Council Proceedings
[OFFK'IAL.[ Regular svssjon. Called to order by Pres. Watts, lïoll called. Full board present. The journal of the last session apprvoed. COMMUNICATIONS KROM THE MAYOR. To the Coninion Council: Gi i'il' nu 'i:- have the honor to report that I have not approved uf the resolution passed at vour hi-t meeting adopting the report aud recommendationg of the finanoe oommittee. The Common C'ouncil recoinnieuded tu the ]oard oi I'uhlic Works to appoint Froí. Cha?. E. Greene, conaolting engiueer to take charge of the construction of the main sewer. Opon this recommendatioii the Board appointed Mr. Greene. Havins been employed, Mr. Greene caunot be legally dismissed without causOi Mo cause is assigned in this report and tlu-re Ie 110 iutimation that auy cause existssoíar as Mr. üreene is personally concerned. The construction of public works is by tlie charter placed under tbe supervisión of the Board 01 l'ublic works. That Board is made solely responsible for the manner iu whieh such'works are constructed and that Bourd is given solé power to employ an englneer In the Ürht iustance; the Commou Council having merely authority to lix his salary. There is no provisión of the charter giving the Couucil authority to determine that any particular persou "shall tnke full charge of the laying aud construction of the main sewer" ia the lauguage of your eommittee's report; such authority belougs exclusivuly to the Board of Public Works. Perhaps the foregoing are sufficient reasons for uot approvlng of youraction ïii this matter but eonimon fairuess requires that the reasous giveu by the comniittee in support of its recommendation should be considercd. They are in effect that the salary of the street coiumissiouer who has 'charge of the men at work upon this improvcmeut added to the salary of the eugineer and assistant eugineer and Mr. tireene, aggregate $100 per mouth and wil] auiount for three and one-half months, the estimated time that it will take to corrstruet the main sewer, to f 1,400. This Is less thau flve per cent. of the estiinated cost of the work and it includes hiring workinen, keeping their accounts and all supervisory work of every kind. It would be vervdifticult to find a public work of equal magnitude where this kind of labor costs so little. It is not more than half the ordiuary cost. Five per cent. of the cost usually paid for supervisión alone. The committee say that, "webelieve it borders on extravagance." But cost is not the only eonsideration. This main sewer is the foundation of the system of sewerage for the whole city. If that fails the whole system goes down with it. The construction of this sewer therefore, should be in charge of some ons whosetechiiical knowledge. ability and experience put bis competency for the work beyond question. Prof. Greene is such a man. Perhaps Mr. Key, in fact, would be just as efficiënt. He has acquired an excellent reputation as an engineer. although he is still an uudergraduate student. There may be good reason to believe that Mr. Key is qualified to supervise this w:ork, but we do not know that he is, and it canuot be ínown until he has been tried. Ofiiers representing the public have no right to employ a man to do work for the public that they do uot kuow is competent, when a competent person can be had. B. M. THOMPSON, Sept. 21. 1893. Mayor. Aid. JJan]y moved tJiat the coniumnieatioii be recuived and filcd. Adopted. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the Commou Council: The Board of Public Works beg leave to report progress in the matter of eonstruetion of :he sewer. Since September 23d, there has uot Deen any work done in laying pipe, on account of not having the sewer pipe. The company reports, that a short delay in loading 24 inch pipe is cansed by two bad kilns. Six cars have peen lorwarded since the contract was made, and to tuis date four cars have arrived. They say that during the coming week tney can ship all pipe as fast or faster than wanted. There is wanted 120 jack screws. such as are used for sewer ditching and we have asked for bids on same, and have two bids, the Kalamazoo Foundry and Machine Cornpany and Mr. Godfrey Bremer. All things considered, we recommend that tbe bid of the Kalamazoo Foundry and Machine Company be accepted, at $1.25, 18 inch each screw (each additional foot add eight cents to pricc). By order of the Board of Public Works. WM. J. MILLEE, Olerk. Aid. Martin moved tliat the comnmaiicatioTi be j-eceived and filed. Adopted. i . To the Commou Council : In obedience to jour direclion, I hereby submit report on the laying out of