be secured through over a hundred and twenty windows. The general impression conveyed is that of utility and convenience, rather than beauty or novelty of architectural design. The building is to be finished by July 1.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News