Farmers' Alliance Convention
Jackson, Oct. 4.- When the stat convention of the Farmers' Allianc met Tuesday morning Robert Mc Dougall occupied the chair. Delégate were in attendance from 45 counties The entire day was devoted to liatenin to reporta of offlcers, though the meel ing was so secret that nothing wa given out except that while the mem bership of the sub-alliance has fallen off, the condition of the flnances is bel ter than one year ago. At the evening session officers. wer elected as follows: President, Rober McDougall, Hillsdale county; vic president, J. M. Honghton. Oakland secretary, Miss Monica B. Wilson Jac-jon; treasurer, Mrs. A. L. Stock ing, Livingston; lecturer, John T Stricker, Branch; chaplain, P. J. Cnr tis, Jackson; steward, Hillard, Til fany, Eaton: door keeper, E. J. Linds ley, Hillsdale; assistant. George Wood, Livingston; sergeant-at-arins, David E. Fleming, Calhoun; rnember executive committee, A. E. Cole, Livingston.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News