Huron Street, easi of Twelfth street. Tbat on the twenty-first day of November, 1892, a petition in due forin was made to the common council, praying for the laying out and construction of a. street on a line of east Huron street. projected easterly from Twelfth street to Observa' ory street; such petition "was referred to the street committee, and on tbe fifth day of December, 189-2, the street comtnittee made report thereon, recommending that the prayer of the petitioners :e granted. At the same meeting a resol uUon was duly passed iaying out such street. These proceedings can be found : The petition on page 107 of printed record. Report of committee on page 110 of primed record. Resolution laying out street on page 112 of printed record. The report, resolution and petition are in dn e forra. The right of way had been acquired before auy of these proceedings were taken, and ;he deed therefor will be found duly recorded in liber I2ts of deeds at page 134. That on the ñrst day of March, 1893, the council flxed the grade for sald street by resolution duly passed. See priuted record page 136. I am of ihe opinión that all of the proceedings had in acquiring title to laying out and iixing the grade of this street have been duly ;aken and are in all things legal. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated, October 2, 1893. E. B. NORRIS, City Attorney. Aid. Prettymaai moved that the eomnninication be received and filed. Adopted. To the Honorable Common Council: Gentlemen:- The undersigned petitioner respeelfully asks permission of your honorable body to build a one story building, bize 18 by 40 feet, ou South State street next north of the store now occupied by Jlr. Alvin W ilsey, sald building to be covered with pressed steel brick, a metal cbvering and to be roofed with metal. Your petitioner respectfully asks that your honorable body take action on this petniun this evening if possible, as your petitioner wishes to begin building at once if sald permission is granted. And your petitioner will ever pray. Ann Arbor. Oct. 2, 1893. J. H. Nickels. A11. Prettyman moved tliat petitition be received and reierred to tlie Fii-e Department Committee, vvitii power to act. Aid. O'Mara moved to ameod by adding FirO Commissiooiers and to strike out "witfll power to act." The original motion as amended, prevailed. A petition signed by Ohas. A. Muma aml two otliei-s, residente and iwoperty liolüers of the city of Ana Arbor, asking tluat a sidewalk be ordeced built on tlhe sonith side of Bast II ui-om street, frooi TngW.Ha street to tlie east lhie of the city's property. Referred to sidewaJk committee. To the City Conncll of Ann Arbor: Sibs:- order to avoid continued trouble and to determine the neeessity oía line fence between lands of Gustave Wnlterand those of tbe estáte of Augustine H. Markhum on South feeventh Street. I petition that fence viewers be appointed by your honorable body in iccordance with the legal requirements. Respectfully yours, Hekman C. makkham. Aid. 0'Ma.ra moved tliat the communieatioii le received and filed. Adopted. Tune Aun ArtKW Savings Bank subxnitted a bond in tQie sum oí $80,000 for the Jeposit of tho city's mcmeys. Reíerrecl to boud committee. FINANCE. To the Comnton Council: Your Committee on Finalice respectfully report that tliey have had the followiiig bilis under consideration, aud vvould recommend tlieir allowance at sums stated: CONTLNGEST YÜSD. W, ,T. Miller, salary iföi! 66 E. B. Norris, salary 28 110 F.O'Hearn, salary 38 84 Mre. M. G. Stark, salary janitor 6 2t Geo. H, Pond, 2 mos. salury IB i6 Charles Stark, ice for council chamber fio Sid W. Millard, priutins 5 30 Miller & Son. repairlnz public pump ;il intersection oí Broadway and Wall strtet :j 25 Wllliam A. Thorpe & Co., rubber stamps - 5 30 Mrs. M. G Stark. August salary (i 20 Telephone and Telegraph Constructiou Co., 3 moa. i-final 7 telephones, Oct. lst to.Ian. lst 4- 7S Hiram Kittredge, burylng horse 2 50 George Wahr, supplies (6 55 Beakes & Curtlss, prlntlng.. V SKI Aun Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., street Ughtlng 5S5 88 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., office h;;liti[ir 2 fio Total 877 88 STREET rUND. Frank Sutherland, surveying $ 11 88 Hiram Kitredge, gravel 51 OU Schuh & Muehlig, suppliea i 70 Zenus Sweet, grave) SU 85 Michael Herey, team labor 8 0o Frank Howard, " 3 00 Tilomas Hannon, team labor (! 00 John McHugii. team labor ti 00 Israel Clark, team labor 7 50 Sllas Saddler, team laboraría gravel. 