Women's Clubs
It is a very simple matter to start a foman's club. In your small community even one could flourish. Talk to two ir three of your friends about it; then appoint a meeting on some afternoon in your parlor to discuss the matter more fully. Let your friends bring their friends, and have somebody the spokesman to describe the object of the meeting. Decide whether your club shall be for study or to take up eome work in the community or elsewhere that attracts the members. Somebody will surely be conversant with some woman's club, to some member of which an application may be made for rules for membership and schedule of work. These can be used merely as models to work away from, according to the needs and wishes of the company which will make up the new club. As to its name, if it is the initial woman's club of the village, and it presumably is, let it take the name of the place for its title, as the Blankville Woman's club. Mrs. C. E. Brown, West Orange, N. J., the president of the Federation of Women's Clubs, would be pleased undoubtedly to give further hints and suggestions in the matter.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News