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Espite of Michael J. O'Reilly. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTÏ Al a sessumof tíiv? Probate Court.Tor IheCounly of Washienau , hol :'rjatthe Probate OíHce in the city or Aun Arhor, on Weinus''ny, the lourlh ilay of October, io the yearone thousaud eíi;ht liuudiedanu nin.-u -three. Presenl, J. Willard Babbilt, Judge 'of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Michael 1. O'Reilly, deceased. Mar? O'Reilly, the admini.strator of saM estáte, comes into court and represen ts that he is now prepared to rtnder her final account as such administratoi. Thereuoon it is ordercd that Tuesday, the 31st day of Oetober instant, at teu o'olock in the forenoon, be assigned for examinmg and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of said deeeased, and all other persons interented in said estáte are required to appear at a sewion of said eourt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in suil County and show cause, if any there be wby the said account should not be allowed : And it ia further ordered that said administrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said uccouut and the hearing thereof, by causiug a copy of ttus order to be published in the ANN Akbok Argüs, a newspaper printnt and circulating in said county three 6UCceSfive week? previous to said day of hearing J. WILLARD BABUITT, lAtrueoupy.) Judge of Probate. WilliamG. Uoty, Probate Kceister. Estáte of Kate Cullinene. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF C5 Waahtenaw, ss. At a sssion of tbc Probate Court for the County of Wa-shtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in ihe City of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the 4th day ot Octobor, in the year onethousand eieht hundred and ninety-three Present, J. Willard Babliitt, .lurtge óf Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Kale Cullinene, deceased. Patrick Tuomey, expcutor of the last will and testament of said deoeased, comes into cuurt and represents that he is now prepared to render hia final account as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesiay.thn Sist day of Octohcr inst. at 10 o'cloek in the forenoon, DeassiKned for examining and allowing such account, and that the devisees, legatees and heirsatlaw of said deceased, and all other persom interestoil in said state, are quired to appear at a eessiou of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Arn Arbor, in siud County, and show canse, if any there be. why the saio account should not be allowcil. And it is further ordored that said executor give notice to the pereons interested in said eslate of the pendencj of said account and tbc hearing tbereof, by caiising a copy of thia order to be puhlished in the Ann Arbor Aboub, a newspaper printed and ciiculaiin;; ia said ooonty, tl.ree succetwlTe week previous to oaid dny of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (a tkuecopyi Judge oí Probate. Wii.i.iAM (',. Don. Probate Résister, Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAX, COUNTY OP Washtenaw. The underslgned having been appoinied by the Probate Coutt lor said County, Commissioners to receive, examine and adjr'st all claims and demauds of ;t!l persons against the estáte ni Bdwajd Burke, late of said Oounty, decensed. hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order ol said Probate Court, for Creditors to present tlieir claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of William II Mclntyre, in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, on the Hitu. day of Januaryand on the fifth day of April uext, at tep o'cloek A. M.of each ot said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims Dated October 6th, l93. WM. H. McINTYRE. ALKXANDEK FRASER, Commibsioners. Estáte of Amos Hicks. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss . Ata session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Fridajvthe 29th day of September, in the yearoue thousand eight hundred and ninety-three. Present J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Amos Hicks, deceased. On readintfand filing the petttion duly verifled, of Heman N. Hicks. administrator. etc., prayint' that he niay be licensed to sell the real estáte whereof said deceased dled seized, Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the 24th day of October, next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased. and all other persons interested in eaid estáte, are required to appear at a eession of.said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if any there' be, why the prayer of the uetitioner should not be grauted. A nd it is further ordered that said petitioner g"ive notice to the nersons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereoi, by eansinfr a copy of this order to be published in the Ann auboii Aeíous, a newspaper printed and ciroulatiug in said county, three successive weeks previous to sald ilay of hearing. J. wiLLAKD ÜABIUTT, [A true eopv.] Juiiye of Probate w i i,i,i am G. Doty. Probate HCL'iste-. Estáte of Thomas McCatae. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oi WasKtenaw, ss. At a bession of the Probate Court for the County ot Washtenaw, holden at tho Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the 13th day of September, in the jear one thousaud eight hundred and ninety thiee. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, .Tudge of Probate. In the matter of tbe estáte oí Thomas McCabe, deceased. Gertrude lï. McCabe, the administrator of said es-tote, comes i-nto court and represent that she is now prepared to render her linal account as sucli ad mi mstra' or. Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday, the teuth day oi October. next, at ten o'cJock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the heirs ut law of said deteased, and all other persons uterested in said estale. are required to yppear atasesMon of said court, then to be holden at ihe Probate ortice, in thecity of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, il any there be, why the said account should nut be allowed: And it is further ordered, that said administrator give uotice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pundency of said account, aud the hearing thereof, by causing a cupy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Aiu;us, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. J WILLAKD BA liHITT, ( - true copy. ) Judge of Probate . WlLLIAM (j Doty. Probate Iteaisier. Real Estáte For Sale. STATE OF MI IHIGAN, COUNTY O F WAS 11tenau -: Fntbe matter of the Estaie of .lolm Crandal, deeaased Notice is herel)y glven, that in pursuance ol an order granted to tho undersixned adminlstrator of the estáte of -til John Crandal, deceased; by the Hou. Jadge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the aiili day of AiiiiiiM. A. D. 1883, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the bigheet bidder, at the dweiling house on t premises below deBcrlbed, in the townsbip of Salem, in the COUntT of Walitenuw, in said state, on Tuesday, the Si'vi-nteeuth day of Oi'tober. A. D. lsii;i, at ten o'rloek in t he forenoouof that dav (subject to all incumbranees by mortgage or otherwlse exlsting at the time of the death of said deoeaBed) the foHoving described Keal Estáte, to-wit : The east half oi the noith-east quarter of Seotlonflve. Also a parcel of land desoribed as follows, to-wit: Comtnencing thirteen chains and fifty links south of the North-west corner of theeast half ot the north-east quarter of said Section live. running thence South eight chains and twenty-hve links, thence west eiïhteen chains and thirty-seven and seven tülity-thirda RÍ7T-38) links, thence udrtli tweuty-one iÉlutin aud seveuty-five links, thence east ten chains and ninety-seyen and seven tliirty-thirds (97 7-ü) links, theuce south thirteen chains and fifty links, thence east seven chains and forty-one links to the place of beginning. All of said land above aescribed being in Town One (1), South Range Seven East, (Salem), in Michigan, and containing inall one hundred and ten (.110) acres, more or less. ANDEEW J. JOHNSON. Dated. August, 1893. PinUS CHEAP H K lYI W 20.000 ACRES of firsth 11 r III class MICHIGAN farm HP m I ■ lands near railroads, in Alcona, a B Alpena and Montmorency counties; soil, rich clay and gravel loams; Bi hardwood timber; well watered by springs and living streams; near churches, schools and lively towns. Price, 3 to t per acre. Easy terms, T. S. SPRAGUE. 818 Hammond Bld'g, Detroit, Mlch.


Ann Arbor Argus
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