One out of every six men who voted for M...
One out of every six men who voted for Mayor Pingree in Detroit voted for Levi T. Griffin for congress. The democrats elected the only congressman elected in the country last Tuesday. As predicted in last week's Argus, the elections last Tuesday resulted in Republican success. As stated by us before election there was every reason to expect this and there is no particular reason why the Democrats should feel worried over the results. McKinley's tremendous majority in Ohio makes him, probably, the republican candidate for president ín 1896. From a democratie standpoint this is a subject of rejoicing. McKinley and McKinleyism will be exceedingly vulnerable in '96. There is a provisión in the charter which says that all communications from the mayor to the council shall be in writing. If this provisión of the charter were strictly enforced a possible coraplication would have been avoided. The mayor officially withdrew the name of Wheeler for marshal and sent in the name of Collins. Monday night he aróse to teil the council orally that he wanted to withdraw Collins' name and send in Wheeler's name again. The council granted him permission to withdraw Collins' name, but he never actually withdrew it, and as far as the official records go Collins' name is stillbefore the council for confirmation. Now, if the charter had been beyed, Collins would have been legally withdrawn and there could be no possibility of a complication arising.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News