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Our Grandmothers Way Was to steep roots and herbs and use it every night. We eau do the same by using Parks' 'Tea. Nothinsc acts as promptly and without discorufurt. liot a pill or a cathartie but moves the bowels every day. Sold by Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co. It is Strange That people suffering from Piles will endure them for years or submit to dangerous, painful, cruel, and expensive surgical operations, when all the time there is a painless, certain lasting cure, which gives instant relief and costs but a trifle. It is called the Pyramid Pile Cure and can be found at all drug stores. Any druggist will get it for you if you ask him. In the Sóiith an average mule is worth $70, and a pair of extra good ones will bring $300 or more. Louisville is the great mule market of tha South. Is Your Tong inCoated, your throat dry, your eyes dull and inflamed and do youïeel niêan generally when you get up in the morning. Yourliver and kidneys are not domg their duty. Why don't you take Parks' Sure Cure. It it does not make you feel better it eosts you nothing. It cures Bright's Disease Diabetis, and all Kidney complaints. Only guaranteed cure. Sold by Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co. Drunkenness, or the Llquor Hablt, Posltlvoly Cured By AdministerIngr Dr. Heines' Golden Soecific. It is manufactured as a powder. which eau be given in a giass of beer, a cupofcoffee or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the patiënt. It is absolutely harmless, and wil] effect a permanent and speedy cure, wbether the patiënt is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreek. It hae been given in thniisands of cases, and in instance a perfect cure has íollowed. It neyer Falls. The system once imprepnated with beer mes an utter imposibility for the liquor appatite to exist. Cures guaranteed. 4K pap-e book of particulars free. Addres, Golden Speciflc Co. 185 Hace St..Cincinuati, O.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News