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tA woman who can see. She's the woman who gets welL It's the woman who won' see and won't believe who has to suffer. And it's need N less.. . There's a medicine- a legrt"vr iruato medicine - that's made to stop woman's sufïering and cure woman' ailments. It's Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription. It's purely vegetable and perfectly hariniess - a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, imparting vigor anc sti'ength to tho whole system. For periódica pains, weak back, bearing-down sensations, nervous prostration, and all "female complainte," it's a positivo remedy. It improves digestign, em-iches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. No other medicine for women is gv.ara.nteed, as this is. If it fails to give satisfaction, in any case, the money paid for it is refunded. You pay only for the good-you get. On these tenns it's the cheapest. lhdignant Manager - See liere, Spriggs, you have got to get some new gags. The audience will never stand them moxildy chestnuts you are giving 'em. You might as well understand right now that you ain't neither a se"natfirnor a bishop. See? Is Your Tongui Coated, your throat dry, yonr eyes dull and inflamed and do yqu teel mean generally wlien yon get up in the niorning. Your liver and kidneys are not doïng tlieir duty. Why don't you take l'arks' Sure Cure. It it does not make you feel better it costs you nothing. It cures Bright's Disease Diabetís, and all Kidney complaints. Only guaranteed cure. Sold by Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co.


Ann Arbor Argus
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