Dead Earnest"
WW C J C JJI When we say - We can save you money o oftwr YfiTTP Ofl' ■ 1UUÍ4 a piano if you will buy NOW, we can please DULLB.Ro. jou in every respect and save you many times the interest on amount invested. We do not say this for fun. We say it beTVTOT FÍTR IV UI lüfl cause we have a large stock of new and f Urí. sliglitly used pianos and we want to get our MONEY out of them. it is strictly business with ue. We want PURF TjY moiiey just now more than we want pianos, BTTGTTYfP'SC! an( yu wi investígate our plain statement you wil] decide that it is to your interest to buy when we want to sell. We have pianos which wil) please you - GQÖD GÖOBS, HonestIy Made, Correctly Kegulated, Finely Voiced - Pianos worth in vestigating - Prices worth considering. Inquines pertaining to pianos and prices are ÜDii. solicited and will receive prompt attention ftuestions. and "WHat we say you can depend ON." And Manufacturers of and Dealers in a Few Other Musical Instruments. 51 South Main St..
Ann Arbor Argus
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