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C. Eberbach & Sons, Agents

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the euxsa of yosjthï q ï fp Wnpfh i iuinn? .-"X, """ Hul bil blllliiy f cW' _3SSw ' 'fí Itis notif youarenot in possession of the frü ÉMfsz'' ""?Sw ' '" 'fc faculties íor enjoying it. We odor to the ■ hKí''1-,; x'' ■ t ' public a true aud trusty xemedy, ttis ëèfKitMC e ELÍXBR OF YOÜT t OjftïsEi25èv'jP. ílS'f'iK A positive, speedy, safe and reliahlo siiie.Dtifl? iWfrVÜ!lfl JwiorrHíW 6f vSEP'íiv conijiuuud, manufacturad only "jy skiUi chemíIlitíRI í'ml'f tíjQ'iKryíT 'slslron!-tlieP1'OSCI1PllonofaGsrmaDpLy-.i';:;.;". áifeoSá S AJIÜklinHHr i TOi Weguaranteo lilis Elixir torestoroihr ' ., ; HBWW WKÊSBfMÊSsSttBUaiKSn of youth to those who are sulte'mg .. .,. ,líl,5wltffl Iwk[im a!)uses sö common in ttiis age. J H u ,,-,..n. jbí-J'l ig5SkSol!rSEi"ferSg' 'ine íor Spermatorrbea, Loss oí I'.iwer, - mi:'. SSEg=. jWLy lmissions and all tóemínal Weaknfvs. Vi ouj ""fT-ití nmtui tt-jfU :f ,.r-jJi - lish no ñames, but bave on lile svvoni t -. - ; ■ x i nials of the wonderful results produced by Uiis elixir, wblcli we are autüuiized lo uhu'V -i applicatlon oí anyone requiring sucli a medicine. BE A MAN ACAIN. We charge no exhorbitant price, nor do we offer you a quack nostrum.but a lptitimatc and ucienttflc preparation, whlch will surely do all we claim íor it. The Elixir Is pur. up la 4 oz. bottles, and retalla íor $1.00, or 6 íor $5.00. Tht valuable remedy will bu fouud un saín by all leadingdruse;ists, Eacb druggist has on Ule sworn testimoniáis oí the wonderfui curan produced by tbla Elixir, aud tue proprietors coufldeutly reíer all íu need of it to tlicm. The Germán Hospital. Remedy Co.f Gnd Rapids, mích. For Sale bv all Druiru-ists.


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