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rOFFICIALl Council Chamber. b ,nn ARBOK, .November V, 1893. y Adjoumed Special scssion. Called to order by tJie president, Aid. C. H. Manly. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Fergnson. and Pres. Watts- 2. Cbatarman Manly stated that Hiere a good many citizens pm?sjut wanted to witness the proceeUhigrs of tlie council, and recommend the adjoairnnient to the court room . Aid. Prettymiaa moved thiat this eouncil do now adjourn to the court room. Adopted. Tlie council tlien ndjoumed to the cooirt room. Chiaimian Manly Btated that lie had been informe d by taie attomeys, that a settlenieaxt oif t]ie chíirges againflt Tarslial Jlun-ay coiild' be effect rd between all parties, if adjeurmnont ■woTild be taken to nest Tuesday, Nov. 7, '93. Aid. O'Mlara anoved tJiat this council do now adjourn to meet in adjourned session next Tuesday Nov. 7, '93. Aid. Trettyman meved an amendmentv by adjoan-ning1 to to-morrow evening', Friday Nov. 3, '93. "Yhicli inoition was lost. The OTig-inal motion was called for, put and prevadled by a yea and nay vote as follows : Yeas - Alde. 8cbairer, Herz, Martin, Wood, O'llara, Taylöir, Mamly- 7. Nays- Aids. TVagmer, Snow, Prettymam - 4. The council tlien ndjou'rned. W. J. MILLER. City Clerk. Chamber. f ANN Arbor, November 6, 1893 Recular Bession. Called to order by Prea. "Watts. Roll called. Full board present. The jomrnal of tlie last sessicm approTCd. Mayor's Office, ) ANN Aebok, Nov. 2d, 1893. ( To the Honorable the Common Council Gentlemen :-I have the honor to report to your honorable body that I have this daywith drawn the appoiutnieut of Charles Wheeler as Marshal, and have appointed David P. Collins Marshal, subject to the approval of the counB. M. THOMPSON, Mayor. Referred to Pólice Committee. To the Honorable the Common Council: The undersigned, the Board of Public Works, do hereby report the several sidewalks by us eonstrueted at the expense of the Street fund of the city of Aan Arbor, during the year 1893, and since the 17th day of October,'lS9'2, being the date of our last report, do hereby certify the cost and expense of the same, as well as the descriptiou of the land and premises in front or adjacent to which the said several sidewalks were caused to be eonstructed as follows, that is to say : On and along the west side of S. Ashley street in front of the property of Gottlieb Schneider, described as follows: A strip oí land lying east of and adjoining lots 1 and A, block 5, s. r. 2 east, and exteuding in equal width of the said lot, to the west line of south Ashley street, W. S. Maynard's flrst addition to the city of Ann Arbor. Lengthof walk. eight rods. Width of walk. five feet Total cost of walk including necessary grading, Í3H.0Ü. On and along the west side of N. División street. in front of the property of the David DeForeet estáte, described as follows : bouuded on the north by Meuth's land, east by División street, soüth by Fohey and Burke's land. and west by Detroit street; block 4, corth range 6 east,"being parts of lots 7 and 8. Length of walk, eight rods. Width of walk, flve feet. Total cost of walk includiug necessary grading, $28.00. No account for the repairing of sdewalks appears on our memoraudum, and henee none is certified. All of which is respectfully certified. Wituess the President and Clerk of the Board of Public Works. THOS. J. KEECH, President. W. J. MlMJSR, Clerk. Eeceived and filed. A petitlon signed by Fred Wolí and otdier residents and property holders of tlie city oí Ann Arbor, asking tihiat a sitlewalk be ordered built on "W. side of AsMey street, from Miller avé., to Kingslejr -et. Beíerred to eidewalk committee. KEPORTS OF STANDING COMEITTBES- FINANCE. Aid. Taylor moved that sewer report of the flnance committee be considered read. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Herz, O'Mara, Ferguson and Pres. Watts- o. IsTays- Aid. Schairer, Martin, Snow, Wood, Taylor, Manly, Prettymau and Kitson- 8. Chainuan Taylor then proceeded with the reading of the finance report: I To the Common Council: Your Committee on Financerespectfully report that tliey have had the following bilis luider consideration, and would recommend their allowance ac sunis stated: CONTINGENT FUND. W. J. Miller, salary - 66 66 E.B. Morris, salary - 25 On P. O'Hearn. salary 83 84 Mr-. M. G. Stark, salary, janitor - 6 2 Dr. B. A Clark, 3 mouths salary 25 00 Dr John Kn pp. :! months salary 87 50 Martin Clark, 3 months salary- 26 U0 EU W. Mooie, 6 month's salary 28 00 Geo. II. PodI, 1 mi'iiths ealary 8 34 Kstateof Kice A. Beal, suppfies 125 VV. J. Miller. suppUee 2 25 R, li. Pond, "-tice tees 9 i") The Arm Arbor Thonins n-Houston Electric Co., ptreet lightlng for the ruonth of Qctober 637 8S Tu' Aun Arbor Xhompson-HouBtOn Electrle Co., .office lijihtning for the . iiioni], ol Ociober - 2 00 Total f;}"4 82 BB fUSO. Michigan Cení ra] UuilroadCo., freight on sewer pipe 18180 F. A. A.& N. M K. II. Co., ireipht sewer pipe - --- );";i1 M. O. K. K. Co., frelght on ack screws 2 74 -hoi-c Foundry, 07 pes, U-iZit. oaoh iron pipe -- --- 1998 65 C. E. Goctfrey, frefgiH and flraying - 1 W Kalamazoo Kouudry and Machine Co., 120 ark BCrews ir(i 92 Soul li Bend Foundry Co., one manhole and cover i 65 Ann Arbor Hriek, Tile and Sewer Pipe Co., 40,000 brie k 187 B0 Wm Enkenian, labor 8 10 Julius Kenter, latior 2 70 Joba SelineicJer, labor - f "o Adolph Felnkbeiuer, labor --- 2 70 .lef. Lew is, l,i hor 5 I'1 Nichola8 Hindelons, labor - 6 75 UauieJ Fllnti, labor 5 40 Arnoid Boillat, l,auor i' ■- .luliiis Reuter, labor... - 2 81 Karl chnéïder, Labor ■- - " ottlieb Knguth, labor . '5 James stevens, labor 15 .luli. s NUnp&! labor . 1 -5f W alter liogers, Mbor 8 16 ESmery Hursi, Labor - 4 85 Jaroes Brown, labor 4 t lU-nry ( til mrirv. labor 1' 15 N leñólas Hindorlong, labor i Ufi ('luirles Col grove, labor - i flfi George Honry, labur 7 U5 (iwrei" i-iitrvi-y, labor.... - 90 Frank llill. labor 75 George Henry, labor r 6 75 Bmery II ui'st , labor - 4 05 Davta Bauniga-rdner, labor - 75 GeorgeHi.rvey, labor. 6 76 Geo. Hi-nry. labor 11 70 Charles tjchrepper, laVor 15 (H) Jeftersr.ii Li-wis, labor 5 40 t'iohaelScháible, labor 1 iR Win. Uurns, labor 1(6 '1'lncibold Martin, labor 1 bo u m. Burns. labor 1 35 Jeflerson Lewls. Iftbor 5 40 Uiracn KHiii;;c', teaming 90 Gottlieb KuKarth, labor.. 1 20 Aiigu-t Armlt labor 135 David Bauniiiartner, labor 1 35 Midiólas HinderloiiK. labor 2 70 Philip Lavere, labor.. 2 7'" Jobn Zebbf, labor 6 40 George lavere, labor 6 40 James Froeman, labor l 35 Wrn Burns. labor 3 00 Jefffrson Lewis, labor 1 35 C.Diet.rle. labor 8 85 Julias Renter, labor 5 10 James Freemau. labor 1 35 8am Bmlth, labor 5 10 David Büumgartner. labor 1 35 lïeurjre Li'iivër. labor 5 40 Gottlieb Kugath, labor 06 Win BurnsTlabor - 2 70 Adplpb r'cinkbeiner, labor 8 25 Frank Hiil.Uibor 2 25 Jefferson Lowis. labor 1 33 Charles Schneider, labor i 70 JohnNowland, labor 6 00 Geor:e Harvi y, labor, 2 70 Kobert Leonard, labor ;il T4 Altxander Scblupe, labor 1 ffi Edward Bacon, labor . 