The Great Through Car Line
It is a well established fact that the Western Line (Chicago & North-Western R'y) in its equipment and train service, its general facilities for the accomodation of all classes of travel, and its methods of looking after the comfort and weüfare of its patrons, takes rank with the leading railways of the world. lts through car lines extend from Chicago to St. Paul and Minneapolis, the "Twin Cities of the Northwest;" to Duluth, the Superiors, Ashland, Marquette and the wonderful iron and copper regions of northern Wisconsin and Michigan; to VVinona, Pierre, and the rich agricultural sections of Minnesota and the Dakotas; to Des Moiues, Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Lincoln, the prosperous and growing cities of Iowa and Nebraska; to Deadwood, the Dakota Hot Springs, ind the famous mining districts of the Black Hills; to Denver, Salt Lake, and the health resorts of orado and Utah; to San Francisco, Cal.; Portland, Oregon, and Pacific Coast and Puget Sound points. The perfectly equipped vestibuled trains of the North-Western Line convey the traveler comfortably, safely and quickly to nearly every part of the west and north-west, and while one may travel surrounded by all of the luxuries afforded by an equipment of magnificent sleeping cars, buffet smoking and library cars. compartment sleeping cars, and superb dining cars. the comfort and convenience of passengers desiring fo travel at small expense is prompted by the provisión of accommodations for their use in Tourists Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and commodious day coaches. In a word, if you contémplate a rip to almost any portion of the west and north-west your tickets hould read via the North-Western Ane. Maps, time tables and genral information can be obtained of icket agents in the United States nd Canada, or by addressing W. A. "hrall, General Passenger and "icket Agent, Chicago Chicago & North-Western R'y, Chicago, 111.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News