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The circuit court will meet again November 18. Four new members have joined Harugari Maennechor. Mrs. Herman Krapf feil last Saturday and broke her leg. Wm. Reinhardt is building an addition to his store on Main sf. China painting has heen taken up by the Ann Arbor Art School. A grand concert will be given in the M. E. Church this evening. Nine persons joined the Presbyterian church by letter last Sunday. The Michigan Central ran a ninety cent excursión to Detroit today. A good family horse for sale. Applyto James Clements, 78 State street. David Rinsey will place an elevator in his new building on Fourth avenue. A pleasant social was given by the ladies of the Congregational church last evening. Charles Clark, of Manchester, died November 7, of paralysis, aged eighty-four years. The parsonage of the Trinity Lutheran Church has been moved to face Williatn street. A pleasant social was given by the ladies of the St. Andrew's church in Harris hall last evening. "Cutting the Bible in Pieces" will be the topic next Sunday evening in the M. E. Church. The School of Music has purchased two Chickering pianos from the Ann Arbor Organ Co. A gasoline stove explosión called the fire department over to Broadway, Wednesday afternoon. W. A. Chamberlain died at his home opposite Hamilton Park last Friday, aged fifty-five years. Glen V. Mills says that the population of Ann Arbor as shown by his new directory is over 13,000. A little daughter of Geo. Crocker died of erysipelas last Sunday. She was a little over two years oíd. Marshal Wheeler was sworn in on Wednesday and is now acting as marshal and wearing the badge. Sid W. Millard has purchased the Walz block and will live there, making his office in the first floor. Edward Kennedy was sentenced to ten days in by Justice Bennett yesterday for being drunk and disorderly. Prof. Walters took the place of Mr. Savage at the Unity Club, Monday evening, and read a paper on Rousseau. Henry Schumacher was sentenced to the Detroit House of Correction by Justice Pond, yesierday, for beating his wife. The Antcliffe estáte appeals have finally been settled, VVilliam Burtless having bought out the conflicting interests. A shawl found on the Whitmore Lake road between the Catholic :hurch and Ann Arbor awaits an Dwner at this office. W. F. Pape, of St. Louis, Mo., was in the city Tuesday and ordered :welve carloads of carts and wagons :rom the Ferguson Cart Factory. Mrs. Mary Warner, widow of the ate O. L. Warner, of Pittsfield, feil n her yard last Thursday, and )roke her hip. She is seventyieven years old. The School of Music has moved n its new home and has in stud:nts. It will have ten times that lumber within five years. Mark he prediction. The Orchard Lake football team lefeated the Ann Arbor High School nine Saturday by a score of [o to 4, and broke the collar bone )f Gillman Jones. L. C. Weinmann and G. F. Stein ïave gone into partnership in the neat business. They will continue he business at Weinraann's market )n Washington street. Dr. Hale, the receiver of the wa:er works company, is straightening ïUt the affairs of the company as :ast as circumstances will permit. He now desires that all persons in irrearage for water tsx should set;le at his office with Hutzel & Co., t once. Rev. George Colgrove of Spring street dropped dead last Sunday morning of heart disease, aged seventy years. He had resided here for the past thirty years. William Martin feil off a load of wheat on Ann street yesterday afternoon and was badly stunned uut sustained no serious injury. He was carried to R. C. Barney's office. The barn of Albert Todd, of Ypsilanti, was burned Sunday morning. Ypsilanti's volunteer fire department made slow time, and everything was consumed. Loss, $700. It is probably unnecessary for the Argus to deny the report that some apparently interested parties circulated thisweek that it had been sold. The Argus has not been sold and is not on the market. The barn of Daniel Hoy, of Scio, burned about 8 o'clock last evening including his wheat, hay and cornstalks. The barn was a large one and the insurance of $800 does not begin to cover the loss. Christian Walker died in Salem last Sunday, aged seventy-six years. He carne to Salem about 1840, and cleared the land on which he lived. He was married in 1840, and leaves a wife and ten children. On Sunday evening next, at 6545, Mr. J. A. St. Clair wiU address the Young Peop'.e's Vesper, on the subject, "Self-improvement." A student's orchestra adds to the attractiveness of the service. A reception wasgiven last evening by the pastor of the Presbyterian church at the Sackett parsonage on División streët to the members of the church and congregation. A very pleasant and agreeable time was had. The Charitable Union earnestly solicits gifts of second-hand clothing, that it may meet the many and urgent demands made upon it. It is, however, desirable that the clothing given be not so oíd as to be past service. The next Women's Union meeting, inpreparation for 13. Fay Mills, is to be held Saturday, Nov. nth, in the Congregational church at 3 p. m. Every lady in Ann Arbor interested is invited to come and! bring a friend. Rev. A. S. Carman, pastor of the Baptist church, has accepted a cali to Springfield, Ohio. He has made many friends here, and has greatly Built up the church here, leaving it with 135 more members than it had when he carne. About five o'clock last evening a young man from Grand Rapids, who was painting on the roof of Mack & Schmid's wool house, feil from the roof to the ground, seriously ing his back. He was taken to the University hospital. ', The scaffolding on the new recitation building on the campus gave way yesterday throwing ten men to the ground. Charles Johnke had his leg badly injured and August Tessmer and Charles Lohrke were injured about the head. The M. E. Church has adopted a novel scheme for the accommodation of mothers who have heretofore been kept from church because they had no onewith whom to leave their children. Beginning with next Sunday a young laday will take charge of all babies whose mothers will bring them to one of the Sunday school rooms and leave them during the morning service. For the next four Sundays, Miss Edmonds, Miss Bennett, Miss Roys Miss Bassett will take turns respectively. - Register. Miss Adele Smoots, daughter of John M. Smoots, the foreman in the iron room of the engineering labratory, died of consumption at her home, 58 East University avenue, Tuesday afternoon. She had been sick since last spring. The funeral services will be held at three o'clock this afternoon, in the Church of Christ. Christian Fiegel, of Freedom, died last Sunday evening. He was one of the pioneers of Freedom, coming there with his parents in 1836, when three years of age. He was born in Germany and was sixty years old. He was married in 1861 to Miss Frederika Huber, and leavcs six children. Last week the mayor ordered that the saloons be closedat nineo'clock, Standard time. This week he gave the saloonkeepers notice that while they should close at nine o'clock, they could have an hour to get their crowd out. Consequently the saloons are now open till ten o'clock Standard. Prof. Stanley will give an organ recital in the M. E. church next Friday evening. Prof. Mills and the best vocalists of the city will sing. Mr. Collins and Mr. Vanderbilt will give some cornet duets. Miss Ada Anderson Griggs the celebrated young elocutionist will give dramatic readings. The Sewing School will open Saturday, Nov. n. Mr. Beal has kindly given the use of the room in the Courier block again. As the day-school has moved its quarters from thisbuildingthere are not seats enough to accommodate the children, the school will be glad to have its friends dónate chairs, and hope at least to get seventy-five, Dr. Charles E. Parker, veterinary surgeon, of Dexter, has been apaointed live stock inspector at De:roit by Secretary Morton, through :he efforts of Congressman Gorman. Dr. Parker is a son of Samson Pareer, of Lima, a gradúate of the To'onto Veterinary College, a good iemocrat, and an excellent apDointee. His salary will be about íi,5oo a year.