1 35 .iacob Frank, labor '- 135 rttaui1 Percíval, labor 2 70 Ralph Hicks, labor. - -- 1 57 Antón Otto, labor -- 12 37 Adolph Walters, labor i 15 Uudt Schoen men, labor ól 72 Adolph Schultz, labor - 4 80 Johuathan ürake, labor - 26 32 .Jobn Mclntyre, labor.. 28 35 Charles Williams, labor 19 60 Fred Kadke. labo - 3 45 Albert Marsh, labor 6 10 Peter Hinderlong, labor 14 85 Albert Kettich, labor 4 80 August Jhar, labor 12 90 Micbael O' Mará, labor - 0 60 -ichael Walsh, labor ---- 18 90 Charles Haase. labor. 20 10 Valentine Alger, labor 19 65 Robert Stoll, labor 2 70 Alfred Cook, labor - 20 25 Augu-t Rettich, labor 14 lu Fred IJlrich, labor... 26 25 Uarney Lang-er, labor - 26 25 Miohacl Williams, labor - 1 5U David Rahr, labor i lo Fred Heimindinger, labor.. 7 35 William Kretlow, labor 27 60 Frank Camp, labor - - 1 50 Christian Roetam, labor 25 50 Ernest Gutekunst, labor 1 50 Charles Long-, labor 19 50 Charles Hintz. labor... "7 60 ugust Hoetmke, labor 27 67 Richard Zebbs, labor 26 47 Gustave Hintz, labor 157 Charles Hansen, lxbor 27 67 william Felske, labor 24 15 Gottlieb Walterj, labor 14 70 William Grenan, labor 525 Lrwis Lucas, labor - , 58 20 Patrick MeCabe, labor 81 60 John Holk, labor 25 50 Lawrence Husns, labor 30 00 Frank Uugdale, labor 5 10 Micbael McPreoskdrn. labor.. 3172 William Exiníier. labor 1 57 Gustave Walter, labor -.i 62 John McArther, labor 2130 John Krumuiii, labor 14 10 George Lavere, labor 9 45 James Freeman, labor 15 45 Sam Smith, labor 0 William tuikerman, labor 21 SO Julios Renter, labor 14 85 Michael Sehaible. labor 8 85 Daniel Tracy, labor 5 U0 Julius Nimps. labor 24 90 Theobolt Martini, labor. 75 AuKUetArdt, labor 10 i0 Charles Larhke, labor 6 01) Adolph Feinkbeiner, labor 12 15 Charles Walker, labor 25 60 Frank Hill, labor 1 ?0 William Stoli. labor 2160 Cbristian Jetter, labor 150 CharlesCox, labor -.- a u Harry O'Grady, labor 27 60 John Schneider, lbnr -.- 12 15 Frank Sutherlacd, labor 40 78 John Byrns, labor -i 26 85 Harvey Garland. labor. 28 95 Henry Baahieri, labor 29 10 Henry Oltrnaier. labor 2 70 Frank Sehultz, labor 1 36 Eedie Marsh, team 2 70 Charles Glazer, labor - 60 Kobert Looker. labor - 10 50 Martin Adamsehack, labor 1005 Robert Kanaal, labor.- - 8 70 L. H. Hosack, labor 10 ('5 Michael Schneider, labor.. 9 45 Herman Dreyer, labor 9 45 Daniel Frazier, labor i 35 Herman liuchholz, labor 12 75 Fred Haarer, labor - 8 10 Chauncey lJugdale, labor 8 10 Barnhart Mast, labor 6 75 Cbiistiao AllrnendinKer, labor ü 76 William Howard. labor 6 75 Charles Creger, labor - 4 U5 Louis Miley, labor 6 00 Nlcholas Hinderlong-, labor 5 4o Charles Colgrove, labor.. 5 40 Christian Dieterle, labor 6 75 William Miley, labor.. 5 40 William Erdinann, labor 5 40 August Malkenthin, labor 5 40 León Ühaw, labor --- 5 40 George Kingsley, labor. 4 65 Maihew Tice, labor... 120 Charles Stevens, labor 5 40 John Zebbs, labor 2 85 Julius lietke, labor 3 90 Charles Bucholz, labor - 1 . James Green, labor 2 70 George Masón, labor 2 70 Charles Schmidt, labor 1 55 John Miller, labor - 1 95 William Shall, labor 1 SS William Wioger, labor 2 70 Lawrence Stampler, labor 1 35 Fred Mever, labor 1 35 Wm. Colgrove. labor - 1 35 Christopher .Larmie, labor I 95 Charles Stevens, labor 35 20 Geo. F. Key, engineer salary 150 00 Will H . Koseneianz, asst,, engineer salary "9 "■" Neis m Sutherland. salary 66 66 Isieal Clark, team labor 2 -ó Charles E. Godfrey, team labor 49 20 Dean & Co., 3 red lanterns 2 25 George Sweet, cement, 3 00 Louis Rohde, cement 37 73 Esslinger Bros., repairs 6 00 S. wood & Co.. lumber 111 13 O. Eberbach. supplies 12 83 William G. Snow, horse hire 10 5o Sehuh&Muehlig, suoplies 8B 48 James Tolbert, lumber - 144 91 Schuil & JVluehlig, trench