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C. Eberbach & Sons, Agents

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THE ELIXIR OF YQWTH! fe I ín itfAPfh I firinnQ SbÍ' -"WIÊr ' SV t ís not if j'ouare not 1q possession of the fWl i, ffijeSÍ SSspeijk' ' ) publica true and trusty lemedy, the E%ÁMÍ ELIXIR O F YOÜTH, SíMíreMítaoifñMi A Pitive, speedy, safe and reliahle sclentifl; Mí,wrKwMSy!rA'l!wfíKS' oomp;,und, rnunuiactuicd ouly 'jy skilled cíiem. HMMBi 'MFll TOMbMiÍ lst',llomth)f 1 "■sripl-ion oí Germán physician BWira.wiraffflBrüáffiffll "WeRuariln't;e!lil8 Elixir t,o restore thcvltaliíy PHHw QEShiK: 3 atiuses so common in ihis age. J: is"u positiva "x-í. . SStWstírStSíyS 'jire for Sperraatqrrbea, Loss oí Power irigbt i , -J"ply J'-uiissions and all Seminal Weakness. W pub. , ... j""; ." " lish nonanif.s, but tiave on íile sworn lesí.miomals of tho wonderful resulta produced by ihis elixir, whicli wo are auUi"i-ized lo show or application ol anyone requinng such a medicine. BE A WiAU ACA1M. we charge no exhorbltantprice, nor do we offer you a quaek nostrum.but a leeitimatc and scieutlflc preparation, which will surely do all we claim for it. Thu Elixir is put, up in 4oz. boules, and retal lsíor $1.00, or 6 for Jj.uo. Tliis valuablo romedy will be round onsale by all leadlng druei;iats. Eaoh druggist has on file sworn testimoniáis o! the wonderful cures produced by this Elixir, and the proprletors confldently refor all in need of it to them. The Germán Hospital. Remedy Co., Grand Rapids, Micb. For Sale by all Drngsrists.


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