E. F. Mills & Co.
20 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Ist Sale, 3 CLOAKS. 3 _MH' IeS - OF- H SO Jackets, both Fur Trimmed Bra i and Plain Effects. Reduced from p ■ mSS, S8 50, 9 00 aml $10.00 to your ñ N 9 E7 ; B choice for fUlHY H t&k M'S l a3 V 75 Elegant Garments, all hsnd9 Mkmi üKjIS MÊ F somely trimmed. Former price ÊM PA x W g ?i2.oo, $14,00 and $1 5 00, your X7 J H r choice for 1" '" ËMÈÊ&Ê'1& 2 25 SuPerior Cloaks, made up for J "i? pSwi fine city Koimer price sin nn Ji K Si8.oo, S20.C0 and S22.O0, choice l M for flMlKll _j H Finest line of Children's and Misses' JackfeH B ets and Ulsters to be had in the city. flrgjJpPHBBHB Handsome Novelties in Capes, Jackets, ' ■ "W . Fur Wraps, &c, at very attractive prices. xa öaie. CARPETS. Commences Friday, November 3d, and continúes through the Month. o" LL sa i Sffiisiïssa: ■„- 0URTLNTErSiCIL F BDY R"SSELSA5 FOLLOWSr' Jne $(.25 Grade at. . . Qc The $1. 15 Grade at XXC The $t.oo Grade !".!'!!!!! SqC Best $i 00 Tapestry Brussels at mn Best 75c Tapestry Brussels at. .".!!"."."".[ 3 ALL CARPETS REDUCED. AU Ru;s of Every Description. . . -g-A P All Lace Curtains and Portieres at '.'.'.'.'.'. '. '. '. '. ' '. ' '. ' '. '. ' '. ' ' '. ' ' '. 1-4 „ff ___ ALL MATTINGS 1-4 OFF TO CLOSE. 3d Sale DRY GOODS. 1,500 yds more of tho.e 31 inch Ladies' 50c Tersey UnderM Wh.p Cords, regular i2J2c goods HJ wear, extra fine quality-sale 29fi at " price ■ 1.000 ydsOutings - Both ■ I 50 Shawls, regular prices, I J Am dark and light styles, worth 7 [Jf frOm $2.00 to ?9 00, for L4 Off ■cat ' vemher Wö Hundreds of other ?oods thinifs to make November the banner month. Tïns sale will beifin 1 nday, oembe 3, and continue through the month. E. F. MIIXS & CO., 20 SOUTH MAIN ST.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News