pump and hose 86 48 Wash'enaw Evening Times PublishingCo - 9 2 Charles Cux, labor 6 16 Rembeit Jones, labor Í1J OS Sul. W. Miilard, prinlíng 25timebooks Vi 00 Total - 83,529 82 i STREET FUND. .lames Tol bert, supplies 82 27 Jacob Moeele, labor 9 88 Alfred C'ook, labor 75 l'rauk Dugdale, labor i' 66 Willlam Kcubn. labor.. : 5 68 John Keitle. labor. - 8 10 Walter Kojrers, labor. i 05 Bennet i rencb, team labor 1; :" Peter Hinderlong, labor B 8! ÑVilHaru Burk, labor --- 7 25 Lawrence Hughs, labor 2 26 Richard Zebbs, labor...' - 78 'greal Clark, team labor 34 a5 Harry Kayuske, labor 8 7U Charles Glazer, labor 14 40 Frank Schultz, labor B 67 Fred Kadke, labor - 40 Micbael Uliams, labor - IB 12 Willis lark, labor - 21 00 N. Butberland, liorse and cavt 8 5U Chauncy Thompson, team labor 13 86 Total. $280 91 HIUDOE, Cl-I.VKHT AND CROSSWALK FOND. Esslinger Bro'B, repairs --- 80 8. ood & ,,.. uéwerplpe 86 23 Charlee Hewiït, building fotir Interseotlone 40 8 Chauncy Thompson, repalrlng orosings.'-- -- 2 í 2 I!. C. lial'lii-v. Bagging .",7 4 John MoHugh team labor 2 40 Nelsou Sutberland, horse and cart - 10 25 Jacob Moegle, labor 1155 William Keuhn, labor 12 75 ['liarles Glazer, labor 10 so Krank Seluiltz. labor ! MI l'rt-d Kadke, labor 7 85 Willis Clark,laboi' lí 87 Michael WüUams, labor 4 til Frank Dug'nvle. liibuv 7 80 Frank Sutherland, labor '■' 00 Total Ï 265 41 FIKE DEPARTMENT FDND. Fred Siplej', salary (iO 00 C. A. Edwards, salary ñ0 00 Henry Mol-aren, Balary. 50 00 Loui Hoelzle, Balary 50 "0 Max Wittllnger, salary ñu 00 Albert West, salary 45 00 Herman Kirn, salary 40 00 Eugone Williams, salary 4u 00 John Kcnny, tsalary H 00 Sam Mi'i-uien, salary 8 UU Win. Kettich 00 Edward iluelzle, salary 8 00 Mrs. B. Ueaui, washing 7 00 H. J. Brown. üiipplits 8 65 D. Hkoook 4 Son, coal 18 25 W. 1). Adams, supplies, 50 John ü'Mara. retouchtng and varnish ing hose wagon 12 00 James Donegan, horeeshoeing 6 Ot) Bat-h & Koth, aupplies 15 80 Mrs. Backhaus, eewlug 1 30 Hutzel&Co., supplies 6 96 Schairer & Milieu, supplies 64. Sid. W. Millard, supplies 1 75 S. Wood & Co , suppiies 1 B8 Ur. J. a. Dell, professional services.... 4 0" 8. M. Haupt, repairs 2 00 Goodyear & Co., supplies 4(i 95 M M. eabolt, supplies 5 15 John Moore, supplies 3 80 Total t 550 93 POLICK FITN1). James K. Murray, salary Cf 00 David Collius, salary 50 oO Noble C. Tice, salary 50 üíl Patrick McCabe, special pólice 2 00 Robert Leotiard, special pólice 2 00 Christian Brenner, special pólice 2 00 { David Bates, bui-ying dog - 50 Total 171 50 POOK FÜND. Fred Sipley, salary . 10 00 Fred Sipley, freiüht on wood 20 00 W. U. Wilson.iücordaB. wood 46 00 Edvard Duft'y, groce;ies 5 91 Doty & Feiner, shoes. 1 25 Mrs. Aun Evans, aid 5 00 Joliu Eisele, (rrocerie8 7 59 I John Goetz & Son, groeeries 4 30 ! John Goetz Jr., groceries 2 48 William F. Lodholz, groceries 15 24 William H.McIntyre, groceries S) 05 O'H ara & Boy le, groceries 7 02 L. Kohde, coal --- 6 50 Einsey & Seabolt, groceries 13 19 Caspar Rinsey, groeeries 13 12 G. Fred Stein, raeat 1 73 George Spatoelf, meat 1 15 C. W. Vogel, meat 1 55 Total $ 177 08 RECAPITÜLAT1ON. Contingent Fund t 9-Ï4 62 Sewer Fund - 5,529 82 StreotFund - 281) 91 Uridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund. 265 44 Fire Fund 556 93 Pólice Fund - 171 50 Poor Fund 177 US Total V 5126 30 Respectfully submitted. W alter L. Taylok, William He hz, F BANK WüOD, Finalice Committee. Aid. Martin moved that the report be accepted and adopted, and warrants drawn tor the amounts stated therein. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor. Prettyman, Kitson, and Pres. Watts- 11. Nays- Aid. Herz and Mauly- 2. Chairman Taylor submitted a bilí of Drs. Kapp, Smith and Iireakey, of $250.00 for attending men who were hurt July 3d, at the engine house. Aid. Taylor moved that the Wil be allowed and a warrant be ordered drawn for $250.00. Aid. Wagner moved to refer said bill back to the Finance Committee, City Attorney and Chief Sipley for a report with their recommendations.' Adopted. OKDINANCES. Third reading, by sections, of "An Ordinance llelative to Street Railways, and Autliorizing the Ann Arbor Street Railway Company to Extend its Railway Lines." First amendrnent: By Aid. Wagner: Resolved. ïbat the portion of Sec. 2 of the ordinance relative to street railways, and authorizing the Ann Arbor Street Railway Company to extend its railway liues, granting permission to construct the portion f rom the fair grounds to Packard street with ï rails, be and is hereby stricken out. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Prettyman, Kitson, President Watts- 11. Nays- Aid. Snow, Manly- 2. Secortd amendment: Aid. Wagner offered the following: Section 4. ïhis franchise is granted upon tlie express eondition that said Street Railway Company, its successors anti assigns, shall üle with the City Clerk a boud tor $500, with five sureties, each of whom shall own unencumbered real estáte to the amount of said bond, that all the tracks mentioned in this franchise shall be constructed within one year from the granting of this franchise, and that should said Street Railway Company fáil to construct all of said tracks within the timeabove mentioned, then said Street Railway shall forfeit to the city of Aun Arborthe amount of said bond. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Ilerz, Snow, Taylor- 4. Nays- Aid. Schairer, Martin, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Prettyiuan, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 9. Third anjendment: By Aid. Wagner: Resolved, That in Section 2, line 15, the words "Anti street" be stricken out, and in lieu thereof the words "Catherine street" be inserted. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Wood, Taylor- 4. Naya- Aid. Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Prettyinan, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 9. Fourth aniendraent. By Aid. Schairer: Resolved, That in Section 2, line 16, the words -'Depot street" be stricken out, and in lieu thereof the words ".Suinmit streef' be inserted. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid' Schairer, Wood, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson- 6. Nays- Aid. Wat?ner, Ilerz, Martin, Snow". O'Mara. Ferguson, Pres. Watts -7. ' Aïter which. tbe chuirhaving stated the question, "Sliall Chis ordinance pass?", tbe yeas and nays beingcalled, thé Ordinance, as amended, passed as yefls- Aid. Wagner, Herz, Martin, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Frettyman, Kitson, President Watts- 11. Nays- Aid. Snow- 1. BEPOBT OF THE FIBE COMMITTEE. To iheCoinmonCouncil: Your Committee on Fire Department and the Fire Couimissioners, to whora was referred ths petition of J. H. Nlckels, for a permit to errect a certain building wlthln the fire district, on South State street, bee leave to report that we have inspected the plans of such nroposed building, and flnd that the petltioner nroposes to construct a franie building, sheeted and roofed with irou. We also fiud that the ordinance establishiug the fire district provides and prohibits the erection of any building within the fire district except buildings constructed with stone or brlck walls. We therefore respectfully recqmmend that leave to erect such proposed building be not granted, and that the prayer of such petitioner "ah oí which is respectfully submitted, and vour joint committee ask to be discharged irom the fiu'tlier cousideratiou of the subject. J. O'Maka, A. J. Kitson, W. G. Snow, Committee. Aid. Frettyman moved that the report be laid on the table. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Snow, Wood, Taylor, Frettyman- 6. Nays - Aid. Herz, Martin, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Kitson, Fres. Watts _7. Aid. Manly moved to return to the order of business of ' reports of the ordinance committee. Adopted. First reading by title of "An Ordinance Relative to the Closing of Saloons, Bars in Restaurants and Elsewhere." REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES. To the Honorable, Common Gouncil: Your special committee to whom was referred the opening of the bids for sewer bonds would respectfully report that they have had the same under consideration and that butone bid, which is hereby annexed, was received which your committee would recominend be refused. Your committee would further recommend that the $30.000 worth of bonds be issued, dated December lst, 1893, and placed in the hands of the city treasurer to be disposed of by him at not less than par and accrued interest. All of wliich is respectfully submitted. W. W. Watts, H. G. PÉETTTMAN, W. J. MlLLEK. Committee. Aid. Manly moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Adopted. KEPORTS OF CITY OFFICEES. CITY TKEASUBER'S HEPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDINO OCT. 31, 1893. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as per last report $32,743.67 MONEY RECEIVED. Pólice Fund- J R.Murrayfees 240 D. P. Collins, iees 4.40 E. B. Pond, Justice fines 5.00 .]. W. Bennett, Justice fines. 25.00 Sevver Fund- Transfer from Bridge. Culvert and Cf osswalk Pund. 5,000.00 Total 5,036.80 $37,780.17 MONEY mSBURSKD. Contingent Fuitd S 877.39 Street Fund 249.12 Fireraen's Kund - 681.61 Pólice Fund 171.00 Poor Fuud - 379.76 Sewer Fund-- 986.75 Soldiers' Relief Fund U5.00 Bridge, Crosswalk and Culvert Fund..... 5,669.28 9,030.00 Total on hand $ 28,740 57 BALANCB ON HAND. Contingent Fund $6,598.90 Street Fund 1,697.49 Piremen'sFund 6,607.08 Pólice Fund 2.S58.18 Poor Fund 1,593.82 Water Fund 5,485,45 Cemetery Fund- 243.67 Soldiere' Relief 869.i9 University Hospital Aid Bond Fund 4,410.00 Delinquent Tax Fund 56.46 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 2.254.64 DogTaxFund 100.00 SewerFund 5,950.55 $ 38,254.93 Uncollected city tax 9,514.36 Total on hand $28 740.57 Respectf ully submitted, Geo. II. Pond, Citv Treasurer. Ann Arboh Savings Bask, ) Ann Akbor, MiCH., Nov. 4, 1893. j 2b tlie Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Deab Sirs:- This ie to Bertity tliat there i's mi tleiyjsit in Iliis Uunk to tho credit of Geo. il. PdEd, City Treaáurer, fhe sumof twentyeight tliousaud, seven hundred thirty-nine B ml -IS-10U düUurs ($28,789.48J. Respectfully, M. J. Fbttz, Asst. Casbier. The ïnonthly report of the City Clerk, City ïreasurer, City Marshal and Poor Superintendent,, were read and ordered filed. Poor Superintendent Sipley reported the following expeuditures during the inonth of October: lst ward, 13.23; 2d ward, $6.98; 3d ward, $47.84; 4th ward, $33.77; 5tn ward, $39.20; 6th ward, $1.75. Chief of Pólice Murray, reported eight arresta during the month, aa follows: Violating city ordinance, six; violating liquor law, two. MOTIONS AND RKSOLUTIONS. By Alderman