Local Brevities

The Argus and the Free Press, $i. A Hallowe'en party was given at Nickel's hall. Hallowe'en parties were numerous this year. The saloons this week have been closed at 9 o'clock. Pát'rolman Collins has been actting marshal this week. A beef steak party was given at Zukey Lake last evening. Large flocks of wild geese are now seen xnoving over the city. The Women's League give a Columbian Social, Saturday. The El Astro Club hold a dance at Granger's Hall, November 24. The ióth Michigan will hold their next re-union in Ann Arbor. The Ann Arbor Brewing company are building two large ice houses. The street and crosswalk work in Ann Arbor for Octobei cost $500. Take advantage of the Argus offer and get a present of the Free Press. The city will pay out nearly $6,000 next week on account of the sewer. Reginald Spokes has removed his family to the pumping station of the Water company. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church, gave an interesting social last evening. The silver statue of Montana passed through the city yesterday on its way east from the World's Fair. The Ann Arbor Gas Company will occupy the new building on Fourth avenue, being built by David Rinsey. A new post office has been established at Eckert, Washtenaw county. It is situated in the township of Freedom. Sylvester Armstrong was before Justice Pond, Tuesday, charged with drunkenness, and paid $5 fine and $k costs. The pupils of E. N. Bilbie did credit to their most excellent instructor at the recital in McMillan hall, Monday evening. An oyster supper will be given this evening by the gentlemen of the Congregational church, at the residence of George Holmes on Forest avenue. Henry McNally was charged with keeping his saloon open after 9 o'clock this week. He waived examination and was bound over to the circuit court. A. L. Noble returned Monday from New York city, where he had been on a business trip, the results of which may be seen by looking at his big announcement on the eighth Page. The bill of george Palmer for $35 for clothing destroyed in a diphtheritic case has been allowed by the board of supervisors, at.d it will no longer cut a figure in the council proceedings. The funeral services of Mrs. Caroline Tessmer were held Wednesday in this city. Mrs. Tessmer was born in Franzburg, Prussia, in July, 1818. She leaves four children, two sons md two daughters. Remember that every one who pays now for the Argus a year in advance will receive a present of the semi-weekly Free Press for three months. This offer is to old and new subscribers alike. Charles Wuerth and Miss Katherine Staebler were married Tuesday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Staebler, of Ann Arbor town, Rev. John Neumann officiating. Rev. J. Mills Gelston's last lecture on "Ancient Religions" will be given in the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. '1 he subject will be "Some Lessons Urawn from the Doctrines of the Oriental Religions." Henry McMajor died Sunday evening at 8 o'clock at the residence of his only son, Chorles H. Major, in this city, of paralysis. He lived at Cuba, N. Y., but had been visiting his son for the past six weeks. He was born in Almond, Steuben county, N.Y., in 1826. He had many triends. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon. The Ladies of the Maccabees here celébrate the second anniversary of their organization,' Nov. 14, with a grand banquet. The sewer is completed to the corner of Wall and Fuller streets. Nearly half a mile has been laid, and about 100 men are employed. H. J. Brown will speak at the Vesper services in St. Andrews' church, at 6:30 next Sunday evening, on "The Brotherhood of St. Andrews." Mrs. James R. Stafford has received 7,000 from the Equitable Life Insurance company, through W. R. Price, the local agent. This is very prompt payment of a death loss. The Washtenaw Horticultural Society resume their regular meetings tomorrow at the court house, at 2 p. m. The subject for discussion will be "The Lessons of the Season," and a very interesting discussion it will be. The second of the meetings of the Women's Union, preparatory to the coming of the Evangelist, B. Fay Mills, will be held in the Disciples' church, at 4 o'clock, Saturday afternoon. Subject : " The Necessity of Preparation. I. Kings VI-, Rev. J. T. Sunderland will give the third serman in his series on "Jesús and his Religión" next Sunday morning at the Unitarian church. Subject, "What was Jesus own Gonception of his Mission? Did he believe himself to be the Messiah?" Under the city ordinance, pigs can now be kept in the city limits until April next, provided the pens are kept perfectly clean. The pens are subject to inspection of the health inspector at all times. It is thought that boarding houses may now get rid of their refuse. A body was found Tuesday in the ditch at the gravel pit on the north side, which had evidently been there some months. The legs were gone and there was a hole in the head, which the doctors said had been made by trepanning. The doctors think it was a medical subject. The 25th anniversary of the A. O. U. VV. lodge, in this city, was celebrated last evening in a highly successful manner. President Oestestin gave a history of the society, and Paul G. Sukey made an elegant speech. Good music, and a social time heightened the enjoyment of the occasion. Last Saturday evening a few friends of Simon Kress, of Lodi, gave him a surprise, it being his birthday. They presented him with a handsome gold watch and chain. After a sumptuous repast had been served, a pleasant evening was spent and all agreed that the event had been a happy one. "The Poetry of the Bible" will be Rev. Cobern's topic at the M. E. church next'Sunday evening. The choir will render special music for ;he occasion, among other ancient üymns being the old Hebrew Yigdol Elohim, a copy of which has recently been brought to America Tom the British museum. Spencer Crawford and Elizabeth Wollpert have each begun suit against city of Ann Arbor for damages sustained by the cutting down of North Fifth avenue in 1890. Each asks for $2,000 damages. Charles H. Kline is attorney for both plaintiffs. The suits were commenced Monday. The Ann Arbor Light Infantry will give a bazaar at the annory from November 20 to November 25 inclusive. A midway plaisance will prove one of the chief attractions. The members of the company have taken hold of the matter in earnest and should receive the support and encouragement of all good citizens. B. B. Nagarkar, the Brahmin priest, a full-blooded Hindoo, who lectured at the Unity club, stated in his lecture that the family relations in India were different from Christian nations. Children remained in the family after their marriages and sometí ines there would be fifty in a family especially if the mother was living. The lecturer is what in this country would be called a liberal. Jonathan Schmid died at his home on South Main street Sunday morning of consumption. He had resided in this city for fifteen years and was forty-five years of age. He was a son of Rev. Frederick Schmid, the pioneer Lutheran clergyman of this county. He was never married but leaves a very large circle of relatives. He had a host of friends. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Max Hein officiating. For the first time, the complete official proceedings of the board of supervisors has been given to the public within a week after their adjournment. This is the result of the joint enterprise of the Courier and Argus which has resulted in giving the readers of both papers, the complete proceedings within a week. Formerly it was the habit to publish the proceedings as late as January in serial form, as ancient history.