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WiÜ Hough spent a few days visiting his pareuts. The old and Uie young ;ire suffering with severe colds N. Schroid bought the old Methodist churcli and lot last weck. ' N. Sclimid and VV. Kimble went to Detroit Monday on business. H. Kingsley is having his house improved by the addition of a porch. The school is preparing to give an exhibition at tha clos of thisterm. Winifred Cash, of Brooklyn, visited ber grandparenis,Mr.iiiid Mrs. J. Kelly, over Sunday. The A. O. U. W. talk of having an entertainment and buper Thanksgiving evening. Mrs. N. Schmid and daughter Marie wentr.o Toledo a few days ago to visit her sister. Mrs. C. Vogei. Mrs. Fred Schaible, of East Mancluster, who burned her hands so seveiely, is getting alongnicely. Ira Glover and faniily. of Sylvan, have moved in the house helonging to A. F. Freeman on Ano Arbor street. The concert given by the Jackson Concert couipany at Arbeiter hall last Wödnésday evening, was pleasing to all. Tlie ladies of the M. E. church gave a chicken pie social at the church parlors Weduesday afternoon and evening, H Kirchofer and daughters. Marie and Julia, dfove to Ann Arbor last Saturday to attend tlie Teacher's association Mrs. Emma Dean and little granddaughter, who have been visiting relatives and friends in town the past four weeks, returned to Detroit. The nnion temperance meeting under the auspices of the VV. C. T. U., held at the Baptist church last Sunduy evening, was largely attended.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News