WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. i NN ARBOK NURSEHY- Fruit ana orna■íl-meata; treee. Peach aud pear a speciulty. Grape vines, berry plants, etc. Prioe low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. F'OR SALE.- Brick house at corner of South Utiiversity aud Forest Aves. Inquire at the house. 3t JOK At 74 East Washington St. Two folding bed.s with mattresses, oue pair pillows, one commode with mirror, one long sofaj one rocker, hall and banquet lamps. F OH SALE- Five acres on WeBt Huron street. Goood house, barn, orchard. Beautiful location. VVill sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davia, Weat Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ïtf FOR SALE.-No. 3 Willard street, second door trom corner, flrst block irom campus, faces south. Price present rent eapitalïzed at 10 per cent. Address, Miss Flora Oakley, or cali after4:30 p. m. FOR SALE AND TO RENT.-Several good farms, farminL lands and city property, improved and unimproved, on very easy terms. Franklin L. Parker, 24 Ann St., Ann Arbor. T OST.-A ladtes' small pearl Swiss watch --i and sold chain' on the roadbetween i-aline and Ann Arbor. $5.00 reward will be paid for its return toMrs. EugeneHelber, Saline, Mich PIANO TÜNING.- A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, will be in the city 9oon. Orders left at the Argus office will receive bis attentlon. frO RENT.- At No. 20 S. State 8t. A flat of X six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. Siate St. 38tf TO RENT.- Furnished house heated witb furnace, in good order. Apply to Noah G . Butts, Room 18, Masonic Block. TO RENT.- Wholeor part of house corner of Jeffereon and División Sta., suitable for roomers and boarders. A. M. Clark, 47 División St. WANTED.- Agents to sell the fas test selling Novelty on the market. Send 25 cents for sample. Jig-Jag Puzzle Co, Ann Arbor. 5o-tf Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COCJNTY W of Wushtenaw. The undersigned having been appointed by the Prohale Court for said County, commieaioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims nud demands of all persons against the estáte of Eliza J. Patterson. late of aaid cotnty, iieceased, hereby give notice tliat aix months froin date are allowed. by order of said Probate Court tor creditorsto present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the office of Frederick the city of Ann Arbor in said county, or the fifth day of December and on the fiith day of Maren next, at ten o'clock a. m. ot each of 'said day to receive, examine aud adjust aaid claims. Dated September sth, 1S93. FREUEBI"K PCSTORTUS, FREDERICK G. SCHLEICHER, Commissioners. Cormnissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAX, COÜNTY of Waehtenaw. The undersijfned haring been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commissioners to reeeive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persone against the estáte of James Fogerty, late of said county, deceased, hereby give noiice tbal aix months f rom date are allowed, bv order of gaid Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims againstthe estáte of said deceaaed, and that they will meet at the office of W, K. Childs, in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, on the nfth day of December, anti on the nfth day of March next, at ten o'ciock A. V. of each of sid das, to reeeive. examine aud aijut said claims. Daed, September öth, 18(3. W. K. CHILDS. GEORGE H. RHODES, Commissioners. Summer MILLINERY OPENING Beginning MAY 17, Continning all Week. 250 hats alreacly trimmed to the latest styles. in the line of roillinery that one could wish for. Five ladies, Includinií a flrst class trimmer, are alwaye ready to pay the best atteution to orders. Ludies attend the opening and buy your hats before going to the World's Fair. aycias. -a_. otto, 'Washington and Fourth AveEl. KITREDG-E, No. 6 WT5ST .'.vn PTREF.T. lilBIlHIJnUHUIJIfl, lu the re;ir of Eclward Diift.r's grocetr store Hack to all trains, daj rq3 nikht. (VcTerd :or traiuo, partios, w-addinn nM futierais promutiv nrtpnded to. Tolepuone. I0Ü Aan Arh'ir Mich. . WANTED. QrncK, active man at once. Must epeai Germán and furnish referencea. S18 PER WEEK. 9 The Chicago Pnblication and lithograph Co. 194 Maditon St, CHICAGO. ILL. CORN HARVESTING REVOLUTIONIZED. One Man Can Cut and Shock 3 to 5 Acres per Day. Best Results Ever Recorded. For a comparatively inexpensive tooi to do this, address, with stamp, I. Z. MEEBIAM, Whitewater, Wis. TRUCK 1 STÖRAGE C. E. GODFREY. Restdence and Office, 46 Fourt'i Ave., North Telephone 8. ' .- ' C'3jVLSS ., ' ..-,■. M=H. - ■ ■ r... Intain tí-.eciselves ín - ■ 1 ealth. Business. .!;,il Urawinjï ■ ■ ■, : nctual busi... ■. JitrAted Catalogue - R iVNCüR, Scc'y. nUli the dUUIH ji Inconsequenceof"c-ii}f Cntn3vTi tries accepting American Fork. r lOZtná en 0I a description of the müw famous ' ' HOQS, 2,806 K-Ayy Ibs. the weight of two. First ■" " '; applicant gets a Pair of Pigs Mk,.. . on Time and an Agency. lËÈk The L. B. SILVER CO.,. i Cleveland, Ohio - IVIIOHTOiYIV EMAtE ShEMINHYi Fine Advantgres In Musie and Art. A superior school. Number of st udents limIted, Pa-sseua-ev plevatflr. Steam heat Certittcate to öniverelty of Mlchiean without examlnatlon. Opens Sept. U. oend for catalofruo No. IR) for [uil pai iiculars LOUISE B. SAMPSON. Principal, Kalamazoo,
Ann Arbor Argus
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