Firebug At Wacousta
tiraoug at Wacousta. Lansinö, Oct. 4.- The little village of 'Wacousta. situated 15 miles west of this city, had quite a sensation a few nights since. The barn adjoining the farmhouse of Walter Saxton was i ound to be on fire, and the whole neighborhood turned out to the rescue. Needing more paila to carry water, two women went to the next house to get Bome. When they reached the house they saw a man in it, evidently helping himself to the choice of the goods. The women returned and gave the alarm, and the culprit was soon captured. Several articles were found in his possession. It is claimed that the inan, who has been doing harvesting work in the vicinitv, set fire to the barn to attract attention. He also had a bicycle in waiting about a half a mile from the ■cene.
Ann Arbor Argus
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