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The Horticulturists

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"Lessons of the Year" were dis cussed by the horticulturists at their November meeting. Mr. Buell reported that peach trees set last spring had done well, not over five per cent on his place having diec and these were all in low spots on black soil. The trees were muletee with manure and forked once during the season just outside the roots. The field was cultivated in corn. The low spots had been underdrained and there the corn grew very rank, but the trees which lived grew no better in such places than on the knolls where the corn was not over three feet high. The varieties planted were early Crawford, Red Cheek and Smock. He intends planting more of the same varieties next year, with the addition of Late Crawford. He spoke highly of the stump as hardy and prolific, its only fault being its white color. Mr. Crozier was asked about his new plantation of berries. He replied that it had made a good growth and that he had just finished rilling the vacancies, preferring to do this as early as possible in the fall than to wait until spring. The field contained fifteen acres, half of which was set to Snyder blackberries and half to Cuthbert raspberries, the blackberries being set on the higher and lighter soil. Blackberries would do well on either sand or clay if properly cared for, but were safer on sand, while red raspberries in this locality succeeded rnuch the best on clay. The plants were all set seven by three and a half feet and cultivated both ways. He thought four feet in the row might be better for the blackberries. Wide spaces were left at suitable intervals for driveways. On a portion of the field strawberries were set between the rows, the rest of the field being planted to corn and potatoes. The plants which gave the best satisfaction were vigorous, one-year-old suckers of the blackberry and year suckers of the raspberry. Red raspberries start so early in the season that whether green or woody plants are used they should not be dug until one is ready to set them out. W. F. Bird's grape report was rather gloomy. Hail in June damaged the vines and retarded the maturity of the fruit, drought diminished its size, and the early frost, coming before the fruit was fully ripe, injured its keeping qualities. In addition it has become necessary to meet sharp competition from Western New York, where the acreage in vineyards is large and still increasing. Mr. Ganzbowspoke of the Keiffer pear as a profitable variety on account of the productivensss and fine appearance. Mr. Fuller thought it too poor in quality to be worth growing. Several members believed that its lateness had much to do with its lack of flavor and stated that it needed to be well ripened before being placed upon the market. The "hard times" carne in for a share of the discussion. Prices had not been affected so seriously as was feared, though buyers seeraed to be more careful than usual and there was a noticeable increase in the demand for the cheaper grades of fruit. It was believed that the unusually large grape and peach. erop this year was rnainly responsible for the low prices received for those fruits.


Ann Arbor Argus
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