Michigan (Tbntrai " The Niasara Falls Route." TIME TABLE (Revised) SEPTEMBER 24, 1893 CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. in'; i!, i íi m STÏS Sg -aTs"Yi : : : : a aP33 & t as ;::: ., OOQ0rHT-(i-'O'-'i22l OO ■■ ■ ' ' O líí O--íiG'ÍTti.';Oc-iiíS-O '2 lOO ro ' r q o-rfiriooiOíc1"! ;R ccco . ■ ■ t & - ' & SS::: Ts2 a SS : : ; : : S a : : &1 3 o- : ; ; ; : " oo ■ 'cooo 'o LM5 '2 ' ' 'SS - ri5.i;co-;OTj! fcn i-o m oo s.( i ■ kou,ec %f CJCC;cr2!;! a i a : :ss & sa ; : ; a jIS1::: ! :o83 -- : í a O M ' ' W''CO 0OOOO'-'0í? á s : : : :sg &TTs s 22 : S I S S :SSíSSSgñSS C iO : j ' rH I 1CO I !t-0030XlOíOSOSOL i e rti iY 1 a a : '. : : a íh ss i ■ ;ss ;ss bs ss : ss w ecos ' ' 'osa; om j ioh f-i 'Moa S I ' ' ' " I w I i ' ' a ss:;: : s S ■ ais3:; : ' ■ E 3& : ! : o-! 3i : ; : : : - S SS ! !S i iS S I S5 i S8 j, r-i io t ; j ■ei5aD;:Ci!;;S'' ÍPs"a i ti & be : : ; : á a a ! a a ftoS ' ! ! ! q ooo ocote 5? - 'coco i 'Ci-if "Ts as Tis a a ai = ca o. Í 8SSS2Si?SS8 8JSSSBai;8S O.W. EUGGLEB, H. W HUYES, G. P. & T. Agent, Chicago. Ag't Ann A or. THE EBERBACH nRUG ANDsu CHEMICAL CO. ABE MANDFACTÜBEBS OF THE FOLLOWING ABTICLES: Glycet ine with Lavander for the hand and face, 25c per bottle. Pearl Tooth Wash, 25c per bottle. Toiletine for the Complexion, 5 and 10 c pacltages. Bloom of Roses for the Complexión 5 and 10c pacltages. Hair Restorer, Jceeps the hair f rom faUing out, 75c per bottle. Hair Dressing, 25c a bottle. Flavoring Extracte, all Jcinds of our own malie in bulk. We guarantee any of the above preparations of our make lo tive períeet siitiafaction. or money reiunded. We feel sute in making this guaran tee, as the artlclea wliere usea have glven thé best of aatlsfaotion. rn case you are in neefl of anythlug in the Dru? or Drugglsta Bundrles line. Please g'wv aa B ca 1 1 and be convinced that our prices and goods will stand eomparibon witli any in the city. DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. MARTIN & FISCHER. PUOPHIETOHS OF THK WKSTKKN BKEWEBY, ANN 1RBOB, M II 'IIBrewers of Pure Laeer Bear. UJ m CÜBEYOÜRSELFforSI Jf SIVATBLTSposiUvoly cures -y(c#_ Qunorrüva, Ulet Leucorrhea or ítV, w hites umi uil uimatural disn fÜi oha'CMOi Male or Feruale. PreJ-A XgiXVuiifo it'i'-t ;SÍvflÍ8 a pctentific fY ■W" Í i ren u-i iy iliutis QUlck, sure and I t n. s p"i niitni'iii. Guárante d in f _A_ N trom 3 ío O days. No tlosijíg - f u'llh drum. Enctnpe money jA - _jjc! - X wUiin orderthg. Bend o anip Jmm"" 'iVA A, for frkb Information. Mva T"".... l -""".Cbeniiofll Cu., Detroit, Mich.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News