50 70 Id. Wetherby. labor 3 00 'rank Dufrdale, labor 7 50 "red Clrich, labor 2 2; Trederick Kadke, labor 1 50 üchard Zebbe, labor 5 40 "lyde Haywood, labor 3 00 Charles Colgrove, labor 3 U0 Víctor Strongv labor 9 00 Jarney Lang-er, labor 3 00 John Michelíelder. labor 3 75 larry Kas'uske, labor _ 3 00 Michael Williams, labor 16 65 Total f 237 ÍS FIRE DEPARTMENT FÜKD. ■"red Sipley, salary tíO 00 3. A. Edwards, salary r,u 00 íenry McLaren, salary ,. 50 00 jOui3 Hoelzle, salary .10 0 Max Wittlinger, salary 50 OU Albert West, salary 45 OU Jueene Williams, salary 40 00 S. K. Granger, salary 40 00 ierman Kirn, salary. 8 00 ohn Ivenuy , salary 8 OÚ Sam McLaren, salary 8 00 Wm.Hetticb, 8 00 Albert Weimer, salary, sub 2 00 Mrs.B.Ream. wasbing 5 00 íohn O'Mara, painting bose wagon No. 1 i 00 W. J. Mager, oats 03 (52 G. W. Seybold, horseshoeing, etc 17 0o G. E Kelly, oats 7 10 James Tolbert, lumber, etc 62 30 James E. Harkins, Eupplies 19 59 Total S 681 61 BRIDGE, CULVERT AND CROSSWALK FÜND. John Baumgardner, stone alaba 2S 45 S. Wood & íon, lumber 18 56 ïsslinger Uros., repairs 4 8o V'elson Siitherl.ind, liorse and cart 17 U0 Elias Sadler team labor 12(0 Martin Naide, team laoor 12 00 srael Clark, team labor 12 00 Charles Stevens, labor 8 0 ?rank Sohultz, labor. 12 75 Willis Clark, labor 20 70 "Yedenck Kadke, labor 9 75 Charles Hintz, labor 4 50 Christian Jetter, labor 4 50 Patrick McCabe labor 9 75 Gustaye Walters, labor 3 00 Christian Boiiine, labor 3 00 Richard Zebbs, labor I 50 Albert Sclioenman, labor 4 50 Christopher Koehm, labor 1 50 Barney Lanser, labor 1 50 Frank Dugdale, labor 16 50 Jacob Moegle, labor 4 50 William Kuehn, labor 14 10 Jacob Moeide, labor 4 50 James Tolbert, lumber and sewer pipe 54 42 Koch Bros., stone culvert (Flfth St.).. 385 00 Total 663 28 SEWER FDND. Michigan Central Kailroad Co., fr'gbt 8 119 03 Toledo, Aun Arbor & N. M . Ry, " . 49 90 '■ " " . 6(S 60 H. D. Bdwards & Co., rubber mittens.. 6 08 George Wahr, supplios for engineers. 41 80 Ann Arbor Democrat, sealed proposals notice 2 00 H. IX Edw;irds & Co , aja. packing 12 84 William J. Millor, suppiies 5 85 Scliuli & Muehlig, supplies 06 18 O. Kberbach, eupplies 8 92 Dean & Co., supolies 1 ('8 Luick Bros., supplles - 25 Herman Krapf, supplies 6 95 Uutzel & Co., supplles 5 30 F. C. Scott, supplies 4 84 Zenus Sweet, supplies ' 65 Louis Khode, supplies 5 25 Ellas Baddler, team labor 4 00 ('liarlos E. Godf rey, team labor 21 80 S'elson Sutherlaud, horse and eart 9 20 Lawrence Hughs, labor 3 75 Herman Sehofe, labor 5 70 Will Clark, labor 3 00 Charles Stevens, labor 15 35 Richard Zebbs, labor 6 00 William Kretlow, labor 4 50 Charles Winkle, labor 3 00 Barney Langer, labor 5 25 Lewls Lucas, labor 10 50 Christian Dieterle, labor 3 75 Gustavo Hintz, labor 2 25 August Bohnke. labor 120 Charles Haase, labor 1 05 Kalph Hicks labor 75 John Krumri, labor 75 August Rettieh, labor 1 50 Charles Corbitt, labor 75 Michael Preoskern, labor 6 00 Israel Clark, labor 60 Samuel Smith, labor 6 75 William Kuehn, labor 6 00 Patrick McCabe, labor 1195 Robert Leonard, labor 12 30 Frederiek Radke, labor 9 00 Frank Schuit, labor 4 50 Christian Jetter, labor 2 25 Frank Dugdale, labor 10 80 Jacob Moegle, labor l 51! Mit'liael William, labor 5 55 Geo. Miller & Son, 12 f eet box pjlmp. - . 8 50 Esslinger Bros., supplies 4 15 James Tolbert, supplies 21 Oí Carrol Jones, labor 21 87 Arthur Woodward, labor :j 75 Frank L. Sutherland, labor 80 62 Sllas Woodward, labor 11 37 Rembert Jones, labor 31 50 William H. Kosencrains, Asst. Engin'r i 00 Geo. F. Key, Engineer 150 00 Nelson Sutherland, salary i6 6d Beakes & Curtiss, printíng 4 05 Total íl.OM 29 PÓLICE PUNP. James It. Murray, salary 65 00 David Collins, salary 50 00 Noble C. Tice, salary 50 00 Charles Burnham. special pólice 6 00 Total t 171 00 POOB FUND. Fred Sipley, salary 10 00 A. G. Melntyre, wood 12 75 W. H. Wilson, wood 41 ) C. M.Fought, wood 3ti 80 Fred Slploy, freight on wood. 02 40 Wm. 3 00 Edward Duffy, rroceries 1 X John Eisele, groceries 7 7ü Mrti. Ann Evans, aid 5 00 John Goetz .Ir., groceries.. 6 5t] John Goetz & Son, groceries 8 98 William F. Lodholz, groceries 7 4 William H. Melntyre, groceries 4 25 ü'Hara&Boyle, groceriea , ti 01 Rlnsey & Seabolt, groceries 8 ;H Caspar Rmsey, groceries 10 81 G. Fred Stein. meat 81 Wm. Stimson, groceries 7 70 C. W. Vogel, meat 1 01 Total .jk. 361 31 RECAPITUEAT1ON. Contingent Fund % 877 38 Street Fund...--. 237 18 Fire Fund 081 61 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund. 663 28 Sewer Fund 1,004 29 Pólice Fund 171 00 PooV Fund 31 31 Total.