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Report Of The Condition Of

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THE IS ARBOB SAVHGS BH! At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, July 12, 1893. RESOURCES. LIAB1LITIES. Loansand Discounts, S438,68fi 48 Stocks. Bonds, Mortgagee, etc, 379,379 38 Capital stock % 50,000 00 Banking House 18,500 00 „ Overdrafts 3 aro 59 Surplus fund, 150,006 00 Furniture. Fixtures and Safety DeUndivided pronts 2,201 29 Other Real Estáte 4,9W U7 Diyidenda unpnid, 55100 Current expenses and taxes naid 8] 94 Bills in transit ... B73 19 DEPOSITS. O.A.ÖH.. Due from banks in reserve cities ...106,676 41 Individual deposita . KT 14ï 4ti Duefromother banks and bankers.. 1,420 54 w Cbeeks and cash items, . 694 34 Certifícate? ofdepoeit 57,395 00 irZfoZ!8..:v:::::::::::L 2 o mm a Goldeoiu, 17,000 00 ü. S. and National Bank Notes, 21.471 00 11,008,537 18 1,008,537 18 ST NTR OP MICHIGAN, I Qa ij : ■ i y of Washtenaw. f BB' i, ..üchaelJ. Fritz, assistantcashier of the above named bank, do soiemnly swear that the abuvc .4iatcment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. M. J.Fritz, AssistantCashier. Correct- Attest: Christian Mack, L. Gruner, V. D. Harriman, Directora. Subscribed and sworn to before me, thie löth day of July, 18h3. L Grüner, Notary Public. Capital security, - $100,000 I Total assets, - $1,000,000.00 Capital stock paid in, 50,000 Surplus, - - 150,000.00 Transacts a general banking business; buya aiid sells txchanges on New Tork, Detroit and Chicago; sells drafts on all the principa] cities of Europe. This bank, already having a large business invitoB iuoi chants and othera to open accounts with them with the assurance uf the most liberal dealing con"istent with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest at the rate of four per cent. is paid semi-annually, ou the tirst days of January and July, on all sums that were deposited three months previous to those days, thus affording the people of this city and county a perfectly safe depository for their funds, together with a return in interest for the same. Money to loan on apnroved securities. Directors.- Christian Mack, W. D. Harriman, Daniel Hiscock, William Deubel, Willard B. Smith, David Rinsey, and L. Gruner. Officers. - Christian Mack, President; W. D. Harriman, Vice-President; Chas. E. Hiscock. Cashier, M. J. Fritz, Ass't-Cashier.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News