Kitson: Whereas, The I$oard of Public Works having caused to be certiiied to this council a statement of the coustruction of sidewalks adjacent to private property at the expense of the Street ïund; Therefore, it is ordered that the third Monday of November next, at 7 o'clock p. m., be appointed as the time, and the council chamber as the place, where the said Council will meet to review the said certiücate. Notice of which meeting is hereby given to all persons interested in the same. It is further ordered, that the city clerk do cause the said order to be published in the next issue of the official paper (Ann Arbor Argus), and due prooi' of said publication be filed in nis office. Adopted. ByAld. Manly: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works" atteiition be called to section ' 137 of the charter of the city of Aun I Arbor, referring to ''advertising i'or I proposals for furnishing of material." I And turther resolved, ïhat the Board of Public Works be requested to direct their Chief Engineer to prepare aqteniized list of the principal articles neecled in the coustruction of the sevver, that this Council may act thereon. Adopted. By Aid. Ferguson: Eesolved, That the Board of Public Works is hereby instructed to cause a lease to be executed and exchanged with Clay Green for the city offices rooms, as soon as the same are completed according to plans apd specifications and contract heretofore executed. Adopted as follows: Yeas--Ald. Sehairer. Wagner, Ilerz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 13. Nays- None. By President Watts: That Rule 18 be arnended so as to read, "All reports of committees shall be in writing and signed by a majority oí' the comniittee, except in the case of a minority report. When speciíic action is recommended, such recotnmendations shall be adopted by the Council by the adoDtion of the report. The report of a committee shall be before the Council for adoption without inotion, after having been read." By Aid. Wagner : Whereas, It is the sense of this council that tlie reservoir of the Arm Arbor Water Company needs a thorough cleaning out, aud that no more opportune time than the present will come. Resolved, ïhat said Aun Arbor Water Company is hereby ordered to draw off all the water from said reservoir, forthwith, aud thoroughly clean the same; that said Ann Arbor Water Company is hereby ordered to keep a direct pressure on the water main sufflcent to throw six streams oue hundred aud ten feet high at the court house, as specified in their contract with this city, from the time said reservoir is emptied until sufficient water is pumped iuto it again togive the required reservoir pressure; that the chair appoint a committee of tliree members of this couucil to superlntend the work of cleaning the reservoir, aud report to this couucil at its uext regular meeting. Aid. O'Mia.ra moved tih&t the resotion be laid on the table. Adopted. By Aid. Prettyman : Resolved, That $80,000 worth of sewter bonds as described iu Au Act of the Legislatura of I 1893, house bilí No. 72 be issued, dated J)ec. 1, i 1S93, and placed in the hands of the city urer, to be disposed of by him at uot luis tlnm par, and accrued interest. Adopted as folloTvs : Y'eas- Ahïs. Scfaatrer, Waginer, Herz, Man in. Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Ta y lor, Manly, Prettyinan, Kitson, Pnee. Watts- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Ferguson : Resolved, That the chair appoinit a committee oí three ertizems as fence viewers. Adopted as follows : Y'eas- Aids. Scliairer, Wagner, O' Ma ra, Herz, Fergneon, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, lvit.son. Pres. "Watts -10. Nays- Aids. Martin, Snow, "Wood- 3. Pres. Watte a ppoimte'd the followíilí;' rUix.'ns as siu'li eoownittee : Meseew. JohnTC. tBenmildt, A. A. Meuth amd J. I). Williains. Aid. Manly jnoved that -,vhen we adiourn. wc adjourn bo 'l'iu'sda.y ovenmg, Xov. Tth, '93 at 7:30 o'elock Adopted. Aid. Manly moveil that we now take up aiad eonsider and disposé of tdie lriw-ges of ncglect oï duty preierred by tdie mayor ng-amst Jas. Il Min-ray, marshal. Adopted. Aid. Wagmer iiuoved to adjourn. Lost as.follgwa : Yeas- Aids. Soliairea', Wagmer, Tayl&r- 3. Xays - Aids. Herz, Miartin, Snow, Wood, O'Ma-ra, Fergiisoai, Maiily, Kitson, Prettynnau, Pres. Watts- 10. Aid. O"Mara moed tJiat the cta-rges, specii'icatians and answers be now read. Adopted. Tihie charges and answers were then read by tlhe clerlc. A recesa was takeai, and the mayor, city attortney and Marsllial Murray wei-e eemt for by OffioeT Colllns. At 11:20 Mayor Thompeoai, City Attorney Norrls amd Marsilnal Murray aa-riVed. Pres. Watts called t'lue council to O'rder. After Mayoir Thoanpsoa, City Attoraey Nonris and Joihin F. Lawrence, coiiinsel for Jaines R. Murray, had been hieard, the quetim being shall clbarge munher oime and the specifioaUone t'liiereiinder be sustained, the dhiargie and spwiiications were not siLStained by a yea and nay vote as foUcms : Yr. is- Aids. Wagmer, Kitson, Pret1 vni.ui' - 3. NayB- Alde. Herz, Martin, Show, O' Miara, Wood, Fea-giwom, Manly, Pree. Watte- 8. Aid. Taylor refueed to vot. The (iustion beiiiíí, shall cbaxge uuiinber Iwo aud 1.1 speciïications thcrcuinlev be sustained, tlie charge and BpeclirlcatloaB weane iiot siistained. by a. yea amd nay vote as folio ws : Yeas- Aids. "Wagmer, Wood, Taylor, PrettyniMi, Kiteon, Pres. Watts- 6. jjaye_ AM .Hierz, Mia.rtJn, Snow, O' Nfara. Fergiuson, Manly - 6. Tlie question being1 upon tJie resolution : Resolved, Tlnat this council does hereby consent to the order of removaï of James R. Mturray, marslhal aaid öhiief of pólice, miade and filed by tihe Honorable Mayor, om. the 24th d'ay oí Ootober, A. D. 1893. The resolutioii was lost by a yea and nay vote as foltows : Yeas- AldB. Wagner, Kitsen, Prettynraii - 3. Naye- Aids. Herz, Martin, O'Mara, Snow, Wood, Fergnson, Taylor, Mauly,-Pree. Watts- 9. . Aid. Ma.nly moved thiat tJie vote by w-ttitoti the mayor's appointment was reterred to pólice committee, be reconsiderad. Adopted. AM, O'Mwa iiioved that the appoiintment of David P. Collms as marshal be contirmtMl. Aid. Mairtln moved a substituto that the mayor be allowed to withdraw tlve appoiiiitiment of D. P. Col Hn os nuaicduil. Adonted. Mayor IHiompson hero submitted j tille follOWfag : I To the Honorable the Common Couucil, Gentlemen:- I have the honor to report' thul I have thig day appointed Charles ! I er. Marshal of the city of Aun Arbor, and I reqnest that said appointmeut be coufirmed by you. B. M. THOMPSON, Mayor. Ann Arbör, Nov. 6th, 1893. Aid. Klteom moved tfbat the appointment oí Charles AVheoler, as marslhial imI ohbef of pólice le confirnied. Adopted as folio ws : Yeas- Alds. Wagmer-, Martin, Tayloír, Mainly, PretfymMin, Kitson, l'rew. Watts- 8. Naya- Alds. Herz, Smow, O'Mara, F'WgTisoai - 4. Aid. Prettymiam moved to reconsidcr tlie aoiim of tílie oouncil in regiará t-o tGiO adjoairttinent to Tuesday ovining next. Adopted. On motion tibe motion to adjourn to Tu-esday evening ncxt was laid on tln; table. On motion tibe councü adjourned, at 1 o'cloeTv, a. m. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News