- í.3,996 0B Respectfully submitted. W ALTER L. TAYLOR, WILLIA3I llKKZ, Frank YVood, Finance Cominittee. Aid. Kitson moved that the report bc ucceptc3 "nd uloptoü, and warrant s ordercü drawn lor tlie suras stated tbereln. Adopted as follows : l'eae- AWs. ScJiaiver, Wagaer, Herz, Martin, (nov, Wood, O'Maca, Ferguson, Tayioi-, Manly, Prettyman, Kitsoii, Pres. Watte - 13. Xars - r'one. REPOKT OK THE FINANCK C0BM1TTBB. To the Cornmon Coiincil : Yonr Coinmittee on Flnance to wliom was referred the pctl'lon of .s. P.-Bnnfleld. relaliveto the sidewnlk tax Imposed on Mk property s.tuute at the north-wext corner of North Main rtnit Felch streets, respectfully report, that alter full conslderatlon and to avokl Ittigatlon, we reeommend that sucli sulewalk tax be canceled on the execution and deliveryto the city of a deed of the land now 00cupied by Felch Street. We also reeommend that the city surveyor procure a proper des criptlon of tlie land so oecupted by Felch st-reet. and that on delivery of a proper deed therefor the City Treasm-er be dlrected to receipt for sucli sidewalk tax, and that the City Attorney do look afterthe sulücieucy of the papers. Respectfully submitted, W. L, Tayloe, William Hekz, Frank Woon, Finance Committee. Al3. Prettyinaai moved tüiat the report be accepted and adopted. Adopted as follows. Veas - Aids. Scliairer, Wagïier, Herz, Suow, AVootl, Ü'Mara, Fergnsom, Taylor, Manly, l'rettyinan, Kitson and Pi-es. Watts- 12. Naya- AM. Martin- 1. OKD1NANCES.' Sceoiid by sections, oï ''An Ordmance Relative Street Rail■vayt-, and Autituorizlng tlie Ann Arloa- Street Kailway Company to Extend its Railway Iines." First readtng by tltSe oí "An Oi-dinance to Autihoirize tiie Ann Arbor Fuel (ías Cömpany to Construct and Opérate Gas Works and Lay I'ipes Tbrough the Streets, AUeys and Public Places of the City of Aim Arbor, for tlie PurpoisO oí Suppiylng Gas for Fuel tor Citizeine of'tflie City." AHÍ. Manly moved t.toat "An Ordiraance Eeiath- to Baggage Wagons, Draye, Omnibutses, Haokney carriages and otlier Public Vehicles," be laid on tlue taWe. Adopted. RKPORT OF THE SIDEWAI.K COMJIITTKJS. Po the Uommon Couuctl : Your Committee on sidewalks. to whom was referred tne resolntiou offered in common council Sept. 18. asking for an approprlation to construct an artilicial stone crosswalk on the west side of Htate street, crossing Washington street, would respectfully report that the appropriation be made oí j75, to build said crosnlug, as sald erossing is a necessary public improyernent. The petition referred to your committee al its last meet ingasking lor aitifteial stone crossings at the intersectioas of William and División streets and William street and Fiflh Avenue, we would reeomnifud that the consideratlon of the same be delerred uutll a more opportune time. Kespectfully submitted, Artiick J. Kitson, William Hebz, C. H. Manly, J. O'Haka, Krank Woon. Sidewalk Committee. Aid. Tayloi' moved ttuat the report be aecepted and adopted. Adopted. Ató. Prettyman, cQiairman oi eommittees on bonds, reported that the committee liad examined tlie Ixmd of tlif. Ann Arbor Savings Bank and wuiild recommeaid tlie acceptance viili the soretiee u.-imcd thcrein. Aid. l'rcttymnn mo-ved that the bond lic aecepted, adopted and approved. Adopted as follows : Yras- Aids. Scliaircr, Wag-ner, Herz, Martin, Snow, W'ciod, O'Mara, Fernusuu, TayKi'i-, Manly. . Prettymaii, Kitsii.i, Pree. Waits-1.'!. Nays - None. REFORTS OF sI'jccial COJIMIÏTEBS. To the Honnrable Commoh Council: Your Committee to whom was 1 red the opening of the bids for sewei bonds would respectfully report thai they have had the sanie under consideration. But one bid was received, that of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank which your committee endoses anc makes a part of its report. Your committee would recommend that the bid of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank offering to take $5,000.00 worth of the earliest maturing bonds at par De accepted. Your committee would also recommend that the bid of the Ann Arboi Savings Bank offering to take the remaining $25,000.00 worth of bonds at a discount be not accepted. Your committee would also recommend that the City Clerk re-advertise for bids for the remainirig $25,000.00, bids to be opened on Nov. 6th, 1893. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. W. Watts, H. G. Prettyman, W. J. Miller', Committee. Aid. Prettyman moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Adoüted. To the Honorable Common Council: Gentlemen:- Your committee to whom was referred the matter of estimates on the furnishingof the new city offices would respectfully report that they have had the same under consideration. Your committee bas examined sketches and plans presented by both local and outside firms and are of the opinión that the city should f urnish the office in a manner not extravagent but in a manner that will compare favorably with the new building and with the growing impörtance of the city. In the City Clerk's, City Assessor's and Treasurer's offices the committee are favorable to having bank fixture fronts put in, and each to be provided with a roll curtain desk, office chairs, two stools, a settee, and four common arm chairs. The marshall's office to be furnished with furniture now wned by the city and used in the Clerk's office. The Board of Public Works' room to contain a flat top desk, a table, a large table 3 by 8 feet and a number of arm chairs. The City Engineers room tq contain a flat top desk; four chairs besides the drawing tables which the city owns. The committee room to contain a flat top desk, a table and chairs. Besides these there may be some small articles that the committee has overlooked. Your committee therefore ïecommends that an appropriation of $1,500,00 be made for the purpose of furnishing the city offices. All of which is respectfully presented. W. W. Watts, Frank Wood, A. P. Ferguson, W. J. Miller, Committee. A.1U. O'Mara moved that the report bd accepted and adopted. ' Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Herz, Snow, Wood, O'Mara. Ferguson, Manly, Prettyman, Pres. Watts- 8. Nays- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Martin, Taylor, Kitson- 5. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. The monthly reports of the City Clerk and City Treasurer were read and ordered flled. Poor Superintendent Sipley reported tbe following expenditurs during the month of September: lst ward, $12.60; 2nd ward, $7.64; 3rd ward, $24.91; 4th ward, $27.46: 5th ward, $21.45; 6th ward, none. Chief of Pólice Murray reported eight arrests during the month, as follows: drunk, two; vagrant, one; violating liquor law, one: violating city ordinances, four. The reports of the Poor Superintendent and Chief of Pólice were read and ordered filed. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING SEPT, 30, 1893. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as per last report $ 5,686.34 MONEV RECEIVED. Contingent Fund- W. ,J. Miller, lieenses 9.00 Plus of roll 153.98 Appropriation 6,500.00 Street Fund- Appropriation 7,500.00 b'ire Fund- Appropriation 5,000.00 Sipley, permit. 2.00 Pólice Fund- Appropriation 2,000.00 Poor Fund- Appropriation 1,250.00 Water Fund - Appropriation 5,000.00 Urid;e, Culv't etc. Fund- Appropriation 5,000.00 Sewer Fund- Appropriation- 2,000.00 Delinquent Tax Fund- Appropriation 1,300.00 University Hosp'l Fund- Appropriation 3,600.00 City Cetnetery Fund- Appropriation 50.00 Total % 39,522.25 $45,188 59 MONEY DISBÜRSED. Contingent Fund $ 934.61 Street Fund 682.86 Firemen'8 Fund 4.82.26 Pólice Fund 185.00 Poor Fund 70.16 Water Fund Cemetery Fund 20.25 Soldiers' Relief Fund 30.00 Bridge, Croaswalk and Culvert Fund 462.90 Sewer Fund 62.70 Uncollected city tax 9,514.36 Total Disbursements $12,444.92 Total on hand .833,743.67 BALANCE ON HAND, Contingent Fund, $7 476 29 Street Fund 1.S48.61 Firemen's Fund 7,288.6(1 Pólice Fund 2,492.3 Poor Fund 1,973.07 Water Fuud 5,485,45 Cemetery Fund 243.67 Soldiers' Relief Fund.. 894.19 Univeralty Hospital Aid Hond Fund 4,440.00 Deliuquent Tax Fund 56.46 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 7.923.92 Dog Tnx Fund 100.0U Sewer Fund 1,937.30 $ 42.25S.03 .ün col lected city tax 9,514.36 Total on hand % 32,743.67 Respectf ully submitted, Geo. II. Pond, Citv Treasurer. Ann Arbor Savings Bank, ) Ann Arboh, Mich., Oct,2, 1893. ( To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : IH-ui Sins:- This will oertify that Geo. II. Pond huson deposltto hls credit as Oity Treassurerthu sum of thirty-two thousaud, seveu luindred forty-ono and 91-100 dollars (J88,741.9IJ. Cuas. E. Hiscock Cashler. Ann Arbok, October 2, 1893. 2' the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: I hereby certify that the pressure guage at the engine house read as t'ollows at times stated below: ÜA.M. 13 A.M. (P.M. 12 P.M. Sept. 19 .... 65 ffijj 65tb 65 " 20.... 65 70 65 531b 21 65 651b 651b 70 22.... 65B 651b 65 65 " 23.... 651b 65B ((51b 65 " 24.... 65 701b 65 65n " 25 65 65 65B 65 " 26 .... 65 70 651b 65 27 65 65 65tb 65 " 28 65 65 6 65 " 2!).... 65 65 65 5 ' 30 65 65 65 65 Oct. 1 65 65 65 65 2 65 65 65 Fked Sipley, Chict Fire Department. Eeceived and flled. SIOTIONS AND KESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the sum of $75.00 be appropriated from the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund, for the purpose of constructing an artificial stone crosswalk on the west side of State street, crossing Washington street. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Herz, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Prettyman, Wagner, Martin, Taylor, Kitson, and Pres. Watts- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That a special committee consisting of the President, Aid. Manly and the City Clerk be appointed to decide upon and order lithographed $30,000.00 worth of Sewer Bonds ol' the denomination of $500.00 each, said bonds to bear date on Nov. lst, 1893. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Schairer, Wagner, MarDin, Herz, Snow, Wood, Ferguson, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson: Wiiereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of E. University ave. oughtto be changed and flxed and established, to the end that sueh street nay be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the east side of E. University ave. from northeast side of Packard street to nortn line of Prospect street be, and the same is hereby changed, fi xed and established. so that the grade of said sidewalk on and aloug the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At u. e. cor. Packard st. and E. "University ave 834.22 ft " n. e. cor. Prospect ave. and E. University ave 840.28 ft the elevatiou given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such valk, aud the grade lines to consist of straight mes betweeu the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. ScJiadrer, Herz, Martin, Wagner, Snow, Wood, O'Mara,'ii, Tn.vlor, Manly, Prettyman, K:imi". I res. Watts - '13. Nays- None. By Aid. Wood: Resolved that the sum of $1,500 be tppropriated from the Contingent ?uud for the purpose of furnishing the ew cit y ónices, and that the special committee appointed at the last meeting be authorized to proceed with the f urnishiug of the offices, keeping the expense within the amount hereby appropriated. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid Herz, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Prettyman, Pres. Watts.- 8. Nays - Aid. Schairer, Wagner. Martin, Taylor, Kitson. - 5, By Aid. O'Mara: Resolved. And it is the sense of this Council, that the Board of Public Works, do cause the grading and cutting down East Hu ron street to conform to the established grade. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Martin, Herz, Snow, Wood, Ferguson, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 13. By Aid. Prettyman: Resolved, That the bid of the Ann Savings Bank for $5,000.00 of the earliest maturing Sewer Bonds at par be accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized toexecute the same. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Herz, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Pres. Watts, - 5. Nays- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Martin, Snow, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson. - 8. By Aid. WoodResolved, That Daniel Hiscock is hereby authorized to construct his sidewalk along the north side of 8ummit street on the line of his fence as now located. Aid. Wagner moved to amend said resolution by referring to Sidewalk Committee. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer. Wagner. Herz, Martin, Kitson, Pres. Watts. - 6. Nays- Aid. Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, The original motion was passed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Herz, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Pres. Watts. - 9. Nays- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Martin, Kitson.- 4. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That the City Treasurer be directed, on delivery of a deed to right of way for Felch street along S. P. Banfield's land, to deliver a receipt for the sidewalk tax now assessed against said Banueid property. That ■ the fees of otticers attending" the return of said land for said tax be paid by the City Treasurer, and that the Clevk do draw an order therefor. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts -12. Nays- None By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That the bid and offer of the Kalamazoo Foundry and Machine Company to furnish 120 jack screws be and the same is hereby accepted, and ! the Board of Public VVorks is hereby '. instructed to purchase the same. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid . Schaüer, Wngner, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wóod, O'JMaia, Taylor, Manly. Prettyman, Kitsou, President Watts- 12. : Nays - None Cy Alderman Marttoi: Wiikreas, in the opinión of the Couucil the 1 gjade on Wells street ought to !e changed and hxed aud e3tablished, to the end thut such ' street may be made suitablo lor public trave and tratfic. Therefore Resolved, aud It U hereby ordered that the grade on Wells street froni center of Packar.. i street to center of Prospect street be. aud the sameid hereby changed f rom the present grade and rixed and estal)lished, so that the grade on aud along such street sball be as follovvs, that is to say : At center of Packard street 834.80 ft " center of Prospect street 858.50 it the elevatiou giveu being above the oöicial citv datum aud aloug the center line of said street the roadwav to conform thereto and the grade thereof to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted a3 follows : Yeas - Aids. Sciialrer, Wagmer, Martini. Siww, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Mtuniy, I ivt ym.'in, Kitson, President Watts- 11. Nays - None. By. Aid. Martin : Whereas, iu the opinión of the Coiincil, the grade on E. University ave. ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that sncli -treet may be made suitable for public travel and tratflc. Therefore Resolved and it is hereby ordered that the grade on E. uuiversity ave. from center of Packard street to uorth line of Prospect street be, and the same is hereby changed from the present grade aud fixed and established. so that the grade ou and aloug such street shall be as follows. that is tosay: At center of Packaïd street 884.30 ft " north liue of Prospect street 840.00 ft theelevation giveu being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, the roadwav to conform thereto, and the grade to eonsist of straight lines betweeu the several points or statious above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas- lAlds. Scih-airer, Wagner, Martin, Sno-w, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Ma.niy, Prettyman, Kitson, President Watts- 11. Nays - None. Py Aid. Martin : Whereas. in the opiuion of the Council the grade on Prospect street ought to be changed and fixed amt established, to the end that such street may be made suitable for public travel aud trafflc. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Prospect street from ceuter liue of Wells street to center liue of E. University ave. be. and the same is herebv changed froni the present grade and fixed and established, so that the gratie ou and along such street shall be as follows. that is to say: At the ceuter line of Wells st 853.50 ft " 450 ft. from the center liue of Wells s 1 853 00 ft " 500 ft. " 852.00 ft " 650 ft '■ " '■ " ' " 840.00 ft " 900 ft. ■ " " " " ' ' 840.50 ft " the ceuter liue of E. Uuiversity ave-S40.00 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and aloug the center line of said street, the roadwav to conform thereto. aud the grade thereof to cousist of straight lines between the several poiuts or statious above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Soh-airer, Wagmer, Martin, Lnow, Waod, O'Mara, Taylor, Mflnly, Prettyman, Kitson, President Wiitts- tl. Nays - None. By Aid. Martin : Whereas. in the opiniou of the Council the grade ou Michigan ave. ought to be changed, aud fixed and established, to the end that such street muy be made suitable for public travel and trafflc. Therefore R 'red, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Michigan ave. frem center of Wells street to ceuter of E. Univurs'ty ave. be, and the same is hereby changed from the present grade aud fixed and established, so that the grade on aud aloug such street shall be as follows : At ceuter of Wells street 844.30 ft " 500 ft west of center of Wells street 842 51) ft " center of East Universtty ave 837.70 ft the elevatiou given beiug "above the official city datum and aloug the ceuter line of said street, the roadwav to conform thereto, aud the grade thereof to consist of straight liues between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted as f olio wis : Yeas- Aids. Sehairer, Wagner, Martin. 8now, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, , ". . . i i e.'.tyn:an, Kitson, President -■' ' : s- 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Martin : Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade ou Mouroe st. ought to be changed and fixed aud established. to the end that such street may be made suitable for public travel and trafflc. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Monroe street from west line of S. State street to east line of Thompson street be, and the same is hereby changed frorn the present grade and fixed and established, so that the grade on and aloug such street shall be as follows. that is to say : At the west line of S. State st 867.60 ft ' 100 ft. west from the west liue of S. State st 867.00 ft " 200 ft. west from the west line of S. State st 865.50 ft " '250 ft. west from the west liue of S. State st 864.50 ft " 350 ft. west from the west liue of S. State st _.861.68 ft " 450 ft. west from the west line of S. State st 857.70 ft ' the east line of Thompson st 847.10 ft the elevatiou given being aboye the official city datum aud along the center liue of said street, the roadway to conform thereto, and the grade thereof to consist of straight liuea between the several poiuts and stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Scih-airer, Wag-ner, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, President Watts- 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That the surn of five thousand dollars is hereby transferred from the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund to the Sewer Fund. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Sehairer, Wanner, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman. Kitson, President Watts- 11. Nays- None. City Clerk Miller stated that he expected to be out of the city for a few day-s, and asked the appointment of Miss Marie Durheim as Deputy City Clerk. Aid. Kitson moved that Miss Marie Durheim is hereby appointed Deputy City Cle-k, from this date until Nov. Ist, 1893. Adopted. By Aid. Sehairer: Resolved, That the tar walk put down by Sellick Wood on South División street be put ba,ck to its oíd grade. Said work to be done at the expense of the city. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Sehairer. Wagner, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara. Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, President Watts- 11. Nays - None. On motion the Council adjourned. City Clerk. Sam Kinne is back from Iowa. Regent Whitman is in Washing ton. Judge Cheever was in Masón yes terday. A. Tucker is back from norther Indiana. Paul Snauble is in Northwester Michigan. Mrs. A. L. Noble is visiting i Milwaukee. Frederick Schmid and son Irwi are in Chicago. W. E. Pease has returned from the exposition. Mrs. J. E. Beal is visiting he parents in Cooper, Mich. John Lynn, of Seattle, Wash. has been visiting friends here. Mrs. J. H. Sanford has been vis iting her sister in Union City. Marvin V. Swift, of Lexington Mich., was at home over Sunday. Dr. Malcolm Gunn, of Chicago has been visiting friends in the city Louis Roland, of Denver, Col. is visiting his nephew, Jos. A. Pol hemus. Prof. M. E. Cooley returnec Wednesday from Chicago and Kala mazoo. Miss Elmira Gasser, of Tiffin Ohio, is visiting her brother, A. W Gasser. Miss Louise Payne, of Manches ter, visited Mrs. Henry Kitson Sunday. Miss Mabel Wallace began teach ing on the Saline gravel Monday raorning. Mrs. John J. Schairer, of E Pasco, Texas, is visiting at John G Schairers. Mrs. C. M. Leonard, of Santi ago, Cal., has been visiting Mrs. J N. Martin. John Strickler, of the Michigan Central freight house, left for Chicago Monday. H. Alden Nichols, of Rochester, N. Y., has been visiting his cousin, Harry W. Nichols. Alexander Wetzel, of Phoenix, Arizona, made a hasty cali on friends in town today. John R. Miner, Z. Roath, James R. Bach and Edward Eberbach left ( for the World's Fair Tuesday. William Smurthwaite, who has bren visiting his brother in Pittsfield, returned to Friend, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Merry, of Washington, D. C, and their daughters have removed to this city. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dennison, of Jackson, visited James Wolcott of Beakes street, the first of the week. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Ryder, of Andover, Mass, have been visiting Mrs. Ryder's mother, Mrs. Charles Tripp. Mrs. John Duff and children, of Oak Harbor, who have been visiting at their fathers, Smith Motley's, returned home Saturday. Charles G. Clark, messenger of the American Express Company, and daughters have been visiting Mrs. M. S. McGilvray. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Watts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Howlett, Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kyer, left for Chicago Tuesday. Miss Julia Chalmers, of Pittsfield, leaves Tuesday for an extended visit to Chicago. She will be accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. Whiteside, of New York.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News