Clay Greene leaves for New York today. Miss Leiter is visiting friends in Detroit. Mrs. H. Gaige is visiting friends in Detroit. Ottmar Eberbach was in Albion Wednesday. Miss Emma Bower has gone to Port Huron. Miss Elizabeth Dean has been visiting in Detroit. Mrs. Moloney, of Detroit, was in the city, Tuesday. Rev. W. O. Waters, of Detroit, was in the city Tuesday. Evart H. Scott was at Cavanaugh lake the last of last week. Ernest Hass, of Dayton, Ohio, is visiting friends in this city. F. Leffler, of Freedom, was an Ann Arbor visitor Tuesday. D. D. Travis, of Cooper, is visiting his son, John E. Travis. Mrs. Jerome Minnis, of Detroit, has been visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Field, of Alpena, are visiting J. E. Beal. W. E. Holt, of the Bellevue Gazette, was in the city last week. A. T. Bougel returned Wednesday evening f rom a business trip. Fred Richmond, of Chicago, visited his mother here over Sunday. Mrs. James B. Angelí returned Saturday from six weeks in Chicago. John Seyler and Miss Bena Seyler left this week for a visit in Florida. Miss Amelia Klingier, of Chelsea, is visiting her brother Fred, in this city. Mrs. Lois Minnis, of Detroit, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Tracy Root. David Allaby, of Chicago, has been visiting his brother, William Allaby. Perry F. Powers, of the Cadillac News and Express, was in the city Friday. Mrs. Elizabeth Wanty, of Muskegon, is visiting her brother, Steele Proctor. Mrs. H. Morris, of Vancover Island, is visiting her sister Mrs. H. N. Chute. Emerson Prettyman, of Chicago, has been visiting his brother, Atd. Prettyman. Miss L. A. Bigelow, of Séneca Castle, N. Y. , has been visiting Mrs. J. D. Boylan. Mrs. John Burg gave a five o'clock tea Friday evening in honor of Mrs. James L. Babcock. James A. Bayard, son of Hor. Thomas F. Bayard, of Delaware, visited T. E. Beal last week. Mrs. Charles Webb, of Williamston, Ingham Co., is visiting friends in Ann Arbor and Pittsfield. Drs. Vaughn, Freer and Prescott attended the dedication of the McMillen laboratory of Albion college Wednesday. Mrs. Harriet Wait and son, Erskine L. Wait, who have been visiting Mrs. S. W. Beakes, returned to Rahway, N. J., Monday. Walter A. Dancer, Eugene Freer and wife, and several other Lima folks came to the city last Saturday evening to hear Jerry Simpson.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Steele Proctor
John E. Travis
Evart H. Scott
Daniel D. Travis