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The pulp mili is closed and under repairs. Geoige Bell was an Ann Arbor visitor last Weduesday. Mr. Bonman, of Clielsea, was a Dexter visitor Satnrday. i_j t.'_j Miss Northard lias been visiting friends in Grass Lake. F. S. Alley shook hands with his Arm Arbor friends Monday. A. Phelps was in Ann Arbor on business one day last week. Mrs. Mary Taylor visited Ann Arbor friends Wedne3day last. John Costello made a flying trip to Ann Arbor, Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Stevens, of Stockbridge, visited here the past week. B. Lavey, of Pinckney, was in this place the flrst of the week. Mr. Bullis, of Pinckney, spent Sunday as the guest of friends. B. Erwin made his Pettysville friends a short cali, Saturday. Messrs. H. and II. McCabe were in Ann Arbor on Saturday last. Henry Fleming and sister, Miss Carrie, visited Ann Arbor Friday. Win. Ballon, sr., and James Gregory spent Saturday in Pinckney. A. Jones is spending a few days with his many frieuds in Fowlerville. Miss Nettie Mowers spent Sunday with her parents near Pinckney. Mis. Frenen, of Wayne, is spending a few days with her daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Cook and family spent Sunday with friends near Emery. Wm. P. Smith spent Sunday with his sister and family at Iludson. Mrs. M. Story had the pleasure of entertaiuing friends last Tuesday. Mr. Hindlelang and family, of Chelsea, made us a short cali on Satwrday. Mrs. Clarence Carpenter has been entertaining friends for the past week. Miss Mattie Palmer and friend attended church at Birkett, on Sunday. Fred Greves and lady friend, of Pinckney, called here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Larey entertained his brother and family over Sunday. Mrs. W. Valentine and friend, of Hamburg were guests of her parents, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor spent Sunday with her brother and family, near [lamburg. Mr. and Mrs. B. Snow, of Jackson, lave been visiting relatives the last few days. A mmiber from here took advantage of the cheap ratea and visited Detroit on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bell and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Story. The ladies of St. James' church, held ;heir afternoon tea witb Mrs. J. Hoyt, Wednesday. The ladies of the Baptist church met with Mrs. E. Miles last Wedneslay afternoon. M is. Clara Phelps and Mary Lee made tbeir Ann Arbor friends a visit one lay last week. Mrs Hiram Pierce, of Portland, is spending a few days with her sister and other friends. John Hughes and daughter Anna were the guests of their Pettysville friends Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. McCabe and daughter, Miss Florence, spent Sunday with elatives in Nortbfield. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark and son of Putnam made us a pleasaut cali one day the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warner returned Vlonday evening after several days stay with relatives in Howell and vicinity. ' Nicholos Vanriper died in Webster, on Monday evening. The funeral services were from the Congregational church in this village on Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Mrs. John Frawley died at her home in this village Wednesday morning, Nov. 1, 1893. The funeral took place at the Catholic church, Friday momme, Father Fleming officiating. Married, at the home of the bride's parents in Detroit, Wednesday, Nov. i, 1893, Mr. Earnest Litchfield, of Bay 3ity, and Miss Myrta Baird, of Detroit. Both were well known in this village. They will reside at Bay City.