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Pingree Sweeps Detroit

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Detroit, Nov. 8.- After a most exciting contest Mayor Pingree has succeeded for the third time in defeating lis opponents, and is re-elected by 5,774 plurality. The result is somewhat of a surprise even to the Republicans, as the Demócrata made a strong fight, and the elecion was believed by shrewd oliservers o be close. The entire republican city ;icket is elected by pluralities rangiug 'rom 1,00 upwards. Charles R. Forster. city clerk, received about 1.000 leus majority than ihgree. who ran considerably ahead oí' lis ticket. W. W. Chapín, candidate for re corder, is conceded elected by about ,000 votes. Frank A. Rasch is about ,300 votes ahead of his opponent. The common council will continue to be Republican with a slightly decreased majority. Tony Weiler is elected in the Ninth ward by about 200 plurality, and Alderman Deimei is returned from the Fif th ward. While the Republicans have swept the board in municipal affaira there is little doubt that James H. Stone, Republican candidate for congress to succeed the late Jndge Chipman, is (Jefeated. His opponent, Levi T. Griffin, claims the election by 1,200 majority, and his success is conceded by the Republicans. Senator Weiss, who had charge of Btone's campaign, gave up the fight ehortly after the returns began to come in showing the Republican candidate was running behind the ticket.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News