Mr. Wood is seriously 111. Milán has a fine school library. L. Eldredge is on the sick list. Mr. Lockwood visited Tecumseh last week. The White City visitors have all ïeturned. A. S. Hayden is doing a fine line of tile work. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweet, October 31, a daughter. Miss C. Chapin will make her home in Grass Lake this winter. Hallowe'en is past and gone, and Milan is normal once more. Mrs. Chas. Sill and daughter are visiting in Detroit this week. Mrs. Pyle entertained guests f rom abroad the first of the week. Attorney F. Jones, of Saline, gave Milan a cali the first of the week. Mrs. S. J. Bennett left, Saturday, for her home in Fort Dodge, ïowa. Mr. Cady and Attorney Butler, of Ann Arbor, gave Milan a cali, Friday. Indían summer bas arrived, greatly to the joy of lovers of pleasant weather. Miss Springer and Miss S'ooU:ott, of Ypsilanti. visited friends in Milan on Bunday. VVilliam Whaley, who has been very ill with typhoid fever, is now convalescent. The W. C.T. ü. have opened areacling room for young men of Milan iu J. II. Ford's block. Mrs. Kena Harris, of Adrián, is the guest of her father, Mr. Lyman Burnham, for a few weeks. Clarence Wisdom, one of Milan 's enterprising young men, bas commenced teaching school near Carleton. The Chautauqua Circle will meet on Saturday afternoon at Mrs. Charles Gauntlett's, on West Main street. The several new houses that ai e being built will, when completed, be a great improvement to progressive Milan. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rouse were tbe guests of Eev. Jay Huntington and daughter, at Plymouth, Priday and Saturday. Mrs. M. W allace, who has been sojourning this summer with friends in North Öakota, returned home Tuesday evening. Mr. Remmington, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Chapín, for several weeks, returned to his home ia Weston, Saturday.' Mr. and Mrs. J. Sprague, who have have been visiting their daughter, Mrs G. B. Williams, returned to their home in Ann Arbor, Monday. The Presbyterian young people have organized recently under the name of Westminster League, with the following ofBcers: President, Mr. A. B. Smith; vice-presldent. Miss LuciJe Ward; aecretary, Miss Fannie Sayles; treasurer, Mrs. Mabel Wilson.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News