Recovered The Bay State
Boston, Nov. 8.- The resnlt of the election in Massachusetts can only be described as a huge political landslide. For the first time in three years the stnte will havo a Republican governor and his plurality is 30,000 at the ieast. The whole ticket ia elected with mm nd the legislature is solidly Repnblican in both branches. The result is attributed by those Demócrata who vnïl talk about it to :he present industrial depression, aided ay the fact that Massachusetta is nomnally a Repnblican state, as is always proren by her vote on presidential canlidates, A very significant report was that from Greenfield. the birthplace of Hon. John F. Rnseell, the Democratie candidato, where from a Democratie plurality of 12 last year, Greenhalge ?ot a plnrality of 123. Returns from the entire city of Boston, except one preeinct. give Greenhalge, 29,005; Russell, 38,752: Republican net gain 3,811.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News